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Thread: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

  1. #1
    Registered Member Russ's Avatar
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    Default What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    My glass aquarium cover has a white film over it I guess is a calcium build up that I can't seem to remove, someone suggested using white vinegar which I tried but didn't work too well. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    Thank You-

  2. #2
    Registered Member Eddie's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    Generally white vinegar does the trick. Did you spray it on let it soak a few minutes and then scrub it with a green scrub pad? You may want to try a razor blade if all else fails.

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  3. #3
    SimplyDiscus Sponsor and MVP Nov.2015 Disgirl's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    I have used CLR, green bottle in household cleaning depts of grocery stores or Lowe's. It is Calcium,Lime,Rust remover. Just rinse VERY well. Use a razor blade after the buildup softens some. I have used it for years. Rinsing well is the key!

  4. #4
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    I usually use white vinegar but when I refurbished my current tank I used the aquarium cleaning wipes and felt it worked better. I think they are vinegar based though so, who knows?

    I used it for glass so couldn't use anything that would scratch. You would se an improvement a few minutes after wiping.

    Good luck,


  5. #5
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    Both CLR (phosphoric acid) and vinagar (acetic acid) or any other mildly acid solution, even lemon juice, should work. Both are quite weak so it shouldnt damage the surface of your glass. Its far better to use one of these products and spend more time than a stronger acid to speed the process up and end up doing damage to yourself or your tank.

    I normaly spray it on and then cover with paper towels so it doesnt dry out and leave for a few hours or overnight. Use a razor to get the tough stuff off.
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  6. #6
    Registered Member jsciacca's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    IF no fish in tank...razor blade and some elbow grease
    not new to aquarium hobby, just looking for new challenge---discus

  7. #7
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    Try some Lime Away or Lime Off made by Jungle.


  8. #8
    Registered Member zamboniMan's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    No matter what you use make sure you let it SOAK. The stronger the acid he faster it will break down the Calcium. You can use diluted HCl (Muratic Acid) and bring up the concentration slowly. This should not damage the glass as long as there is already water present when you dilute (Remember always add acid to water) and if you use the proper protective equipment.

    I would try using the vinegar again and letting it soak for a while and resort to the HCl as a last resort.



  9. #9
    Registered Member bs6749's Avatar
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    Like others have said, use vinegar and let it soak for 5-10 minutes. Make sure the cover is off of the tank before you start working on it and appying vinegar. After it sits with vinegar on it take a razor blade to it. Make sure the glass is wet and be certain that the full length of the blade is in contact with the surface of the glass otherwise you will scratch the glass. I don't like using the scrubbie pads becaue they have a tendency to scratch. If the amount of lime is so bad that soaking in vinegar doesn't do the trick then I recommend something strong like muriatic acid (HCl/hydrochloric acid). Always wear gloves rubber gloves when handling this stuff and remember to always add acid to water NEVER WATER TO ACID if you want to weaken the strength of the acid you are working with.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: What is the best way to clean calcium build up from glass aquarium cover

    I use muriatic acid, straight from the bottle, on really bad deposits on used aquariums. Inexpensive at any hardware store or home center.

    this is an outdoor activity, requiring rubber gloves, goggles, rubber apron if you can get one. The fumes are dangerous, as well. I get the surface ot be treated horizontal, pour some acid on a white scotchbite pad laying on the surface, scrub from a distance using a 3' dowel. Wet any underlying surface beforehand, have a hose and some baking soda to neutralize/ wash away the acid. The stuff is extremely corrosive, but it will get rid of hard water deposits pronto. If any discoloration remains, it means that the glass has been etched by the deposits, and that won't come out w/o a lot of polishing, generallly not worth it.

    Edit- the acid won't affect the glass or pvc plastic at all...
    Last edited by Jhhnn; 10-22-2009 at 11:19 PM.

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