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Thread: This is such a great site....but how does it exactly work?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Default This is such a great site....but how does it exactly work?

    I would like to tell everyone how much I enjoy this site and have learned from it. The different topics, questions and anwsers is a wealth of information that is constantly right at your fingertips. It is so helpful to get information and answers about subjects from other interested hobbyists who have no agenda beside merely trying to help and educate others many times through there own trial and error.
    Now.......if someone could help me understand exactly how this site operates I would me most appreciative.
    How do one cancel a positing that he has made that is not generating any more activity?
    How do some posts that were made in i.e. Sept. or Oct. remain at the top of the catagory page?
    What do the YABBC tags mean and how do you use them?
    Is there an area on this site that explains all of this and other ins and outs of this forum? If so please let me know.
    Again to everyone out there....this is a great site with a tremendous amount of interesting information. Everyone please keep up the good work.


  2. #2
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default Re:This is such a great site....but how does it exactly work?

    I'm not the expert at all, but heres a couple tips. The stuff at the very top of each board are frequently forced to stay at the top by the Mods. Things like FAQs or whatever that everyone should see.

    If you post something you can always edit it but I don't think you can delete a post if a reply has been posted to it. Not sure exactly but I'm assuming everything is stored as a database and so deleting the top post might leave unwanted children.

    If there is an old post from September or July and someone posts a reply to it today that old post will jump from page 20something or whatever to page 1 because there was a reply. It will then age again normally from that point on.

    I think that's how some of this works. It is a great site though, isn't it?


  3. #3
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Default Re:This is such a great site....but how does it exactly work?

    Hi Samcatj! Welcome to our board! Glad you like it!

    Hmmm , how does this site work? some times I wish I knew!

    Seriously though...
    As Dan said... administrators can make a post stay on top if we need to, otherwise the cycle down the page replaced by more current one. Post can also be locked , editted, deleted and moved my admin.

    The tags are kind of like shortcuts... for example , hit the letter B and you will get two bracketed letter B . Place any text inbetween and it will be bold. If you place your curser over the tags and look at the bar on the bottom of the page it will tell you what the tag does ...example ..javascript:bold. Try it and then hit preview to see what each does.
    Same goes for the smiley faces...called emoticons.

    Anytime you want to delete or edit a post you made , you can do so unless the post has been locked by admin.


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