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Thread: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

  1. #1
    Registered Member strawberryblonde's Avatar
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    Default Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    I was all in a dither last night during water changes. I super cleaned ALL my tanks, then sterilized my 20g tank and the equipment that I use for it. It's going to be a temporary home for five 3" discus from Hans! I already own one of these guys and four more are arriving today to keep him company. His "brother", the other tester discus that Hans sent me last month is already over 4" and ready to go into the main tank, so this smaller guy has been all alone for four days now.

    Oh wait, gotta back up a bit and fill in the details. LOL

    So, I received two 3" tester discus last month from Hans in order to perform a bunch of QT on my various discus. They all passed with flying colors, but in the process, only one of the tester discus managed to thrive. I've named that guy Fiesty and he grew an inch in a month and now nearly another 1/2 inch in the past 9 days.

    The other tester discus was more timid and all the stress of being moved from one tank to another didn't do him any favors. He ate, but not vigorously and as of today he's only grown a 1/2 inch.

    Soooo, once the two little guys were in their own tank and free to be themselves, Fiesty promptly began beating up on the smaller one. It got to the point four days ago that I thought he'd killed him. He rammed him so that the little guy fell to the bottom and just laid there. Thank goodness he was ok and got up to swim again a few minutes later, but at that point I separated them.

    So Fiesty is currently in a tank of his own while he puts on another 1/2 inch of growth and then he'll go to the main tank. The way he eats, it shouldn't take more than a week or so!

    And little guy is getting new friends today!

    Here's a pic of Little Guy waiting for his friends to arrive:


    120g - 10
    discus, 4 cory's, 50+ Cardinals for now... give it a month and it'll change!

  2. #2
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Woohoo Toni, I see more jumbos in your future.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  3. #3
    SimplyDiscus Sponsor and MVP Nov.2015 Disgirl's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Good story Toni! Hope he likes his new friends and they like him. I have a little guy too, a BD, he is in with all my full grown ones now, also have several 3-4"ers in there too. He joins in and swims with all the large fish, looks kind of silly but he seems happy and healthy, just small. He charges right in after the foods amongst all his huge friends. A small but healthy and pretty discus is just fine with me. Show us pics of the new ones when they settle in.

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  4. #4
    Registered Member strawberryblonde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Quote Originally Posted by Second Hand Pat View Post
    Woohoo Toni, I see more jumbos in your future.
    ROFLMBO! Wait till I have a chance to get a quick pic of the 6" "adult" discus I got from Hans last month Pat.

    Three of them were very slow to adapt to the new tank, so they haven't grown much...yet. The fourth one...well... he's as big as my 7" GS now, maybe a smidge larger and seems determined to catch up to Marlboro Man, the flachen and the RT as quickly as possible.

    The brightly colored Fire Red has TAKEN OFF in the last 3 days too! He's finally front and center and begging with the rest of them. The other blue pigeon and the orange Fire Red still aren't as out going, but dang, last night they jumped right in for the FDBW bedtime snack and were tearing off chunks.

    I'm hoping these new little guys will be just as awesome about eating and growing. Knowing Hans and the quality of his discus, I'm sure they are going to be whoppers. LOL

    120g - 10
    discus, 4 cory's, 50+ Cardinals for now... give it a month and it'll change!

  5. #5
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Maybe we need to come up with a new name for your monster discus...perhaps super sized Jumbo is just too small.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  6. #6
    Registered Member strawberryblonde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Woot! My new babies arrived just as I was stepping out the door to do some grocery shopping. I had put Tim on notice and he promised to listen for the fedex man for me, but as it turned out I was actually here to bring them inside and put them into the tank.

    I had JUST added some FDBW's to the tank for my little guy's lunch, then the doorbell rang, I opened the bags and plopped in the pretty little babies and bingo, the cobalt and tefe took right off after the worms. LOL

    By the time I got home from the store ALL the worms were gone and they were searching the bottom for tidbits. They aren't stressed, though they do tend to swim the other way when I get up close to the tank. For now I'm just letting them sit and will feed again at dinner time.

    Can't wait to post some pics..they are just SO adorable! I've never had such tiny little fish in my tanks and it's fun and exciting to think of growing these little buggers out.

    120g - 10
    discus, 4 cory's, 50+ Cardinals for now... give it a month and it'll change!

  7. #7
    Registered Member musicmarn1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    New Discus ROCK !!! mine just got here and they are coming up to temp, its SO freaking exciting, cant wait to see pictures LOL wow eating right out of the bag, good stuffs really cant wait to see the tefe

  8. #8
    Registered Member strawberryblonde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Isn't it fun Marnie?!

    I sat out there just staring at them for nearly an hour, then finally shook myself and headed off to get some housework done before it's WC time around here.

    The tefe is adorable, I think you're gonna love it.

    I had "thought" that my original "little guy" hadn't grown much in the last month simply because he looked so DANGED small next to Fiesty, who was eating for two the whole time. Turns out that "little guy" is a whole lot larger than I thought. You'll see the difference when I"m able to get some pics. Looks like he's about 1/2 larger than the new guys. He seems to like them though. Chased off the cobalt at first when it started eating, then settled in and just accepted him.

    120g - 10
    discus, 4 cory's, 50+ Cardinals for now... give it a month and it'll change!

  9. #9
    Registered Member musicmarn1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Hahaha ! omg thats so funny i was also sat in front of the tank ( mine were still in bags when i posted above they are now swimming and magnificent woohoo) and my husband came by, he is very nochalant good opposite to my bubbly passionate energy, anyway he just patted me and said no chores for you, you just sit and enjoy your discus and went and did the washing up ! it really IS Christmas

    cant wait to see little guy, love it when animals surprise you, had a puppy that i thought she is just not growing (pit bull i saved her from being killed, she really was bad though, very aggressive at a young age) i mean like really really not growing much at all in months, then another client bought their pit bull pup same age and the quality in shape and musculature in Almond stood out like *wow* she isnt tall huge but she is really perfectly put together. its a nice moment.

    good that he gets to be the fiesty one now hehe, really cant wait to see your pictures Toni

  10. #10
    Registered Member strawberryblonde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Ok, here are two pics just for you. I won't even bother to apologize for the bad lighting, etc. LOL


    I'll try to get some better ones tomorrow night when there's less sunlight, etc and when they aren't quite so shy. Believe it or not, just before I took the pics they were eating dinner, but then they saw the camera and all headed to the side of the tank.

    And did you SEE all the poop on the bottom of that tank? Good lord!

    120g - 10
    discus, 4 cory's, 50+ Cardinals for now... give it a month and it'll change!

  11. #11
    Registered Member musicmarn1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Beautiful! That was ace of you to post early pics little guy seems happy hehe, live the blue and the orange one by the sponge, what strains you got there?

    Are they 3" too?
    Last edited by musicmarn1; 09-19-2013 at 10:18 PM.

  12. #12
    Registered Member strawberryblonde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Yuppers, little guy is quite happy now...he's busy establishing that he's the "boss". LOL

    I have a cobalt, a tefe, a pigeon snakeskin and a brilliant turq. Hopefully they'll show a little better when I get some real pics of them tomorrow night. Oh and yes, they're all 3".

    120g - 10
    discus, 4 cory's, 50+ Cardinals for now... give it a month and it'll change!

  13. #13
    Registered Member strawberryblonde's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    We've passed the second hurdle! (getting them into the tank without a) dropping them or b) having a cat make a snack out of one was the first hurdle)

    They've been merrily eating FDBW's all day and just before tonight's WC I dropped in half a cube of frozen beefheart. Oh man, those guys have been conditioned by Hans to know a chunk of beefheart when they see it! They were all over it and it was demolished and gone in less than 10 minutes.

    Now that they've had their water change I'll wait an hour or so and try to get some better pics of them. The pigeon snakeskin is just plain adorable. She's the smallest one and is light peach in color. She bounces all around the tank saying "hi" to everyone and is the only one who chased my hand around during the WC. LOL

    120g - 10
    discus, 4 cory's, 50+ Cardinals for now... give it a month and it'll change!

  14. #14
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    Time for a vid Toni. Put that new phone to work.
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  15. #15
    Registered Member musicmarn1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Woohoo, new discus arriving today!

    thats great ! no wonder they grow like monsters ! thats so great, fed my guys just before and they scarfed it up, makes you feel good inside when they eat like that ! love hearing about happy Discus

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