Golden State Discus

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Thread: Breeding wild-caught females...

  1. #1

    Default Breeding wild-caught females...

    I'm new to this forum, from Sweden, trying to write in English. I have some wild breeders at home and have noticed in some other "post" that it's looks like the females are hardest to get to breed.

    My Wild females only breed from December to April. I was in contact with "universal discus" and he told me that wild breeders that are given to much food get to feed up and don't want to spawn. (I don't if he told a lie but this helped me)

    The longest time I have starved my wild breeders was 6 weeks. Well food 2 times every week. After this period of time when you start to change water and feed live earthworms I got my first wild females to breed. I start the starving in October.

    pH are low from 4.8 - 5.5, temp in range from 27-28. Softness are from 50 - 100 ms. Tap water
    over peat.

    Are the more that has observed the same pattern or my wild discus crazy? My wild breeders are from Jari, Manacapuru and Alenquer. Less food has been my key to me.

    The food not the water. And this large scale breeders do the breed wild without any problem? Or?

    Johan Nilsson

  2. #2
    Registered Member Jason's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    Hi Johan,

    I've been a fan of your site for a couple years now, great work and welcome to simply discus!

    good observations, and yes bringing the tank enviroment from a condition thats not good for producing off-spring to one that is with the enviromental triggers that go along with those changes works well.

    I think the females discus reputation of being tough to breed has alot to do with the selection of females we get, I'm sure more are thrown back into the rivers because they are generaly less colorfull than males and will bring a lower price.

    I beleive it is easier to breed wilds in the parts of the world that have the same seasons and weather patterns than we do in n.america and eu.

    we'd love to read about your experiences with wilds, and pictures too!

  3. #3

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    I beleive it is easier to breed wilds in the parts of the world that have the
    same seasons and weather patterns than we do in n.america and eu.

    Intressting not.

    For about a year I have made a record with "atmospheric pressure" related to
    shaking, bow, breeding.

    For about a 3 years I have made a record with "water values (pH, softness etc)" related
    to shaking, bow, breeding.

    For about a 1 years I have made a record with "temperature" related to shaking,
    bow, breeding.

    Numbers of waterchanges related to shaking, bow, breeding. etc.

    I have more shaking, bow, breeding with the wild when there are change
    in "atmospheric pressure" then when i change then pH in the tank.

  4. #4
    Registered Member
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    Jan 2003

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    Hi Johan,
    thank you for sharing this infomation
    You have very cool wilds and nice domestics. ;D
    I guess it's not easy to keep discus in Sweden,you do a great job


  5. #5

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    Keeping and breeding discus in Sweden are not any problem. If you read about the water in Germany are bad this is not true in Sweden. I have no/low chloramines or something else; I use tap water directly in the tank with no aging with 25-50% water changes every day.

    I have a hardness is 50 ppm direct from the tape. Breeding captive discus is no problem. I have done this in 10 years as a hobby.

    The different is that Sweden is not known as biggest aquarium land in the world. I started to get wild discus I wanted to get new good blood in my lines. After 15 years with captive I needed a new injection that was to get some P. altum, wild discus, and tetras and learn how to breed this fish.

    After was at Sven fornbäck. He has given me a loot of clue to breed wild fish even if he doesn’t tell every thing.

    This is his breeding of altum,

    The attach photo is from him. It took this at last visit...

  6. #6

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    This is also my friend and he breed wild fish also. Eson. Also some info about wild breeding in swedish... :-(

    This his wild Tefe... This photo is form one of my visit to him.

  7. #7

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    Johan: Thanks for sharing your info. Can you explain how to harvest fruit fry ? Did you have success of breeding the wild discus?

  8. #8

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    nice job on your website Johan...didn't get a chance to look at all of it yet, but it's interesting so far...

  9. #9

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    I have no problem to get the wild fish to start pair of. Even to start the shaking, bow. The start but the last part to get the female interested to breed. The start and the stop. It’s make no sens to me. This is like this a wild manacapuru female with a wild heckel. Lot of people have tried to help me and the are only manacapuru females that breeds in my tank. The males are lot simpler to breed.

  10. #10

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    Thanks for sharing your info.

    Can you explain how to harvest fruit fry ? Put them 5-15 min in the freezer. The get "fruit fry" slower the take of the coffefilter put them on the surface of the water.

    Did you have success of breeding the wild discus?
    Pure wild I today got to 2breeding pair from manacapuru. Success.
    1 Alenquer Red Inanu * Cross Captive. Success.
    1 Roayl Jari * Captive.

    Pair I had and show breeding behavior. BUT NO SUCCESS.
    RSG Tefe, Heckel and Novo Linda (manderia river).

    This is my Vf Alenquer Red Inanu * Cross Captive. The wild are from, this import

  11. #11
    Registered Member
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    May 2002

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    Hei Johan

    It was very interesting to hear from your experience. Where in Sweden are you located? I will be going to Stockholm next Monday-Tuesday. Any places you would recommend for a aquarium hobbyist?

    Best wishes
    Jouni, Finland

  12. #12

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...


    I'm located 4 houres drive from sthlm. It's 350 km travel from sthlm to my home town Jönköping. It's a motorway.

    If you are intressted take contact with me +46 070 4910169 (Mobil Number).

    -= Swedish Part =-

    Jag finns i ca 1 mil utan för staden Jönköping. Att åka till Jönköping tar ca 3 till 4 timmar beronde på om det är mycket trafik i sthlm. Det är motorväg hela vägen
    hem till mig.

    Jag handlar inte min diskus i stockholm utan i Göteborg, Tropakvariefiskimport handlar
    jag allt min vildfångade mycket bra priser. Upp till halva priset. Köpte Royal av honom för
    550 förra året. Han har dock bra inte vild fisk under ett par månader.

    -= END =-

    Johan Nilsson

  13. #13

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    And to think i use to hate wilds. There great fish, welcome to Simply

  14. #14
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re:Breeding wild-caught females...

    Hei Johan

    Jag kan inte besöka Jönköping. Jag bara stannar på Stockholm med min son. Tack så mycket, anyways.


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