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Thread: Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Hey ppls...

    Slowly one by one my fish are dying off....

    Ok... ill explain everything and then hopefully some1 might be able to help us..PLZ

    PH: 6-6.2
    TEMP: 30 degrees
    Ammonia, nitrite & nitrate low.... (been battling this for ages as my water has just changed to CHLOROMINES)

    Fish all act so healthy its not funny.... Breathing fine, fins up, full of colour.... Then white spots appear on their fins..this is the first that I see as the fins, where it is white, start to TEAR OFF??? I then move it to my quarantine tank... the next day white spots appear on the fish's body and appear to look like little craters?? Then a few hours after that their eyes become cloudy...?? After this its like their scales start to tear off and their flesh is revealed???? This is where I have problems..
    Until this happens the fish is still acting very healthy (fins up,colourful,breathing fine) but now the fish starts to get stress bars, hid in the corner and basically die away from the other fish... its really sad to watch as its like the fish is healthy but slowly getting eaten or something...they fight until the end??? Not like other fish diseases Ive had where the fish becomes dark,weak then dead!

    Epson salt - 1 teaspoon per gallon
    Raised temp to 32 degrees
    Treated with Furan 2 (geez this is great stuff!!!)
    WC every day

    Now its really weird, before my water board changed to CHLOROMINES I never spent one cent on chemicals to treat the water nor to treat disease as I have never lost a fish!! No lie....

    I was thinking that the reason I am losing fish is I am using too much water conditioner to rid the water of CHLOROMINE..Has anyone ever had this problem???

    Basically to get rid of the chloromine I am using SAFE as well as STRESS COAT.... Then I add my DISCUS BUFFER to bring the PH down to 6 and thats all I am doin... I have added no new fish, or doin anything differently than what I have done the last 5 years of keeping fish???



    I dont have a digi camera, although I took pics of the last fish that I lost through its stages of death...

    Once I get them developed I will post...

    Any help would be greatly appreciated as this is really sad and costing me a bunch!!!!


  2. #2
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    if I read this article correctly;threadid=1218
    Prime will not get rid of chloramine as there will still be an element of ammonia in the water and this was removed by placing a cycled filter in the residual water ....

    Im no expert but it sounds like your fish are suffering from some kind of acidic water damage or burning of the internal organs caused by ammonia perhaps ammonia test kits when dealing with Chloramine give false readings so it is hard to establish exactly how much if any free form ammonia is present ....

    Perhaps other members more qualified could answer your post I too have been advised that Chloramines are in My tap water something I need to investigate further myself ..

  3. #3
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Dave raises some good concerns on the water, but I think you may also have other issues. More details on the spots... how big.. how much times elapses during the progression of symptoms. How long on furan 2?

    also epsom salt at 1 teaspoon/ gal? Thats not Good. Epsom is magnesium sulfate. Its used at 1 teaspoon-1tablespoon per 10 gal for blockages. the salt you may have wanted is Sodium Chloride.The same kind of salt you use in the kitchen. You can buy it without iodine....probably best.


  4. #4
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Good Thinking Al failing non- iodized salt you can get API aquarium salt it is as far as im aware sold world wide and comes in prepacked quantaties and is realtivly inexpensive .... Obv the no-iodized salt is cheaper in the long run I have just posted the above as an alternative....

  5. #5
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Hi Mark:
    I've never read a post with these symptoms before. You'd think it was a parasite from the symptoms, but you've not added anything to the tank.

    Has this happened since the city made changes to the water? Is it all your discus in all your tanks?

    Any reason for the discus buffer?

    Epsom salt raises hardness and relieves constipation. I see no reason to add it now.

    I'd start with a bare tank and plain, aged tap water. the furan 2 should help with secondary infections . . . .

  6. #6
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Hey ppls....

    Ive been investigating heaps and I think that I have the dreaded "plaque"

    All the symptoms that my fish are experiencing are the same of the plaque posts that I have read???

    Anywayz... hope this info helps for someone to help with my problem?

    Firstly i see a white spot which is always on their fins.
    About 5-6 hours later, white craters on the body
    About 1-2 hours from that (no lie) white cloudy eyes and the start of the skin/scales/colour falling off their body....

    This is how quick it happens....

    All this happens even with the FURAN-2, upt temp and salt added???? WHY...?????????? HELP....

    Then its basically a battle between the fish and the disease.... the fish normally battles for about 2-3 days with the skin getting really bad, like it goin red/pinky with no colour nothing....

    If you guyz need any more info plz post!


    P.S. Carrol... I use Discus Buffer as it is the best that I have found in terms of effectiveness vs price... I add a touch and its down to 6 from tap water 7-6. PLEASE SEE POST IN "WATER WORKS" as you have made me investigate this

  7. #7
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Hi Mark,

    1. drop the heat down to 84 Degree. heat can help, but sometimes it can harm. It depends on the problem.

    2. The salt you used is EPSOM salt... and a lot of it. That was the WRONG salt. You need to use sodium chloride...Table salt. Buy it at the supermarket. They usually sell it in 3 pound boxes as gourmet sal, pickling salt etc. Do a full water change... get the epsom salt out of the tank. If the disease is bacterial like columnaris Magnesium is a mineral the bacteria needs to attach.. Epsom salt is magnesium sulfate so this may help the bacteria (Maybe)

    3) dose the tank at 1tablespoon table salt/ 1 gal water. 50-75% water change per day until this clears up.

    4) This sounds like protozoan. If it were me...I'd shut the lights and try products like maracide, clout, tank buddies parasite clear, quick cure, malachite green, formalin etc.

    5)many times protozoans open the fish up to bacterial rots.



    read these..

    it may be worthwhile to look around and see if theres a lab nearby,....

  8. #8
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    as a side thought here.. I'm not familar with "safe" whats it say on the bottle? and what is low? for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate?

    That time course seems too fast for protozoan, and too slow for a chemical probelm.. look real close at the fish that look healthy, any white to yellow very very fine dusting on them?


  9. #9
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??


    I just came home from work and found another fish dead on the bottom of the tank... the weird thing is that she was perfectly healthy???? No stress bars, no white spots/craters nothing...??? Must be an internal thing now???

    Tomoz morning im going and buying some salt (its can be normal table salt hey???)

    So do I really add 1 tablespoon of table salt to each gallon??? Geez that sounds like a lot!!!! Oh well i need to try something before I lose all of them

    Thanks again

  10. #10
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Hey pplz....

    Well its been about 3 weeks now since my fist discus died....Im now up to 18 dead!!!!!!

    I managed to find a guy with a microscope and he said that my dead fish was absolutely COVERED with both gram + and Gram - bacteria....

    I have tried everything.....SALT, Formalin, Furan and about another 5 or so products that the aquarium gave me to try.....

    Can anyone help my situation...???


  11. #11
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Hi PopsE:

    The bacteria may be opportunists infecting the wounds caused by parasites - who knows . . . .

    This sounds like bad, nasty stuff. Personally, I'd euthanize the fish and bleach the tanks, hoses, filters, nets and everything else that comes into contact with your fish.

    Then I'd let everything dry out for a few weeks. throw away all the old filter media and buy new sponges. I'd do a fishless cycle with ammonia before starting over with new discus.

    Sorry :-\

  12. #12
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    hi there ,
    i use prime all the time and it does get rid of choramine chlorine and detoxifies nitrite ,ammionia. you could try sea salt i know this helps with cloudy eye 1 teaspoon per 10 liters of water. goodluck shaz

  13. #13
    Registered Member Shari's Avatar
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    Me too - I just wanted to add that I've always had Chlorine and Chloramines in my water and use Prime, and never lost a Discus so far.

    It's really important to read the water conditioning products as alot of them still don't remove chloramines.


  14. #14

    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??

    I think that after all those medications and additions of vary salts, you got to a total fall out of your system.
    How about just plain good clean 50 % water changes and try to save what is left??
    I went trough the same problem not too long ago, and everything started to get back to normal when i stopped all this nonsense.
    Give it a try, what do you have to loose.
    Mat :sick:

  15. #15
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    Default Re:Cloudy Eyes, White Spots, Scales deteriorating & FISH DYING??


    Thats what Im trying now....

    60% water changes daily....

    Cleaning the tank every day and cleaning the glass.... No chemicals just pure syd water that has been treated with prime

    Even taken out the filters.... just running to airstones in each tank

    Not good so far...ones already gone all white


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