Golden State Discus

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Thread: Burn Out

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Default Burn Out

    Well I wonder if this is common. I have been keeping Discus for about five years. Have twenty eight pairs, thirty plus prospects, several hundred small growing up to sell size, eggs almost daily, fiftysix 25 gallon, 24 fifteens, 5 fiftys, 1 onefifty, some tens, a job, other intrests(I build old cars back to like new and keep them) . Lately I have been thinking of just getting a couple of more large tanks, putting everybody into them, selling off some of the other tanks and stuff, and just enjoying what I have. Seems like the addiction thing tends to build up to a point then bam... what else is there? My wife is neutral on this as it is my thing, she has her hobbies, cross stich ,quilting and such. It just seems raising the fish is a time thing that has been growing. Do I need every type Discus I fancy? I dont know. I can remember when we were into birds. Thirty caniries. cockotoos, rainbow lories, cockateals, parakeets, finches, etc. None of the common stuff no profit in that you know. How bad do I have it? Is going smaller for enjoyment better? I was even following the thread on the kiddie pools, and thinking of building ponds lined with epoxy and greenhouses to keep them warm here in Co. Now this bail out mode. I dont like the word downsizing. However perhaps it is the answer. In short HELP. R. S. K.

  2. #2
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    Default Re: Burn Out

    Wow...that's a lot of fish. Seems like when you get into a hobby, you really go after it (fish, birds, etc.). Burn-outs are sure to arise when/if there's not a reward (financial or otherwise). Where are you at? Check into a local fish/discus club.

    Camraderie and discussion always seem to help in times like these. Sometimes, it takes seeing or talking w/someone w/lots of passion to re-energize your batteries...good luck.

  3. #3
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2002

    Default Re: Burn Out

    Hi Kevin,
    I Hear YOU@!!!!! I'm about as Knee deep in fish and Discus related stuff as they go! I often wonder if I am burning out. I miss my other hobbies. Wildlife photography has really been shelved, and theres not much time for anything else.

    How do I get that passion back... I focus on my favorite fish... , look back on the past and what I accomplish, and make a clear plan for the future. And I get more involved. For me ...Its not enough to just raise the fish, I have to get involved in the hobby, with the people, help with the probelms, share what I have learned, and learn more. If you are doing these things can never really get burned out....

    And from time to time.. I step back and pick up an old hobby ( today I spent the day taking pics at an enclosed Bufferfly farm)

    And if things get real bad and I'm feeling like throwing in the towel. I think of the Discus people that I know That have been doing this a long time , and give them a call for the hell of it..Just talking about the fish usually does the trick.... Sounds like you need to give an old friend a call. SAy HI to Al Johnson for me when you do!

    Take care,

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