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Thread: Update.getting a routine down

  1. #1
    Registered Member kaceyo's Avatar
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    Default Update.getting a routine down

    Hey all, Well..I feel like I've just gotten through some kind of an ordeal or trials.Thanks to many helpful people here its turning out to be a very gratifying experience.As beautiful as all the pics of peoples fish are,they don't come close to the real deal.Besides, mine are simply better looking.Wish I could prove it to you but soon I WILL get that camara.So, till then... I asked this question in the "water works" section 2 days ago and got no responce so I'll try again here.I am adding 2tsp p/10gl RO Right to my tap water, which is 1dGH from the tap.My liquid test sais it's 3dGH after adding the 2tsp RO Right.I know liquid tests don't work with RO Right so my question is,can I safely assume that the water is acctualy in the mid/hard range which the label said i'd get by adding 2tsp P/10gls? I plan on getting a conductivity and/or TDS meter ASAP but in the mean time? Again,speciel thanks to all those who helped me deal and Happy 4th of July!!!! Kaceyo

  2. #2
    Registered Member Cosmo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down

    Kaceyo, would argue mine are better looking than yours, but, don't have pics to post yet either

    Assume you're using Liquid RO Right and not the powder since the powder is 1 tsp per 10gal. Never heard of adding this to tap water before, but, tests I did long ago on my RO with liquid ro right indicates that each tsp adds about 35 to 40 tds (about 2dgh) in a 5 gal bucket, depending on how flat or how rounded your tsp is - it actually does make a difference. If your tap water is 1dgh and you add 2 tsp of liquid ro right to 10 gal, you're probably pretty close, but. RO Right is very concentrated and variations in the how full the tsp is effect the outcome. I'd get ahold of a TDS ASAP to play safe if I were you.

    PS. if you don't have a TDS meter, how are you sure your tap water is 1dGh?

  3. #3
    Registered Member Cosmo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down

    PSS. Unless I'm doing my math wrong, 3 dGh is on the extremely soft side, not mid/hard - probably a little too soft to be ph stable. Isn't it approx 17 ppm per dGH?

  4. #4
    Registered Member kaceyo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down

    Cosmo,thanks for the info. You are the first person to respond to my question in around a week. I asked it in the Water Works section and got 0 response.I'm using the RO Right in the tap water because it seemed the best,most complete way of raising my dGH fo a grow out tank.I tested my tap water with a liquid test (AquaPharm) but for some reason they arent compatable with RO Right treated water.(?) I use the powder and allways figure a tsp is flat,not rounded. The label states 2tsp makes medium hard water.My fish are doing very good with my current mix so untill I get a conductivity meter I'll figure the RO Right label, and not my liq.test, is accurate. Thats the safest bet. thanx again, and only time (and a camara) can tell who,s fish are pertiest). Kaceyo P.S. Who has good cheap conductivity meter's?

  5. #5
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down

    try randal

  6. #6
    Registered Member Carol_Roberts's Avatar
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down

    I have no experience with RO right or other products to raise hardness

  7. #7
    Registered Member kaceyo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down

    Carol, thats O.K. I know you would have spoken up if you'd had the answere. Cosmo, Your math is not wrong, (except it's 17.9) Thats exactly the problem. Kaceyo

  8. #8
    Registered Member Howie_W's Avatar
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down

    Hi kaceyo,

    Sorry I can't help experience with water conditioners, just clean water.

    Glad to hear your fish are doing well!


  9. #9
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down


    I use Kent Marine R/O Right for my tap water and I had the same concerns before. I emailed Kent Marine and I was able to dig up this response from them:

    "...RO Right adds salts of sodium, potassium, electrolytes, and a very small amount of calcium and magnesium. The reason we do not use a large amount of calcium and magnesium is these are typically a more toxic ion for most freshwater fish. Testing RO Right with a standard GH test kit will yield virtually no GH. You would have to add 5 to 6 times the recommended doses to gain any kind of reading. The only accurate test when using RO Right is a TDS (total dissolved solids) meter or a conductivity meter. These meters measure the conductive properties of water. Solids like sodium, potassium, calcium, etc all are conductive and can be measured by sending a very small current though the water between to electrodes. This will not give you a break down of each concentration of ions, but, it gives you an overall measure of solids..."

    Their technical support is really good, I would email them for any questions concerning the use of their products.

  10. #10
    Registered Member kaceyo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Update.getting a routine down

    Thanks ed8t, very interesting info. The recipe I found on Simply for reconstituting RO water is exclusivly calcium and magnesium based in order ,I THINK, to avoid too much sodium in the water. I wish I knew more about the chemestry involved or the advanteges of one type over the other. Maybe a calcium suppliment is in order with RO Right water in grow out tanks? Thanx, Kaceyo

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