Golden State Discus

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Thread: Getting them to spawn

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default Getting them to spawn

    Hi everybody,
    This is my first post here but I have been keeping Discus for nearly 1 year now. Since then I have 2 juveniles. One is a brown with red blushes on eah side. The second is a very colourful royal blue discus. Then I have my breeding pair of what was sold to as Blue discus. They are a reachy colour n the body with blue and red fins with bits of blue running into the body.

    The shop were I got them from (which is where I work) they laid2 times but each time ate them, probably from all the noise.

    Since then over a period of 2 months the were sold to a couple and brought back and ended up with me.

    They have settled down really well in theere 40" x 12" x 18" tank. 2 questions

    1. How long is it likely till they spawn again.

    2. How long should there light be on for.

    Thanks. Sorry for the long thread.


    P.s They are eating bloodworm, frozen dicus food, brineshrimp and daphnia

  2. #2
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Canyonville, Oregon

    Default Re:Getting them to spawn

    If they are healty and in breeding condition in could be as little as a week or two. It wounds like they've been bounced around a bit, so it may take a month or longer for you to get them back in condition and settled in. Continue with lots of clean water every day and california black worms from the link above.

    I keep my lights on about 12 - 14 hours a day. Lights off after spawning may keep them from eating eggs.

  3. #3
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Default Re:Getting them to spawn

    I agree with carol about the water being clean and feeding well .
    I beg to differ (Politely ;D) the day lenght seems to bear correlation with the discuses hormonal circadian.
    in english- they spawn in the fall or winter when the days are getting shorter.
    hard to spawn pairs i get to spawn (Trade secret 8)) by putting them on a timer and shortenning daylength over a month till they are at 8 hrs light and then i drop temp to 26 for a week or so and then i start going up to 28C and 10 hrs a day and so on.
    this is an extreme trick i also use carols method with normal fish.

    Good luck and welcome 2 the board

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