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Thread: rams....sociable??

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default rams....sociable??

    Due to the placement of my tank I'm having a little problem with the discus darting into the corner when traffic is nearby. I am wondering if I put some rams in the tank will they help calm down the discus or will they also head for cover. The tank is a 120, they were in a 55, and they've been in it for a month. It's in a new location, but I would think that a month should be sufficient time for them to adapt.

  2. #2
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    Default Re:rams....sociable??

    My rams behave like there's no discus in the tank, and vice versa.


  3. #3
    Registered Member slicksta's Avatar
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    Default Re:rams....sociable??

    I think it has to do more with being use to the traffic than the other fish in the tank. I have tried to spend some time by the tank and when I feed especially. Now my fish are comfortable with me, but when I have company they still hang at the back of the tank. It seems the more people over, the longer it takes for them to come out.
    I have rummies, cards and corys in the tank as well......

  4. #4
    Registered Member korbi_doc's Avatar
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    Default Re:rams....sociable??

    Have a 125g, had JWs .Red pandas & BDs, & I was somewhat disappointed that they too ran & hid whenever the tank was approached. My new batch from Cary sat in the 37gQT for 6+wks & then finally were ready to add to the previous 6. WOW, what a difference a day makes!! No more hiding, they all hang out either together or dispersed 'bout the tank which really looks great! When approached, they come up to see you, even when it's someone they don't know. Obviously if they don't know you, they're a little more cautious for a minute. Finally have it looking right, now have to add the corys who are still QT, & my pc 37g has 20 Bolivian Rams growing up to accompany the group, & I would think they would also help to tame the discus. lol, Dottie ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D OH,OH! now I'm going to have 2 empty 20g tanks!!

  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:rams....sociable??

    I went through something similar. I bought twelve discus and they were completely calm from the first day. Over a month later, I took four out and now the remaining eight are a little skittish at feeding time. They aren't hiding but there definately is a change. And they have tank mates, but it seems to be the number of other discus that provides a comfort level for them. It's that schooling mentality I guess.

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