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Thread: Do you like FISHING!

  1. #451
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    Fishing is always fascinating, but the big ones are too scary for me. You people are impressive!

  2. #452
    Registered Member two utes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kane Archer View Post
    I love fishing. My dad and I often go fishing together but my dad does all the technical hard work. I just put them in the freezer and cheer my dad up.
    I like how you go fishing with your dad. I also do all the rigging when my kids come fishing with me, hoping that some of my knowledge rubs off on them, but the most pleasurable thing for me is the quality time we spend together.

    Quote Originally Posted by Moreetta View Post
    Fishing is always fascinating, but the big ones are too scary for me. You people are impressive!
    Thanks for dropping in, and for your reply. Fishing certainly is fascinating, but don't let the big ones scare you. Ive had some epic battles with the smaller ones as well....sometimes they win the battle.
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  3. #453
    Registered Member two utes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    I hope that everyone on here is safe and well, during this difficult time.

    Being stuck at home is a small price to pay to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Some countries are suffering more than others with large quantities of lives lost.

    Here in Australia my line of work is considered as an 'essential service' so i do have the opportunity from time to time to head out and provide clients with some home maintenance. The only other time we are allowed out is for buying groceries, exercise, and for health issues.

    The thing i am missing the most is gatherings and contact with family and friends, as well as a fishing trip here and there.
    All of the other states in Australia are still allowing people to go fishing to collect food as long as they abide by the social distancing regulations, but not my state of Victoria, for whatever reason. In the meantime all i can do is go through the 1000's of pictures i have in albums of my fishing adventures and reminisce of the good times I've had. Its not always about me catching a fish, but mostly seeing others catch their first, or the antics we would get up to during trips or competitions.

    I may have said this before, but as much as l love my fishing, l love where it takes me and all the people l meet along the way whom i can now call friends.

    So as i was looking through my albums I've pulled out a few to share that have put a smile on my face.

    We are all in this together, and together we will pull through.

    1-20151104_103518.jpg 1-20151109_142250-001.jpg 5.JPG cropped barra2.jpgdfgd.jpg GT3.jpg iian striped marlin.jpg P7140021.JPGPA070133.jpg pirate11.jpg sig.jpg
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  4. #454
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    They just opened up boat ramps in my state. I'm getting out next weekend. I have to wait for a low tide first though in order to go to one of my bait spots where a bunch of Malik gets trapped during low tide. Haven't been able to go to the beach shop since it's been closed. I've had access to a Buddies 64 acre saltwater lake that has plenty of mullet but I just haven't felt like dealing with the alligators that are also in there.

  5. #455
    Registered Member + MVP danotaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    Nice trip down memory lane mate. Nice spanyid. Tasty barra & pinky. That's a big black Marlin, was she a grander? Beast of a GT, those buggers are tough as nails, even on heavy gear they give ya a severe arm stretching. Makin me home sick yo! Cheers Joe

  6. #456
    Registered Member two utes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    Quote Originally Posted by pastry View Post
    They just opened up boat ramps in my state. I'm getting out next weekend. I have to wait for a low tide first though in order to go to one of my bait spots where a bunch of Malik gets trapped during low tide. Haven't been able to go to the beach shop since it's been closed. I've had access to a Buddies 64 acre saltwater lake that has plenty of mullet but I just haven't felt like dealing with the alligators that are also in there.
    Hi Elliot
    I'm glad that you may be able to get out for a fish, but having to deal with alligators would just add to the adventure, which reminds me alot of when i use to fish for barramundi at Lakefield National Park in far north Queensland, and where my Baramundi picture was taken.
    Good luck with your trip this weekend, would be great to see some pics of the 'Malik' bait you use and what you catch with it.
    I was watching some utube fishing clips last night and came across some crazy striper fishing at Cape Code Canal.

    Quote Originally Posted by danotaylor View Post
    Nice trip down memory lane mate. Nice spanyid. Tasty barra & pinky. That's a big black Marlin, was she a grander? Beast of a GT, those buggers are tough as nails, even on heavy gear they give ya a severe arm stretching. Makin me home sick yo! Cheers Joe
    Hi Dan
    We estimated that Black Marlin at 850lb. We prefer to tag and release all marlin caught but this one made some spectacular jumps in a full tight arc at the start of the battle which lead to it getting tail wrapped and drowned.
    My most memorable trips were always north of our states border, and the further north i went the crazier it got.
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  7. #457
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    Not being able to fish for awhile was a small price to pay to help keep our state safe, but boy, am l going to enjoy cleaning these little suckers and eat them tonight. My son Mathew and i both caught our bag limit of ten per person, but we were having so much fun we kept catching them and letting them go.

    Is anyone else allowed to enjoy the sport and practicing proper social distancing rules, getting out?

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  8. #458
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    I had an opportunity to take a good friend out on my boat for a fish yesterday, and it turned out to be a wonderful session. Not only did we enjoy the elements, and both come home with a feed of gummy shark (flake) and squid, but also being able to catch up on whats important.....maintaining a good friendship.
    I just love all the opportunities my passion for fishing gives me.

    Anyone else been out fishing lately???

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  9. #459
    Registered Member + MVP danotaylor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    Nice Joe! Fishing and good friendships, 2 of the essentials in life!

  10. #460
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    I see it’s your birthday today! Happy birthday Joe! I hope you were able to spend it fishing.
    After a frustrating salmon season last fall I hadn’t had a line in since. The last thing I caught was a miniature pumpkin. The laugh alone was worth it. I almost fell off my rock.

    I recently retired and that gives me more time to do some things I enjoy. I had to laugh as I pulled out of the driveway past the retirement sign the school district placed in my yard- I had my fishing pole and tackle in the back seat on my way to the bay. I thought how completely typical of a new retiree! Bass season officially starts tomorrow but I’ve managed a few Rock Bass over the past few days. The first morning I missed most of the prime morning feeding time because I realized I had to renew my license. I saw them jumping all around me and couldn’t remember my password to login to my DEC account. That was a bit stressful. I thought hey! Stop! Wait for me!!! Rock Bass are not true Bass but in the Sunfish family. Fun to catch though. It’s good to be back in. I’ll attach a pic of the pumpkin score and some of the latest.

    Darn! I hate it when photos flip over!

    Hope to see a new catch on your part. Perhaps from a birthday fishing venture.


    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Jenene; 06-12-2020 at 05:12 AM.
    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields

  11. #461
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    While fishing you caught a pumpkin? Or is that the bait that you had hoped to use?

  12. #462
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by peewee1 View Post
    While fishing you caught a pumpkin? Or is that the bait that you had hoped to use?
    Ha ha! I was as confused as you. It was submerged and upside down coming around a bend and it got caught in a whirlpool where I was hoping a hungry fish was waiting. The bounce and pull on it once the stem caught up in my hook got me thinking “fish on!” Uh uh... but it was worth the laugh and now the memory. I think you can even see the scratches on it before the hook stuck. A few guys still in the water asked if I had any luck. I just held up my prize gourd and kept walking.
    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields

  13. #463
    Registered Member two utes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jenene View Post
    I see it’s your birthday today! Happy birthday Joe! I hope you were able to spend it fishing.
    After a frustrating salmon season last fall I hadn’t had a line in since. The last thing I caught was a miniature pumpkin. The laugh alone was worth it. I almost fell off my rock.

    I recently retired and that gives me more time to do some things I enjoy. I had to laugh as I pulled out of the driveway past the retirement sign the school district placed in my yard- I had my fishing pole and tackle in the back seat on my way to the bay. I thought how completely typical of a new retiree! Bass season officially starts tomorrow but I’ve managed a few Rock Bass over the past few days. The first morning I missed most of the prime morning feeding time because I realized I had to renew my license. I saw them jumping all around me and couldn’t remember my password to login to my DEC account. That was a bit stressful. I thought hey! Stop! Wait for me!!! Rock Bass are not true Bass but in the Sunfish family. Fun to catch though. It’s good to be back in. I’ll attach a pic of the pumpkin score and some of the latest.

    Darn! I hate it when photos flip over!

    Hope to see a new catch on your part. Perhaps from a birthday fishing venture.
    Hi Jenene. Thanks for your birthday wishes, and yes i did spend it fishing. As a matter of fact i was invited to go away to Portland with a couple of friends to catch Blufin Tuna. Being a five hour drive away we opted to spend two nights there and enjoy two full days offshore fishing. We managed to catch a few schoolies, but the big barrels eluded us. In saying that we had a great time catching up with each other....catching fish is a bonus, which brings me to your pumpkin. I don't know what to say. Congratulations? In any case it looks like you enjoyed yourself enough to take a selfie.
    The last time you posted here you were holding up a three inch fish which looked somewhat like a Goby, and its good to see that you're still at it. Those Rock Bass look pretty feisty, and i also hear your Large Mouth Bass can be challenging at times.
    Congratulations on your retirement, and i look forward to hear what other fishing adventures you get up to. Keep enjoying yourself, and good luck catching your prize.


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  14. #464
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Thanks Joe,

    That’s the best way to spend your birthday and the fish are indeed a bonus. I wouldn’t mind putting one of those in my freezer. Anything I usually catch around here goes right back in. With Kodak dumping chemicals into Lake Ontario for decades and despite major cleanup efforts for the last 40 years, they still measure the safety for consumption in ounces... a 4 Oz serving a month I believe. So I’ll pass. I’ll take a trout out of the creek on occasion since they are small and haven’t had time to absorb much of the badness.

    Retirement was a difficult decision but the timing was right and yes, it leaves my calendar wide open for fishing.
    I’m hoping to get that prize some day. I’m patient.

    Hope you get out there again soon.
    Last edited by Jenene; 06-13-2020 at 08:08 AM.
    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields

  15. #465
    Registered Member two utes's Avatar
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    Default Re: Do you like FISHING!

    Still stuck in Stage 4 Covid-19 lock down means that i cant venture more than 5kms of home for recreational purposes, which leaves me with the option to fish in my local lake which has red fin and carp in it. Just a little further out of range is another lake which has been stocked with trout by the Victorian Fisheries Authority.
    I was very fortune the other day to receive a call from them inviting me to help them stock the lake with 1000 small rainbow trout. I rang my son to bring my grand kids along knowing it would be a novelty for them, and not something many people get the opportunity to do.


    The following week i was to receive another call informing me that the same lake was going to be stocked with a further 60 rainbow trout, but this time, with much bigger models, and the smallest at around 4kg. I am unable to fish this lake for now, but it was sure great getting my hand slimy and smelling like fish again. Hopefully before too long we will have some of our restrictions lifted, but the most important thing for now is for us to stay safe.

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