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Thread: Food Recipes...

  1. #1
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Food Recipes...

    Hi all,
    I'm going to be putting together an article on food recipes. I'd be interested in adding your special beefheart, gel food, or whatever? recipe to the list if you could post it here. Please write in your submission that you authorize Simply Discus and its owners to copy, edit, and publish your recipes. Include any information about yourself that you want included with the recipe.

    This article will be housed in our Library as a reference for our members.


  2. #2
    Registered Member jim_shedden's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    great idea. I keep forgetting the beefheart recipie.


  3. #3
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    I tend to go alittle crazy with my beefheart mixes. I can honestly say I have never made it the same way 2x but heres a basic...

    3 cups ground beef heart/veal heart
    1 cup ground raw shrimpw/ shell
    2 cups HBH meat lovers flakes
    1 cup HBH Discus and Angel flake
    2 oz formula one marine
    4 crushed womens one a day vitamens
    6 calcium citrate +Vit D suppliments . crushed
    4 tablespoons yellow cornmeal
    3 egg yolk
    2 tablespoons paprika
    3 tablespoons ground garlic powder
    1 /2 cup cooked spinach pureed

    mix and heat til hot, not boiling and stir in 6-8 packets of Knox gelatin, pour and let cool. Cut it up and freeze.

    Additional items I may add or substitute...
    CooKed wheat germ for the cornmeal.
    Baby food (hey I have one).... the pureed spinach, carrot,bananna, are all great additives.
    Babay formula 2-3 tablespoons...laugh but check out the nutritional info in it
    Brewer Yeast-1 tablespoon....of course I have a lot of this.
    2-3 tablespoons spirulina powder or 1 /2 cup flakes
    3 tablespoons plankton , or Krill fines (
    1/2 cup tetra color bits, or nutrafin max , complete marine morsels
    Cod fish filet1/2 pound per pound beef
    fish oil 1/2 tspoon
    decapsulated Brine shrimp (brine shrimp direct)

    oh yeah, I also throw in the kitchen sink to really balence things out...


    PS... I, Al Sabetta authorize Simply Discus and its owners to copy, edit, and publish my recipes ;D

  4. #4
    Registered Member jim_shedden's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Al : Your PS was very tacky.................I like it.......... ;D


  5. #5
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    My beefheart recipe? Hmmmm!
    -First beefheart
    -second what else I can find the in fridge, on shelves, in corners, behind dresser, under carpet, etc (you'd be surpised how much fish stuff I have ;D)

    Throw all in blender, wait until it looks good to drink, pour in plastic bags and freeze!

    If you really want a creative recipe, see above (Al's post)! I never use the same stuff when making beefheart so I guess I do not have much of a recipe. I usually 'steal' other people's ideas and add to (and my wife says I never cook! Hphmm! > )!

    O, yea! Another item I always add is garlic and wheatgerm!

    PS-This ones copyrighted Al! Please forward royalities! ;D

    Vitamins Al! Thats a good one! I'll have to remember that one next time! Thanks!

  6. #6
    Registered Member jim_shedden's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Al : I am in the kitchen as we speak making your recipe. The question I have is about the cooking. to add the gelitain you have to cook the beefheart. Obviously, if you are doing it it works but I am curious if the beefheart loses anything in the process?


  7. #7
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Hi Jim,
    actually cooking is not necessary, you just need to heat the food, so the gelatin will work. For example I make a lot of smaller batches now, and here I just nuke a cup of water til it boils, stir into into the mix and add the gelatin , mix well and in a Zip lock bag to the freezer.


  8. #8
    Registered Member jim_shedden's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Al : I made up your recipe and put it on the stove. I heated it up and then put in 4 packets of gelitin. Mixed it real well and then put it on foil and then into the fridge. Sound alright?


  9. #9
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    If it gels ...Yes

    If it doesn'! ;D

    seriously it should work fine.
    if not just add more gelatin and add some boiling hot water.
    and cool in the fridge.

    good luck,

  10. #10
    Registered Member jim_shedden's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    It turned out great. Kathy came in and ate some before I could pack it away........... ;D


  11. #11
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    I also make my own beefheart, slight variations from some of the recipes above. I find that raw shrimp helps well as a binder of everything else.

    There are two things I am doing now that I consider vast improvements over my own previous recipe:

    1) I now use whole silversides (small salt-water fish) as an ingredient. These are 1.5-2 inches long, and they go whole in the grinder (heads, tails, bones, all). They are soft so no problems. Great for calcium, phosphorus, omega-3 fatty acids.
    2) I have improved substantially my last two batches by creating a beefheart paste that is more stable in the water (i.e, does not fly into tiny little pieces that mess up the tank). I know that people use unflavored gelatin as binder, and so did I. However --------->>>>

    I found a product that is far superior: It is sold by Aquarium ecosystems ( and it is called something like gel-food. It is a coarse powder like gelatin that acts as binder but produces a better paste. It is very rich in protein, and in other goodies (minerals in particular). If anybody is interested, I have the breakdown of its composition, just not with me right now. It holds powders (such as vitamins or spirulina) very well. It seems to have good flavor, because the fish go for it very well. It is not expensive. Finally, gelatin "melts" very quickly on contact with the tank's temperature, whereas this gel is more stable. All in all, I like a lot better than gelatin, which is of course almost completely devoid of nutritional value.

    You may want to give it a try. I like it. Should anybody be interested in further info, (product number, catalog description, etc.), look in the online catalog, or ask me.
    HTH. Cheers, Francisco.

  12. #12

    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Here are my recipes that I use:

    First batch:

    3 fresh eggs
    5 oz frozen green peas
    1 lb frozen shrimp
    1 lb fish fillets (skinless, boneless - avoid fatty fish meat)
    5 oz frozen carrots
    1 fresh banana
    5 oz frozen chopped spinach
    1/2 lb frozen crab meat
    10 vitamins (Kent Zoe Freshwater Vitamins)
    10 oz earthworm flake food

    Mix eggs, carrots, spinach, peas in a bowl and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Finely chop shrimp, crabmeat and fish fillets in a pot of boiling water and cook for 2 minutes. PLace all in a blender and add vitamin tablets, flake food and peeled banana. (If contents become too pasty, add a small amount of water. If too watery, add more flakes.) Press into zipper bags and flatten to 1/4th thickness. Place in freezer.

    2nd batch:

    2 lb beef heart (remove fat/gristle)
    3/4 shrimp (remove tail and shell)
    3 tbl freeze dried krill
    1 raw egg yolk
    1 small Gerbie baby veggies
    1/2 cup spirulina flake
    1/4 cup wheat germ
    1 tbl garlic powder
    1 1/4 oz Knox gelatin
    10 vitamins (Kent Zoe Freshwater Vitamins)

    Double grind beef heart. Add and grind shrimp. Grind krill to powder in another bowl. Mix the knox gelatin in another bowl and follow directions on box. Now mix everything together. Press into zipper bags and flatten to 1/4th thickness. Place in freezer.

  13. #13

    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    I am rolling ronrca.

    Behind the dresser? The only thing behind my dresser is dust bunnies, and behind his is stinky socks that missed the laundry basket. Do you think they would be of any nutritional value? hmmmmmm ammonia? fishless cycle?

    anyway you are a riot..

  14. #14
    Registered Member Lynn's Avatar
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    My basic recipe:

    1 beef heart, well trimmed, cut into cubes
    2-3 frozen whiting filets, skin removed, cut into cubes
    4 cloves of fresh garlic, finely minced
    1 jar baby food banana
    1 spirulina capsule, sprinkled over mixture
    1 B-complex vitamin crushed and sprinkled over mixture
    1 packet of Knox gelatin

    I use a hand-grinder and grind the heart twice.
    Next grind the whiting and mix in with heart.
    Mix in garlic and run through grinder again.
    Add banana, spirulina,and vitamin and mix very well.
    Make up Knox with hot water according to package directions. Let cool. Add just enough Knox to have a smooth mixture, not soupy! Spread out between wax paper to desired thickness and freeze.
    Break apart and keep in zipper freezer bags.

    This is what I always use. I do add other things like dried krill, and shrimp when I have them.

    HTH ;D

  15. #15
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Food Recipes...

    Hi Lynn,
    My mini food processer after making three times beef heart. It can not chop the meat very well. So right now I'm thinking to buy a hand grinder. There is a brand called universal. It has three hole sizes (3/16,1/8,5/16). Which size you are useing?

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