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Thread: Rodrigo !

  1. #1
    Registered Member alpine's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Lexington, Kentucky

    Default Rodrigo !

    <LI id=post_733913 class="postbitlegacy postbitim postcontainer">
    Rodrigo, I could not agree with you more .. I will send you a copy of this post since most like likely it will be taken off the forum .


    Very Disrespectfull...

    "No need for anyone to reply or add, or do whatever...doesn't matter! But when threads that people have been reading/participating for days simply vanish, it just serves to enforce how much this forum has changed!

    I feel offended (again) that threads are deleted while there is no innapropriate behaviour going on them! And the worst is that no one will at least have the respect for us registered members to share why...just it never happened...

    When the person that started the thread Pm's me asking what happened to their thread...that's when we have go ahead and delete this one as well! "

  2. #2
    Registered Member Chad Hughes's Avatar
    Join Date
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    San Diego, CA

    Default Re: Rodrigo !

    I won't delete your post but I did move it from "General Discussion" to "Site Feedback". I'd also like to take this opportunity to explain something......

    Entire threads and posts are edited and/or deleted as deemed necessary. Most times the content goes way off track from the thread topic. Unfortunately there are some folks that really let their fustration get the best of them. Tempers flare and inappropriate comments get made. That's when threads go south and get edited or deleted. This is a "G" rated forum. Typically when a major edit occurs, most know why. If for some reason your post was deleted and you don't know why, feel free to contact any of the forum moderators and we'd be happy to look in to the issue. I can honestly say when I edit threads I do not contact every poster to let them know their content has been edited or deleted.

    I hope this helps you and others frustrated with forum editing to understand why we do what we do for the reasons we do it. If you have any questions or would like me to look in to a specific issue, let me know.

    Best wishes!
    Last edited by Chad Hughes; 02-28-2011 at 01:03 AM.
    Chad Hughes


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