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Thread: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Hi Kyla,

    Thanks for looking into my situation and providing some pointers. I definitely want to get our next group of Discus from a more reputable source and will definitely check out the vendors listed here. We plan to eventually have 6 total Discus. That said, I need to work on getting these guys straightened out before I get any more. We are currently getting the black worms from two different LFS, but I'd like to eventually culture my own so that I don't have to worry about as many additional parasites. We always have to clean out the worms and separate any other squirmers we can get in there, most commonly leeches, but this last batch also had some other hair thin worms that we had to separate out. >.< I want to get them onto other food, but it is a struggle to get them to take other food, particularly with whatever is ailing them.

    Really appreciate you sharing your advice! There is a lot of good advice I can take something from.

  2. #17
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by bluelagoon View Post
    Hi,I did not read all that post,too long for me,but that dark discus has been sick for months to be that thin.
    That was my worst fear. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and letting me know.

  3. #18
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by StriatedTiger View Post
    I want to get them onto other food, but it is a struggle to get them to take other food, particularly with whatever is ailing them
    my discus' favourite food (by far) is the freeze dried black worm cubes. i also love feeding this to them because it is so "clean" - meaning it does not break down quickly and create a lot of mess in the tank, as my homemade foods tend to do. plus i c an press the little cube to the glass on either side of the tank so there is less chance my smaller discus miss out due to bullying at feeding time. if u ever wanted to try this food there is a link at the top of the forum to buy the FDBW

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Thanks Kyla. Maybe I'll try it. So far I've tried frozen blood worms, frozen beef heart, frozen mysis shrimp, freeze dried brine shrimp, granules, and cichlid flakes. The only food all the Discus will take is the live black worms. My bigger Discus also likes the frozen blood worms, but doesn't go after them the same as the black worms. I've also caught each of my Discus grazing on algae wafers as odd as that sounds. I put them in there for the Garra, which will usually take them into their caves and hide them, but the Discus will graze on any left out and will steal them if they are not well hidden. They do this in the off time between normal feedings.

  5. #20
    Registered Member Ryan925's Avatar
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by StriatedTiger View Post
    Thanks Kyla. Maybe I'll try it. So far I've tried frozen blood worms, frozen beef heart, frozen mysis shrimp, freeze dried brine shrimp, granules, and cichlid flakes. The only food all the Discus will take is the live black worms. My bigger Discus also likes the frozen blood worms, but doesn't go after them the same as the black worms. I've also caught each of my Discus grazing on algae wafers as odd as that sounds. I put them in there for the Garra, which will usually take them into their caves and hide them, but the Discus will graze on any left out and will steal them if they are not well hidden. They do this in the off time between normal feedings.
    How long have you had them? Discus will most often be very picky with new foods. The key is to be persistent with them.
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  6. #21
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Hope your not offended but I would cull those and sterilize the tank.They really look too far gone to amount to anything worth while.The price of meds these days is not cheap and I can't see these fish improving,especially the very thin guy.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by bluelagoon View Post
    Hope your not offended but I would cull those and sterilize the tank.They really look too far gone to amount to anything worth while.The price of meds these days is not cheap and I can't see these fish improving,especially the very thin guy.
    I do not take offence, but I also don't agree with that action. I believe that the actions of the fish - still feeding, schooling and swimming about, shows that there is still some hope for these guys. Beyond that, I simply don't believe in culling. Though nature does this naturally in the wild, I do not have to, nor do I want to play God and say there is no hope for these fish. I am in no way worried about the price of meds... seems insignificant to me.

    I've got Levamisole on the way... should have arrived today. I will start with this. I am not certain the issue is worms, but hopefully deworming the fish will help either way as it will at least free their immune systems from having to deal with that. If I don't see improvement there, my current plan is to treat with metro to remove any flagellates. The fin rot suggests a bacterial issue, so I may treat simultaneously with an antibacterial, or after using the Levamisole. I'd certainly appreciate any advice anyone has on treatment.


  8. #23
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by StriatedTiger View Post
    I do not take offence, but I also don't agree with that action. I believe that the actions of the fish - still feeding, schooling and swimming about, shows that there is still some hope for these guys. Beyond that, I simply don't believe in culling. Though nature does this naturally in the wild, I do not have to, nor do I want to play God and say there is no hope for these fish. I am in no way worried about the price of meds... seems insignificant to me.

    I've got Levamisole on the way... should have arrived today. I will start with this. I am not certain the issue is worms, but hopefully deworming the fish will help either way as it will at least free their immune systems from having to deal with that. If I don't see improvement there, my current plan is to treat with metro to remove any flagellates. The fin rot suggests a bacterial issue, so I may treat simultaneously with an antibacterial, or after using the Levamisole. I'd certainly appreciate any advice anyone has on treatment.

    I think what he is getting at is that sometimes fish can be beyond medication. While you go through a long medication process these fish may be suffering. It's not playing God it's doing the humane thing. We all have our own beliefs and to each their own
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  9. #24
    Registered Member bluelagoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    In all my years of keeping fish.I have never seen a fish that thin get any better.That one is super thin.Both are breathing fast.Too late for meds for the dark one.Good luck.

  10. #25
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    Default Re: Emergency Situation - Potentially Sick Discus

    Quote Originally Posted by bluelagoon View Post
    In all my years of keeping fish.I have never seen a fish that thin get any better.That one is super thin.Both are breathing fast.Too late for meds for the dark one.Good luck.
    I appreciate your honesty. Thanks.

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