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Thread: all you need to know

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Default all you need to know

    Thought i might add a few facts here for the newbie......

    Discus live in soft slightly acidic waters in the amazon basins.
    In our tanks we try to replicate this by keeping our fish in water that has a Ph of 6.5 - 7.5 lower for breeding around 6.
    the hardness is around 4 - 10 GH (genral hardness) and 1 3 Kh (carbonate hardness) again for breeding the lower end of these figures is best and for growing fry the higher end.
    There are many various oppinions on water parameters but the one thing that is most agreed is discus will thrive in many variations of water as long as they are CONSTANT and fresh with most opting for daily water changes.
    they are from warm climates and like temps ranging from 82 - 88 degrees. they need a varied diet, most feed a combination of difrent foods 2 - 3 times a day.
    Things likefresh or frozen Bloodworm, blackworm, red or black mosquito larve, daphnia, beef heart, diskusin, shrimp brine, myissi shrimp, baby shrimp, and a whole host of dryed foods. Diskus also like vegtables as well as meat and fish. Cucumber, spinach, carrot and more will ensure your fish are healthy and happy.
    the biggest tank you can afford and run is best as they are best kept in groups no less than 6 juveniles but again the more the merrier. A genral rule of thumb is one adult diskus per 10 gallons of water.
    for young fish create the odd calm sppot in the tank that a fish can get away and hide for a while if they are under too much stress, however by nature diskus are active, inquisitive fish that seldom hide, they approach the front of the tank begging for food.
    Filtration is also important and needs to be adiquate for the amount of water and fish in the tank, i'll leave that for another to go more in depth.

    I know there is alot more and i invite other member to add hints and tips here to get this thread right for the begginer.

    On a closing note, any new diskus enthusiast that has found this site has infact stumbled on the cream of forums for help advice and genral friendliness, feel free to ask and recieve help from the best here at simply.

    Good luck and happy fish keeping.


  2. #2

    Default Re:all you need to know

    Larry gives the best range of parameters for the both samll and adult discus. You can't go wrong with his advice. As a beginner to start off discus. Ideal situations sometimes can't be reached. (I'm a Rule breaker) If you start off with a small discus. The size of tank and the parametes can be compromised. You can train them to your local tap water if the parameters are acceptable the key word as Larry memtioned is CONSTANT parameters. I fully understand the beginners want every strain available in their small tanks.(me too) You can squeeze them in a little bit as long as the water remain clean by frequent water change. My rule of raising fry is small fish for small tanks and big fish for big tanks. Don't put 6 1.5" fish in a 150 gal. You won't be able to find them.

  3. #3

    Default Re:all you need to know

    Larry, why the harder water for growout?

  4. #4
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Canyonville, Oregon

    Default Re:all you need to know

    Discus eggs need softer water for fertilization. Juvenile discus need some minerals for proper growth.

    Many people have water that is both soft enough for the eggs to hatch and hard enough for the fry to grow. Those people don't have to adjust their water at all - even if the pH is high.

    Many people with wells have hard or moderately hard water. This water is usually just fine for juvenile and adult discus, but the discus eggs won't hatch. These people soften their water by mixing mineral free Reverse Osmossis water with their tap water and use it just for the breeders.

    Some people have very soft water that lacks minerals such as calcium and magnesium. The normal nitrification process in a tank will use up these minerals and the pH will drop rapidly making the tank too acid for discus. Like all babies, discus need minerals to build bone. These people add minerals to their tank or even a nylon filled with crushed coral.


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