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Thread: what is your main job.

  1. #46
    Registered Member April's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    And to think i taught Tony all his construction know how..... when i came last summer...i showed him how to do that.and now hes such a clever boy!! : ;D
    ok. so i didnt . but i did get to see some of the other stuff he made....and its all pretty nice. and i think id go for him making me custom cabinet tanks...maybe with a mini circular staircase to climb to clean the tank?

  2. #47
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Heh, This is my first time to this part of the boards. I rarely stray from general, buyselltrade, and the DYI sections. But since im here i thought i would share..

    Currently I work in the Fire Protection Industry as a Programming Tech. in the Service Dept. for a Supression company. We deal mainly in FM200 Halon and CO2.

    For a while I thought I was going to be a career student. I have 3 Degrees and working on a fourth. AA Administration of Justice. I wanted to be a Police Officer so bad I could taste it. I was broken hearted when I was disqualified becuase of vision issues in my Left eye 20/80. If you where wondering minimum req. for my area is 20/70 uncorrected. My right eye is 20/15 and I see perfectly fine.
    2nd Degree was Computer Science. This industry as many of you know is not at its best right now and I was a day late and a dollar short for the market. I graduated 6 months after the market started to turn for the worst.
    3rd Degree is in Electronics. I went to a local Tech College for this degree and it payed off. Im doing very well now. It actually branched off into my next degree im working on for my future carreer change.
    4th Degree Fire Science. I really enjoy my job. It gives me the oppertunity to provide a bit of safety to the general public. Even though it may be a small part. 100's of people are killed anually by fires and if a system I program saves 1 life then it is all worth it. I am hoping that with my experience in the Suppresion and Prevention of Fire along with my degree (should finnish in about 1year) that I may find a spot with the Fire Marshals Office.

    Other Hobbies include but not limited too:
    Import Drag Racing : Fastest E.T. 10.48@142mph
    Body Building: Competed in a Local show in 97 took 3rd place. havent Been Competative since.
    Fishing: I love Bass Fishing.
    There is more but they are slipping my mind ATM

  3. #48
    Registered Member susankay1's Avatar
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    What we do for a living? Good Question!! Just kidding, hubby and I are retired long haul truck drivers. We drove together for 20 years, then retired to start a business selling collectibles to truckstops....imagine that. We have travelled all over the country in our custom vans, taking merchandise to truckstops so we don't mind traveling to see and buy discus. I am really brand new to discus, Bill had them in the 70's when they weren't nearly as much fun as they are now. Between traveling enough to pay the bills, our fish and our cats, we are happy and busy. Lovin life, each other, and trying to leave a good mark on the world.

  4. #49
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Undertaker (funeral director)

    Own my own company so have a few Discus tanks at work also.

    I knew there had to be some perks owning the business.

  5. #50
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    well i think i am the jobless one,
    i am still a student persuing my graduation in mechanical engg. 2 more years left and i'll be free to get a job.
    Discus hobby was carry forward from dad.

    Do side by computing.
    Have hand on experience in repairing cars and bikes.
    And fixing computer softwares.

  6. #51
    Registered Member yippy's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    my main job is keeping April from stealing/returning our manas, and keeping fish - discus, bettas (my favourites) - and my handsome boy red devil "brutie".
    well nothing can be done about Pril, she will not return that mana to oz. and Brew will understand this, i want Joefish's fish - i love discus but those fronties of his are AWESOME.
    Apart from that i typeset advertisments for aussie magazines - and yes - my sister does look like Elle macpeherson - and yes i gamble on horses. But, i have never met friends like i have on here.

    Kerry :P

  7. #52
    SimplyDiscus Sponsor and University Discus_KC's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    GI Jack !!!!!!!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D

    But it's not my main job !!!!

    I still think I'm married with Children !!!!!! I hope !!!

  8. #53
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    My main job is breeding/showing longhaired dachshunds and serving on the Boards of the Dachshund Club of America and its Health and Welfare Trust Fund. I also judge several breeds at dog shows.

    Having said that, with 7 display tanks in the house, it often seems like my main job is tank maintenance! But, as someone recently said, isn't it wonderful when you can do what you love?

  9. #54
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    I'm working as a program manager in operations for a computer company, mostly supply chain reengineering. Lucky to work remote most of the time as I report to people in the SFBay, although don't have to pay the real estate costs! My BA is in Biology, with neuroendocrinology of marine invertebrates being the focus. Previous work has been also in Telecomm, fiber optic test and measurement. A good friend is a researcher in neuroendocrinology (now Parkinson's and Extasy?!?) who uses electroluminescence. Brewmaster, do you ever interface with OHSU or Columbia University researchers? It's turning into a very small world...

  10. #55
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    My BA is in Biology, with neuroendocrinology of marine invertebrates being the focus.
    Sweet! If I could go back to high school, for some reason or another I would go into biology particular marine. LOL! O well! Maybe a career change in 10years or so! ;D

  11. #56
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Hi Brian,

    Welcome aboard! Nice having another Biologist around. It is a small world isn't it? I have not had the pleasure of working much with universities.. The field I worked in was the private sector , drug development and biotechnology, with a strong emphasis on diabetes,glycation, atherosclerosis, and much digital imaging and assay dev.

    I have recently switched gears and am now work for myself as a consultant, and teacher of teachers. Basically developing educational programs to help teachers "teach" science and nature .. It gives me a much more flexibel scheduole to pursue my discus interest and to raise my kids.


  12. #57
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Thanks Al and Ron, I'm glad to have found the forum. After seeing a couple of really nice planted show tanks, the biology bug came back. The ability to have an ecology like that in a small visible space is remarkable. So, I'm able to satisfy the scientist urges even while my main work is at a keyboard.
    I appreciate your move to consulting/teaching. There is a long line of teachers in my family, and I find myself in that role often (as many are just too scared of public speaking). I'm very sensitive to the differences in good and bad teaching, and the perceptions of the students. It's fascinating to find the best way to communicate information, and wonderful to see the lights come on!
    I enjoyed marine work, but around here it's not the Bahamas! Field work is wet, rainy and really cold. My only diving experiences have been in the pacific and Hood Canal (Seattly area), very cold, low visibility work. So for now I'm glad to be doing tech work. I'll look to something more adventuresome as a retirement job someday.

  13. #58
    SimplyDiscus Sponsor and University Discus_KC's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    My wife has given me a new title

    "Fish Room Project Manager

    It sounds important but I'm still the grunt !!!!!!!

  14. #59
    Registered Member Ardan's Avatar
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    Welcome Brian!
    Sounds like fish are right in your interests 8)
    I have never gone diving but someday I would like too For now, the discus tank is my underwater experience 8)
    I am glad you are here, I am sure you will have a lot of knowledge to share 8) 8)

    Jack , I have many titles too.......but it still all adds up to "grunt" ;D ;D I do like your title though 8)

  15. #60
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:what is your main job.

    I am a Discus newbie, wish I had found this site earlier before I lost 2 fish last week. Anyway, I'm a creative director in a Web development company. Beside this new Discus-rearing hobby, I'm also an avid radio-controlled helicopter enthusiast.

    Pat Leong

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