Golden State Discus

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Thread: Okay....Now What?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Okay....Now What?

    "I cannot believe what I'm looking at---truly amazing," I thought to myself.

    For the last three weeks, I have watched-- in "Awe"--my two breeding discus raise their babies. This is our first successful, all-surviving group of fry for both the fish and I.

    After two months of watching them almost get it right, after two months of watching me almost get it right, we finally got it right.

    Last night while watching the cute, little critters seemingly double in size instantly, I realized that I have a problem: Now what?

    At this point, I think the onus falls on me, in other words I need some advise on what to do next, so I can insure the healthy development of the baby discus.

    There are between 70 and 85 growing toddlers in a 30-gallon hexagonal (tall and impractical, except that it fits nicely into the corner) glass aquarium. The parents are also in there, having almost completely weened the kids off them.

    Yes, I do want to raise the babies myself. What size tank is sutible for now? How about in two months? What is practical and necessary for this?

    I'm open to any hints, including advise about keeping or separating the parents from the babies or from each other. Will the parents breed again, even in the same tank of their immediate offspring?

    Obviously, I need some suggestions on how to manage my present situation and also on how to avoid potentially dangerous future problems including overpopulation of my tanks.

    What will I do with 70 discus? When shall I do something with 70 discus?

    Also, keep in mind, I have a 50-gallon show tank with other young adult discus, and I have a 60-gallon community with breeding kribs that dominate the rams and congo tetras.

    I'm not trying to become a fish breeding distributor but it seems to be happening on it's own. Anyway, the point of my mentioning the other two tanks is I am willing to improvise. That includes putting the kribs and rams up for adoption, if it's in the best interest of the discus.

    Thank you in advance. I was starting to feel like a scientist but now it's back to school. Thank you for any help you can lend. This has been the climax of all my discus breeding dreams. They are amazing fish.

    Thanks again,

  2. #2
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Canyonville, Oregon

    Default Re:Okay....Now What?

    Your babies will need to be moved soon. I'd go for the 60 gallon.

    I know its hard, but you will need to cull or sell some from time to time because they grow fast. In no time at all you will be having to do twice daily water changes on the 60 gallon.

    It takes me about 4 months to get them big and colorful enough to sell. It depends on your location and contacts as to whether you can sell them or not.

    The parents may well breed again and again, but you can always pull the eggs until you are ready for another spawn. Planned parenthood ;D

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Feb 2003

    Default Re:Okay....Now What?

    Dear Carol,

    Thank you very much for your comments. I will make the necessary arrangements.

    When you say "twice daily water changes" for the 60-gallon, how much do you change?

    I live in Los Angeles, the water is 7.6 and rank, full of lethal chems. I have an RO home system. I get a pretty consistent 6.5 ph. and adjust the hardness with "RO Right" accordingly.

    They're worth the trouble, and I get to pretend I'm some kind of a mad, genetic scientist.

    How long have you been breeding discus?

    Do you keep the best formed babies and later breed them for genetically selected purposes?

    In other words... Is discus breeding an ongoing effert?

    Who do you sell your discus to? Local fish stores or to breeders? What king of deal for young discus can someone expect to make?

    Thanks once more for taking the time to answer my post; discus23

  4. #4
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Canyonville, Oregon

    Default Re:Okay....Now What?

    When you say "twice daily water changes" for the 60-gallon, how much do you change? I was changing 75-80% twice a day at one point (fifty 2 + inch fish in a 55)

    I live in Los Angeles, the water is 7.6 and rank, full of lethal chems. I have an RO home system. I get a pretty consistent 6.5 ph. and adjust the hardness with "RO Right" accordingly.good

    They're worth the trouble, and I get to pretend I'm some kind of a mad, genetic scientist.

    How long have you been breeding discus? only since last August, I'm on my 4th batch of babies, so I just know a lttle bit more than you

    Do you keep the best formed babies and later breed them for genetically selected purposes?I keep the roundest, best marked babies that are good sized with red eyes

    In other words... Is discus breeding an ongoing effert? you always hope for something special

    Who do you sell your discus to? Local fish stores or to breeders? What king of deal for young discus can someone expect to make?I live in a rural area in southern Oregon. Every couple of months I can sell a few (6) to the one fish store within a 70 mile radius I can wholesale a few here and there. I give some away. I found that bagging and transporting discus is a lot of work for very little money. Lucky for me, I'm doing it for fun

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