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Thread: Red Wigglers...

  1. #16
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    Yes they are. Red Worms - Eisenia fetida
    European Nightcrawler - Eisenia hortensis


  2. #17

    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    Hi O.
    Thanks for the name's clarification.

    I heard that Red worms are about 2"-3" long. Will discus be
    able to eat such a long worm? Or you only feed the young ones
    to discus?



  3. #18
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    Even though they will struggle to eat the medium sized worms, I cut the worms in 2 or 3 pieces to make it easier for them to eat.

    Reminds me of when I was a kid :P


  4. #19
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    I just wanted everyone to know that I placed an order today for some red worms. I checked out some different places. Some sold worms including shipping and some did not. You have to be careful. I ordered some from I spoke to the owner, and was very impressed. I would recommend this place to anyone interested in getting some worms. Very helpful and knowledgeable. I told him he needed to sign up with Simply and help us as hobbiest get the most out of red wigglers. He has a special going on right now 2lbs of worms for 34.95, including shipping. That's 2 lbs of worms, not 2 lbs of worms and dirt. He weighs the worms first then adds the compost to ship. I'm excited to get them and start a little worm farm to feed my fish. I hope they do as well as my white worms. My discus loves them.

    Thanks for everyones comments,


  5. #20
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    Here is a link with red wiggler farms:

  6. #21
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    I have never fed red wriglers to my fish, but by the sounds of it...I should. SO how do you people feed it to your fish? Do you just rinse the dirt off and throw in the tank? or do you have to rinse and then squeze the dirt in them out before feeding? thanks

  7. #22
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    I rinse em off and toss them in. No troubles in a year ;D
    I feed only the small bite size ones. I used to toss mid size ones in with adult wilds and they would get together three on a worm until it was torn apart. It was both messy and brought about some seious aggression issue's. an easy way to rinse them is to grab a handfull of compost and worms and put it in one end of a dish. Place the dish at an angle so the worms are in the lower part and cover them with water. They will crawl out of the water (and dirt) to the higher part of the dish. Then you can just grab and toss.


  8. #23
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    How big is a redworm compared to a whiteworm?

    grindals are smaller than whites right?

    whites are smaller than reds?

    How do the reds compare to the blacks?

  9. #24
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    I noticed on the redworm sites that they say to not feed meat scraps/leftovers but none of them really say why... anyone know does it harm the worms?

    Has anyone ever tried feeding the worms with dry dog/cat food?

    Discus are carnivores...and it would seem to me that worms fed with 'carnivore food' such as dog food would be even more nutritious for discus....

  10. #25

    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    Interesting no body ever asked that question. Knobby. I don't see a mouth and teeth from the worm. How do they eat the veggies anyway?. I think they secrete some enzyme to dissolve the veggie matters and suck the fluid in. Meat will be too hard to digest and spoiled easily. Some harder stems needs some white mites to predigest or soften it before the worms can consume it. Without those white mites. It seems to take forever for them to eat the carrots. Sometimes I put leftover Pizza with Pepperoni attach with it. They all disappear without a trace. O wonder if I have some meat eating mutant monster worms in there too. They may come out at night and attack human. ;D

  11. #26
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    I think that's not part of their natural diet. Meat products will spoil within hours and resulting bacterial bloom will quickly kill the worms. Not to mention the smell uke: and deadly bacteria that could be passed on to discus.


  12. #27
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    I'm pretty sure the biggest reason they say not to feed meat (and dairy) products to the worms is that the compost bin will smell really bad if you do. I tried it just to see what would happen and that bin ended up outside, tossed in the garbage! pee yew!


  13. #28
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    IMO, it is possible to up the nutritional value of red worms by feeding them cornmeal enriched with vitmains & trace elements. You can get those in powder from in any Health Food store. Through their digestion, worms convert ecential trace elements(cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc) that are typically not available in water soluble form, into soluble form making them either to digest by fish & plants.


  14. #29
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    Here is a great reference for those who want to keep red wigglers:
    "Worms Eat My Garbage" Mary Applehof, Flower Press, 2nd edition, 1997,
    ISBN 0-942256-10-7, Available at paperback, around $8. Well worth it. Paul.

  15. #30
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re:Red Wigglers...

    Does anyone know if there's a risk of introducing parasites when feeding these types of worms?


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