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Thread: Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

  1. #16
    Registered Member darcy's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Right on Jason!! No ONE said anything offending about Jack!!

    What a crock!!

  2. #17
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Shouldn't even reply to that guys post, it's just what he wants...

    Hope you logged an IP on him...

  3. #18
    Registered Member korbi_doc's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Boy, what a bummer!! I thought perhaps the site had crashed as I hear so many 'puters do, not knowing anything 'bout how these critters operate.
    How sad to think that someone out there has it in for Simply enough to do so something so vicious! Its all been said so well by previous posters but I hope "whoever" gets his/her due & Al & Ryan have some recourse to make that happen.

    Thanks guys for your never ending dedication to keeping this site the topnotch forum that it is, we're behind you all the way. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. I'm sure all of us feel the same way. Dottie ;D

  4. #19
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    First off, a big huge thanks to Al and Ryan for putting their own resources into Simplydiscus. Thank you for their time and efforts to help spread knowledge around the world in keeping discus. Thank you for volunteering your capital that you invested in making this site happen. Thank you in seeing a goal, the broad vision of sharing info and putting that before your personal gain.

    And to think that there are some people that do not appreciate it. There are truly 'sick, sick, sick' people in this world (find them and put them in jail with saddam. They will probably become friends!). A site such as this that is helping thousands of people to keep and breed discus, how can you not be pleased and grateful?

    And I don't even keep fish.
    Yea! Then there are individuals that feed off the misfortune of others. I hear of people like that all the time. They usually end up in jail and I do hope that this will be the case again!

    O yes! And thank you Karoola! Yes, you also deserve a thank you!
    Thank you for once again proving to the whole world that there really are individuals that feed off the misfortune of others even when they have nothing to do with the hobby. People that take delight in the difficulties of others. Heartless, cold individuals that do not know the meaning of the phrase 'what goes around, comes around' and' Do unto others as you want others to do unto you'! Your share will come. Good luck!

    And one more thing! Lets not dwell of the fact that simply was hacked again. Lets continue to make simpydiscus bigger and better......just simply the best! Its like if someone is teasing you. If you get angry and upset, they continue to tease as this is a responsive action that they want. The best is to ignore and the teasing stops.

  5. #20
    Registered Member richgrenfell's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    I'll tell ya, I was freaked! I musta hit the refresh button a dozen times in disbelief! I'm glad we're back, and as everyone has already said, big thanks to Al and Ryan!!


  6. #21
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    I am new to this forum, just signed up a couple of days ago. So when I couldn't get on I was confused as to what had happened.
    Here I thought my network people had banned me from the site
    cause I've looked at very often over the past week. I thought that
    maybe they didn't like discus or something.

    But alas, unfortunately it was the Simply server had been hacked.
    Sorry to hear about this guys, some people have too much time
    on their hands. >

    Thanks to the people who keep this site running.


  7. #22
    Registered Member Larry Grenier's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Thanks for all your hard work Al & Ryan. Don't let the cowardly juvinile ones get to you. Hopefully, one day they'll be found in a hole in the ground just like Sadam.

  8. #23
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Whoever it was he did a good job
    but sucks for the rest of us
    So now lets get over it and continue wit our discus keeping.

    who kares who he is or what he wants
    " God made him, God will get him "

    All this insulting is only fueling his motives to hack this site again
    what good is insulting him will do???

  9. #24
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Thank you Al and Ryan for all the work that you put into this forum.
    I never realized how hooked on SIMPLY I was, until I couldn't get on yesterday. Hackers are not wanted here.

  10. #25
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    No one ever said the whole server was brought down. Yes, I shut it down. It was not to protect anything we are supposedly hiding, it was to protect the forum from being further tampered with. It is obvious that if someone can modify the board in a way to expose private sections, they also have the capability of toying with posts, member profiles, and more. Had the person not messed with the forum, I would not have been forced to shut down the server. It's that simple.

    It is becoming increasingly clear who did this. I now have a pretty good idea.


  11. #26
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Thanks Al And Ryan


  12. #27
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    I'll address the hackers comments....

    Nothing was said bad about Jack. Concern for him yes...bad no. and nothing was said that Jack did not already know was an issue with me and others here..

    I have the entire post saved in web page format..unedited. and have no probelm sharing it with Jack.... and I have nothing to hide.... When Jack went to war I stood by him and was the best friend I could be the entire time. You have no idea what the hell you are talking about. The only bad between Jack and I is a different view on how to deal with "politics". Hacker, You are a spineless coward hiding behind an alias and trying to justify what you have done to this site by using Jack Taylor.... Pathetic.

    One of the Mods was concerned and brought up the topic of the partnership. ...

    Brews comments...

    Jack has told me repeatedly that he wants no part of Hobbies Politics.... I don't understand his decisons... as now he is part of what he didn't want anything to do with...

    ... I think it will be an eye openning experience.....Going from hobbyist to professional overnight is a big jump.

    As for Joe and hans... Their choice of him is perfect.. he has character, and is well liked by many., and to many hes a hero.

    I guess we all make our beds and have to sleep in them.... Good luck to him... he's going to need it.

    I have written a reply to that post 5 times and deleted each one.


    I really don't want to discuss this topic anymore here... I'm not worried about it getting out either... I am just really bummed out by this for many reason I can't discuss.

    Lets move on and hope for the best,

    Is it a crime to be concerned for someone who you care about.... if so I and the moderators are guilty,....Sorry to be Human. My concern is based on my experiences though, and I stand by them.

    As for the "politics" . Many would like to believe everyone in the world gets along great ... the fact is this is not true .. and someone has to deal with this. As owners of this board these someones are Ryan and me., and as selfless individuals giving their time here ..those someones are the moderators. You all would give up your discus if you knew a fraction of the Politics that runs in the background,... Count your blessings if you don't know what I am talking... Keep silent if you do.

    As For my concern regarding his partnership with joe and Hans..It no secret that Joe and I have issues.. Its unfortunate,... but its how it is . I will not go into this anymore and will edit any posts that try to ..This is the whole reason for the hack..not Jack and I will not give the hacker that satisfaction.. ...Those involved already know the score.

    As for" your special modsection?" Get off it Loser. Every message board out there has a moderator only section where things are discussed in private. It enables us to all work together efficiently as a team and deal with Problems like You. On Simply it served as a place we we could talk about things that we felt might be a problem so we could intervene before it got to be too much a problem.. The reason so many of you like this site is because we deal with The BS so you don't have to... and thats not changing.

    I will not tolerate further attempts by anyone to justify how this site was hacked by using something said by me or others. The law was broken by an individual (s) that did this. PERIOD.

    If the other moderators want me to post their comments in this "terrible"post... I will do so... otherwise It is between us and Jack .

    And as for the hacker not having Discus..Thats BS.. Not only does he have discus... but he is also well known on the boards... and when I can prove it...I will show everyone exactly what I mean by "politics". You'll all be real surprised. The truth is The hacker was waiting for a post in area 51 that he could use.... and his motives were not anything to do with Jack.

    Piehole? very unique choice of words, thanks for the extra confirmation.

  13. #28

    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    all I can say is..."WOW"...whoever the hacker is......he or she should know that in this age of security paranoia & Tom Ridge.......what you did is a Federal offence which can carry huge fines & jail time. ...I hope you get a bit of both......

    To the Mods etc of really should refer this to the Feds...they are currently taking this kind of act extremely seriously...what comes around goes around but sometimes it needs a little help!

  14. #29
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    and as a message to Jack... I am Sorry Bro that you got drawn into this.. We probably should have shared our concern with you...But didn't want to rain on the parade I Guess.

    Its like when we talkedwhen you were coming back.....You've seen the real world in Iraq, This stuff has no meaning compared to it.. I know well now that this is true.


  15. #30
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Hacked again... sorry for the down time all!

    Without Al and Ryan, none of this would be here. Thank you sooo much! This forum means alot to many people including me. I come here everyday to learn as much as my brain can handle and help out whom ever I could, and when I couldn't get in I spent my time wondering through the net just wasting time looking for "other" sources of discus info. Who ever hacked into the site has a really sick mind. I hope that they are caught and put away for such a crime. SimplyDiscus is like my second home, when I was without it yesterday I felt lost.....


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