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Thread: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

  1. #16
    Registered Member dirtyplants's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    When I was twenty my friend brought over books about training and other things by the CIA, his girlfriend was left a swiss number by her father and he told her if he goes missing to use the info in that account to get benefits from the Govn. given that they would deny his being a field agent for the USA. I grew up very fast after reading through the training manuals and other information in that account. I can not believe all of those credible people have decided to lie about their experiences after the there time was over working for the government.

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  2. #17
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Disgirl View Post
    I think everyone should watch the 4 seasons of Ancient Aliens on the History Channel and then decide for yourself what you think. I have watched every one. Truly a fascinating series.
    That is an awesome show. And good arguments

  3. #18
    Registered Member nc0gnet0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    .....and then there is bigfoot, the loch nech monster, the bermuda triangle, ghosts, demons, I could go on and on.
    Ex-President-North American Discus Association-NADA

  4. #19
    Registered Member Trubble's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    I am definitely in the believer group. Out here in the far end of nowhere, where we live, you see some really interesting things. Those, combined with something I experienced as a teenager, have left me with little doubt as to whether we are alone in the universe or not.

  5. #20
    Registered Member Madaboutdiscus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trubble View Post
    I am definitely in the believer group. Out here in the far end of nowhere, where we live, you see some really interesting things. Those, combined with something I experienced as a teenager, have left me with little doubt as to whether we are alone in the universe or not.
    What have you seen thats made you a believer?


  6. #21

    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    I've followed the subject and pondered it often from the perspective of a Christian minister and filtering it through three advanced degrees in Biblical truth.
    Some personal conclusions are:

    1) The evidence is overwhelming that people are seeing something similar on every continent of the earth that resembles a flying saucer.
    2) The testimonies of multiple eye witnesses seems to confirm some kind of abduction and physical examination- needle stuck into their abdomen
    3) The silence of the government proves some kind of cover-up- They have to be seeing what these people are seeing
    4) The Germans were testing flying saucers before WW2.
    5) We have been pushing the limits of human ability to withstand the g forces in space flight
    6) Cloning has been done successfully on animals.
    7) Why couldn't the US government be using test air craft and cloned human beings to fly them?
    8) Why couldn't the UFO abductions be for the purpose of obtaining eggs and sperm to clone more "aliens"
    9) Why couldn't Area 51 be one of the places this is done? All who work there are sworn to secrecy.
    10) I believe angels and demons are real- but none of the "alien abductions" bear any similarity to what is known about them
    11) While I believe life beyond the earth is possible, I see no reason to believe UFO's are not of human, earthly origin

    Just my 2Cents worth

  7. #22
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    darn it now I'm scared Ryan. Jeff

  8. #23
    Registered Member Keith Perkins's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    I'm with John.
    President - North American Discus Association

  9. #24
    Registered Member ericatdallas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    I was just talking about this with my wife... the recent guestimate on how many earth size planets in the habitable zone of sun-like stars in our galaxy stands at 40,000,000,000.

    NOT all of those are going to be habitable, but if 1 in a million are, that's still 40,000 habitable planets in our galaxy.

    NOW lets multiply those by the number of galaxies in the known universe, 40,000 x 100,000,000,000 = 4E15 habitable planets in the known universe.

    IF ONLY 1 in a BILLION of those had advanced civilizations (our tech or better), there are still 40,000 advanced civilizations in the universe.

    So somewhere out there, I believe there is at LEAST ONE other habitable planet in our universe....

  10. #25
    Registered Member Keith Perkins's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    Genesis 1:1
    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    I'm sticking with no ETs.
    President - North American Discus Association

  11. #26
    Registered Member nc0gnet0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    NOT all of those are going to be habitable, but if 1 in a million are, that's still 40,000 habitable planets in our galaxy.

    NOW lets multiply those by the number of galaxies in the known universe, 40,000 x 100,000,000,000 = 4E15 habitable planets in the known universe.

    IF ONLY 1 in a BILLION of those had advanced civilizations (our tech or better), there are still 40,000 advanced civilizations in the universe.

    IN which the nearest is 12 light years away. That means it would take them 8 years traveling at 3x the speed of light to make a trip to earth and back. So, ask yourself, why would a species so technoligical advanced that is capable of traveling 3x the speed of light need to take specimins with a needle, be-boop around in our atmosphere to observe us, and crash in the desert? Making a case for life on other planets is one thing, extrapolating that into explaining UFO's is quite another.

    7) Why couldn't the US government be using test air craft and cloned human beings to fly them?
    If the US (or any other for that matter) government had such technology, it would have already been incorporated into weapons of war. That my friend, is the human way.

    Ex-President-North American Discus Association-NADA

  12. #27
    Registered Member Len's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    Quote Originally Posted by CozyKeith View Post
    Genesis 1:1
    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    I'm sticking with no ETs.

    Yes Keith ... In the beginning. Who's to say he didn't keep going after that? Always best to keep several colonies going in case once crashes. oh wait -- that's live food cultures. Similar concept though, just sayin


  13. #28
    MVP Oct.2015 discuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    Some very interesting commentary here - all of the contributions are much appreciated.

    For those of you who are Christian non-believers in the UFO phenomenon, may I refer to the many references throughout the Bible, and other religious tomes, to many non-earthly beliefs, experiences, and visitations dating back thousands of years, some not so subtle and vague, even considering the times in which the described accounts were written.
    I'm not a regular reader/studier of the Bible, and can't specifically reference the transcripts, but I have read many of them at one time or another, which many feel can readily be interpreted as ET sightings & encounters.

    It may also surprise you a bit to know that the Vatican itself has been avidly studying the UFO matter for many years. The Vatican has some of the most learned astronomers in the world within its walls, and even operates one of the most technologically advanced astronomical observational facilities on earth, right here in Nevada. This I gleaned from the research I have done. Apparently the Vatican has also been the recipient, along with the U.K. & other governments, of very classified documents on the UFO matter, put out by the CIA & the Pentagon over the years.

    Also for those of you who are non-believers, but may also have some small inkling of interest in the subject, may I respectfully suggest you start off by viewing (U Tube) a presentation by Robert Dean, dating back to 1993, titled:
    "The S.H.A.P.E. Assessment - UFO Cover-Up" You can easily find it by googling. Bob Dean retired from the U.S. Army as a Command Master Sergeant, who was stationed in the S.H.A.P.E headquarters in Paris for several years and who held the highest classified secret clearance ranking issued by the Pentagon. During his time with SHAPE/NATO a huge number of classified documents went through his hands. He was so intrigued that he spent many years following his retirement researching the UFO controversy, and admits to having broken his oath of secrecy by making the presentations he has over the past 20 years. He remains unscathed through it all, perhaps with the tacit approval of the authorities, as a part of the permitted 'subtle disclosure' posture seemingly having been adopted in recent years.

    Overall, I'm having a lot of fun with researching this subject, in addition to having become a believer. In a way, perhaps I'm also playing a very small part in the 'leakage'.
    For those of you who find Bob Dean's account of some value, and who have some further interest, I'd be happy to provide reference to another interesting account of an inter-relationship by a retired U.S. air force officer with a group of ET's which took place in the Nevada desert.
    I sincerely hope you're finding this discussion interesting.
    Last edited by discuspaul; 11-14-2013 at 02:46 AM.

  14. #29
    MVP Oct.2015 discuspaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    Excuse the duplication - could not delete either post. Perhaps mods will delete the last one, which has a typo.

    Oops - the duplicate has been deleted. Thank you to whomever has done it.
    Last edited by discuspaul; 11-14-2013 at 02:58 AM.

  15. #30
    Registered Member ericatdallas's Avatar
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    Default Re: Extra-terrestrial life on earth ?

    Quote Originally Posted by nc0gnet0 View Post
    IN which the nearest is 12 light years away. That means it would take them 8 years traveling at 3x the speed of light to make a trip to earth and back. So, ask yourself, why would a species so technoligical advanced that is capable of traveling 3x the speed of light need to take specimins with a needle, be-boop around in our atmosphere to observe us, and crash in the desert? Making a case for life on other planets is one thing, extrapolating that into explaining UFO's is quite another.


    Why do we go to obscure parts of the world taking random biological samples? Why do we explore every aspect of this planet and others? Curiosity. Knowledge. Just becase it's not something that interests you, it may interest some advanced technological society. I firmly believe if we ever make it to that point, we would do the same.

    Also, as for crashing on the planet, I never said that's what I believed. True, extrapolating the possibility of alien life is one thing, but ET is another.

    1) Panspermia
    2) There's a theory that if speed-of-light travel isn't possible, given enough time, using even current earth propulsion technology (probably more advanced life support) and enough motivation, an alien species could spread across the galaxy. If they're traveling by this mode, then their equipment might be old/failing. This would explain why there aren't rescue missions. You're also assuming they view time the same way we do, when you speak of years. A gnat's life is short compared to ours. Our life is short compared to that of certain species of tortuoises. An advanced society may have figured a way to live for much longer or may have evolved differently. Generations of Discus live, breed, and die within just one of ours.

    With that said, I'm more inclined to believe in Panspermia, or the concept that asteroids bring microscopic life to earth. We probably don't recognize it as ET because the DNA profile is firmly within our own by now.

    I also, for several reasons, don't believe our government is interacting with ETs. We can't even keep people like Snowden from leaking basic Intel methods, how would we keep so many people from finding a way to expose a consipiracy with far deeper repercussions.

    Quote Originally Posted by CozyKeith View Post
    Genesis 1:1
    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

    I'm sticking with no ETs.
    Yeah, as mentioned previously, it doesn't say he didn't make more. What if an alien planet's bible says, "In the Beginning God create the heaven and the earth. He made man and woman and they betrayed his trust with the serpent. So God wanted BETTER and thus made ..." and so forth.
    Last edited by ericatdallas; 11-14-2013 at 09:42 AM.

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