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Thread: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

  1. #16
    Registered Member TURQ64's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

    I have very poor connection , so I'm not a 'you tube' person, dunno..As for the bowl, just go slow, they'll kind of end up in it moving slow, then wright it and come out of the water a bit faster..I did 19 yesterday transferring to a 180, and didn't have a mark, nor stressed fish...
    The meek shall inherit the earth. The oceans are for the brave.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

    I just net them with a large fish net (ca. 6 in. by 8 in), but I have had their dorsal fin stick in the netting at times. I've never tried the plastic bowl method. I have a plastic sieve that would probably work well. The water would go through it and would allow catching them more efficiently.

  3. #18
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    Default Re: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

    here is how I do it: I have a childrens beach type plastic sand bucket holding about a gallon. I lower
    the water level to just a little over the height of the fish, move anything in the tank that could get in the way [including heaters, etc]. I keep myself in almost a slow motion type zen mode because if you get speedy or jerky, you scare the hell out of them before you begin. If they dart, just stay slow. I would sort of herd them over to one area, gently dip the sand bucket into the water and move it towards the fish you want and corner it against the wall of the tank. They usually just move into the bucket. Then tip it, put your hand over the top in case they make a jump for it, and move them. Prepare for some splashing from the bucket but they will be fine and no damage to gills or eyes. I don't like to use nets for grown fish. When I walk to the new tank I just tip the bucket and in they go.

    Best regards and good luck,
    Last edited by Harriett; 03-31-2011 at 02:31 PM.

  4. #19
    Registered Member White Worm's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

    shallow plastic spaghetti strainer. Do it right before they wake up after a good nights sleep.

  5. #20
    Registered Member Discus Origins's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

    A large net is the safest way to move the fish without dropping them out of your hand or the fish banging into the sides of buckets/bowls when they freak. Make sure the net is wet as dry net will rub off more slime off the fish and move slow in the tank to catch one fish at a time. When you lift the fish out support the weight of fish with your hand under the net and move to their new tank as fast as possible. I make sure to let the fish slide out of the net head first so they swim right into the tank and not get tangled in the net.

    Double check the water parameters making sure the new tank's ph and temp is very close to their old tank. A row of towels on the floor between the old tank and new tank helps with the water drips.

    Good luck!! Mark

  6. #21
    Registered Member Darrell Ward's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

    I've always used a large net for discus, and never had a problem. The only time I've ever had a problem moving fish was about 10 years ago, when a 28" silver arowana that didn't want to be caught, jumped out of the tank, and slammed into a wall about 6' away, before dropping to the floor like a sack of potatoes. The fish was amazingly, unharmed.

  7. #22
    Registered Member Northwoods Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

    Hey Eric
    It doesn't work for all of them. You have seen the hand held shots the breeders show. It seems once they are flat on your hand out of the water they relax or go into a frozen mode. Kind of like a rabbit on its back or a bass by the lip. I'm still careful with something underneath them if I take them more than just the next tank in the same room. It is kind of cool that some relax that way. Try it sometime in the tank at water change time so they won't get out onto the floor.
    Good luck in the move.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: How do i move my discus from my 200liter BB aquarium to 540liter?

    thanks everyone for replying and for helping.
    i moved them yesterday and it went very good. no harm/scratch to the fish and they didnt even get stressed that much. i used the bowl method. i used a white bowl and
    white dish plate. i slowly put the bowl in the aquarium and slowly trapped a discus in it and very slowly put the dish plane on the bowl white it was in the aquarium and while the discus was in it. i took the bowl out and put it in the new aquarium. the fish didnt even notice i was moving him to another aquarium

    but i have another problem, they dont have apetite to eat like they were in the old aquarium. they smell the beefheart mix and taste it and spit it out and leave it there. im glad i have corydoras in the aquarium, they eat the food rests.
    i dont know if they have gill flukes because the blue diamond discus left gill is opening very little and the right gill opens fine, and it breathes faster then the other discus, hes left gill is almost cloed.

    some pictures:

    this blue discus at left seems to have gill flukes.

    this is the same blue discus:

    Last edited by darkpandora; 04-02-2011 at 04:20 PM.

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