Well, this stinks. I may be able to have less discus in this tank than my bb 60 gallon! With pairing, teratories, space with planting and agression it seems that it'll support 3-4 adults! That pair is pretty much defending the whole tank allowing just one other in their circle.

Well, I upset the balance yesterday and added one more large discus from my 60 gallon. What is it with pigeons and blues? I guess the reason that the other fish was tolerated was that perhaps it was another female. It was always watching, like it was taking notes, whenever the pair mated. Now it is showing interest and taking sides with the new fish, and both pairs are eyeing each other now for teratories! (except both blue males are large and sizing each other up, nobodies backing down) Now I have possibly 2 blue/pigeon pairs!

*sigh* so I have a 130 gallon that potentially will have fewer discus in it. Being a planted show with a big piece of driftwood, it kinda looks better with fewer large discus too.