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Thread: Some pictures of my tanks..

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Nov 2002

    Default Some pictures of my tanks..

    1. 20 gallon (high) Sri Lanka Highland biotope.

    Lighting: 36w PC Fluorescent lighting, 1.8 w/g
    Flourite substrate
    pH 6.3
    KH: 1
    CO2: Pressurized Canister
    Filtration: RUGF with sponge pre-filter
    Fertilizer: .5mL KNO3 solution and .25mL Potassium + Trace solution 1x/day

    Cryptocoryne walkeri (large)
    Cryptocoryne parva (small)
    Cladophora algae on wood, cork, and some gravel

    Cherry Barbs
    Banded Mountain Loaches
    Ottocinclus affinis (the only small algae eater I could get)
    Amano Shrimp

  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Some pictures of my tanks..

    90g Planted Display Tank: My "Impressionist" work.

    It's currently fighting a war against Green Water algae due to high ambient light in my small apartment. The only place it could go was near the balcony door... Learn from my experience...always put a planted tank where you can control the lighting as absolutely as possible.

    Lighting: 2x 96watt and 2x 55watt PC Fluorescent lighting, 3.4w/g
    *I've recently reduced this to 206w, 2.29 w/g to see if I can stimulate better vertical growth in the stem plants.
    Substrate: Sand/Laterite base under Shultz Aquatic Plant Soil
    pH: 6.2-6.4
    kH: 2
    CO2: Pressurized Canister
    Filtration: DIY Wet/Dry
    Fertilizer: 3/4tsp KNO3 3x/week, 1 tsp K2SO4 2x/week, 10 mL PO4 solution 1-2x/week, 1-3 mL trace solution 1-2x/week. Liquid doses vary on the condition of the plants at the time.

    Anubias nana
    Anubias coffeefolia
    Eustralis stellata
    Mayaca fluviatalis
    Bacopa caroliniana
    Echinodorus tenellus
    Echinodorus parviflorus v. tropica
    Ludwigia repens
    Ludwigia brevis
    Ludwigia arculata
    Ludwigia glandulosa
    Rotala rotundifolia (indica)
    Cryptocoryne walkeri
    Cryptocoryne spiralis
    Hygrophila difformis
    Hygrophila stricta
    Hygrophila polysperma
    Alternathera reineckii "roseafolia"

    Siamese Algae Eaters
    Ottocinclus affinis
    Rasbora heteromorpha
    Pseudosphromenus dayii

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Some pictures of my tanks..

    5.5g Anubias Tank

    Lighting: 14w Normal Output Fluorescent, 2.54 w/g
    Substrate: Laterite, Flourite, Gravel mix
    pH: 6.8
    KH: 2
    CO2: Flourish Excel
    Filtration: Whisper Jr. set on low
    Fertilizer: Mix of Flourish Excel, Traces, KNO3, and K2SO4 as needed.

    Anubias barteri v. nana

    None yet. It will house a single Spike Tailed Paradise fish and probably a group of Khuli loahes or Pygmy Cories.

  4. #4
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    Default Re:Some pictures of my tanks..

    5.5 Cherry Barb Breeding Tank:

    Lighting: 13w PC Fluorescent lighting, 2.36 w/g
    Substrate: Laterite/Flourite mix under silica sand
    pH: 6.8
    KH: 2
    CO2: None
    Filtration: AquaClear Mini
    Fertilizer: None other than what the fish provide.

    Notes: This tank is also my only tank to not receive Carbon supplimentation, either through liquid or compressed gas. I haven't changed the filter in months and don't change the water unless I want to induce spawning and then it's usually just topping off evaporated water with some cooler stuff straight from the tap. Algae is limited to brown diatoms on the glass which hasn't grown back from the last time I scraped it.

    Cryptocoryne parva
    Lillaeposis brasiliensis
    Myriophillum spp.

    Cherry Barbs
    1 lonely danio fry which showed up one day in a cutting bucket. I have no idea where it came from as I haven't had danios in years.

  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Some pictures of my tanks..

    It's a natural inclination to want to pick a favorite, but I can't.
    I have an affinity to biotopes so I really like the Sri Lankan Tank. But I also like simple things like the Anubias Tank, it has a zen look to it. I'm a big fan of driftwood too so I'd be proud to own a tank like the Barb breeder. And the 90 gal reminds me of the dutch style tank, I even like the algae, that's what water actually looks like in the "wild." My guess is that the fish like it too.
    I'm glad that you post here. I have a lot of respect for your strong scientific approach to fish keeping, or should I say, plant keeping. And anybody that can get Lilaeopsis to grow has my respect.
    Great job.
    Where do you buy your plants?

  6. #6
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    Default Re:Some pictures of my tanks..

    I get most of my plants from friends or at an LFS where I'm a regular. If I'm out on a trip I usually try to check out a store and see if they have good plants, and if so, I'll get one or two. If you're close to the West Coast Robert at has some really good stuff. Unfortunately it hasn't shipped well out to Charlotte unless it's a hardy plant to begin with.

    Funny thing Ralph, the 90 has been cloudy for so long that for the time after I redid it and it was clear I didn't recognize it! The cloud also helps to obscure small defects in the aquascape design so it looks better than it really is. I've recently done a complete overhaul of the design, keeping only the Eusteralis in the same place as it makes a very good focal point.

  7. #7
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Some pictures of my tanks..

    Nice tanks Bio, very impressive. Do you have any Discus?

  8. #8
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Some pictures of my tanks..

    Not yet...that's why I'm here. I want to make sure everything I learned all those years ago about discus still applies. I should be getting a pair soon. Once they're rehabilitated and have grown out they're going in the Impressionist tank.

  9. #9
    Registered Member
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    Apr 2002

    Default Re:Some pictures of my tanks..

    lovely planted tank you got there.

    i really like them.


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