Golden State Discus

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Thread: Eggs turning WHITE

  1. #1

    Default Eggs turning WHITE

    this is the 5th time same thing had happened, after exact 36 hrs eggs start turning white.

    What can b the problem????

  2. #2

    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    Female laying eggs

  3. #3

    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    Male running over it

  4. #4
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    how old r they ?
    what r the water par' ?

  5. #5

    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    more than 16 months old

    pH 7.6

  6. #6
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    what is your conductivity ?
    if it very higf it can be the problem ...

  7. #7
    Registered Member RyanH's Avatar
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    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    Are they in straight tap? Could be too hard for the eggs to be fertilized.

  8. #8
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    Hardness may be the culprit. Either call your water company and ask about hardness or get an Aquarium Pharmaceuticals GH test kit. If it takes more than 6 drops to turn the water green you will need to look into an RO unit.

  9. #9
    Registered Member hexed's Avatar
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    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    I have the same problem, but hopefully the next batch will not turn white. My problem was hardness. It took a lot of drops to turn the water green. DO NOT add anything to your water except novaqua to remove chlorine. I was adding too much salt and my water was salty and I added plant food as well. They should lay again within 4-7 days as mine do. My thread is "breeding in a 55 gallon tank"
    Be sure your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate is zero. As my new friend Carol has told me over and over again, it can take up to 20 times before they get it right LOL. Again, listen to Carol, she's the best! My female should be laying eggs tonight she's ready and her egg tube (don't know what it's called) is out about a quarter inch. Today I will do a quick water change. Do you have a bare bottom tank or do you have substrate?

  10. #10
    Registered Member hexed's Avatar
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    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    Sorry, I just noticed the pics LOL Are you adding plant food? Plant food will harden your water. What I did was place tap water into a glass add an air hose and let it be until the next day. Then I tested it for GH and my tap water was 3 drops. If this is the case then do water changes every other day until the hardness is between 3-6 drops. If you want to talk I can do it anytime after 9pm EST. Just email me your number - It's free for me after 9pm : And I can tell you what I did to my planted tank.

  11. #11

    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    Well it's not a planted tank its just a wallpaper. My tank is a bare bottom which consists of
    1 - 150w heater,
    1 - Sponge filter, cleaned every 15-20days with the tank water itself.

    Ammonia, nitrite and nitrate = 0

    For Hardness i hafta get a testing kit. Honestly never tested.

    I use aged water, no aeration nothing jst leave the water in a tub for 12hrs with 2 drops of anti-chlorine that's it. Then do water change 50% daily. That's my daily routine. Shld I aerate the water? Will that help me in bringing down the Hardness if its 2 high? ???

    I do water change 2-3hrs before they lay eggs.

    No water change, once I see eggs on the PVC pipe. Only one time feeding with very lil frozen bloodworm.

    My BD pairs lay eggs on every 7th day. I believe on 9th Feb. they shld lay eggs again. Hope I can save them this time. :

    Here is an updated image jst took (15mins ago).

    Yesterday nite i noticed few eggs were orange/red in color with 2 black dots on both sides, something like 2 eyes of the babies but unfortunately they all turned white his morning. : (

    Will I ever be able 2 c the babies in this life...

  12. #12
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    If your water is too hard you will havae to mix mineral free (RO or distilled) water with it so the eggs can hatch.

  13. #13

    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    is there ne other way 2 play with gH??? Coz R/O is very expensive in india, its costing me around INR 15k.

  14. #14
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    First I would aerate that water... sitting unagitated may not be getting rid of all the chlorine.. Its good you are using a dechlorinator though... You may need more of it.

    The hardness... If you age and aerate that water over night.. whats the pH? pH is related to they help you figure out better how hard the water is.

    can you get spahgnum peat moss? It can be added to a filter to lower the hardness.


  15. #15

    Default Re:Eggs turning WHITE

    my pH 7.6

    i havnt tried over nite aeration will try that!

    what is 'spahgnum peat moss'???

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