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Thread: Vacation Question...

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Vacation Question...

    I've researched this a little but only find really old threads with not a ton of advice so I figured I would start a new thread.

    I'll be leaving on vacation for about 10 days and am wondering what everyone recommends for my discus tank. I have a 125 with 7 discus ranging from 4"-7", a small school of rummynose, a couple rasbora and a cardinal tetra.

    I've heard everything from "you can't be gone that long ever" to "adults can make it 2 weeks with no food and water changes" LOL

    My future in-laws will be available to check in on the fish and/or feed them daily. They are not experienced with keeping fish so I definitely do not trust them to do any water changes. I have an APEX hooked up so I can always check on temp at any time. They live in the neighborhood so they can let me know if power goes out and I can help them with managing that (they will be checking on our dogs twice daily already). I pretty much feed live blackworms only and throw some dry in occasionally but the majority of the fish don't touch dry. They DO eat frozen bloodworms which would also make it really easy if I need to have the future in-laws feed because 1 cube a day would cover everyone.

    SO - what does everyone recommend?

  2. #2
    Registered Member Ryan925's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vacation Question...

    General recommendation is fast them 48 hours prior to leaving. Do daily large wcs the two days prior to leaving then no feeding while gone so that water quality is not an issue
    Im not illiterate...only my phone's auto correct is

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Vacation Question...

    Ok. So 10 days with no food should be fine? Or would you recommend having the in-laws drop a cube of frozen in each day?

  4. #4
    Registered Member Clawhammer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vacation Question...

    Ryan's guidance is correct. No food for 48 hours before leaving or during the travel with large water changes in the days before leaving. They will be fine, I have had to do it multiple times.

  5. #5
    Registered Member Ryan925's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vacation Question...

    Quote Originally Posted by *HOVA* View Post
    Ok. So 10 days with no food should be fine? Or would you recommend having the in-laws drop a cube of frozen in each day?
    10 days should have no effect especially with adults. Remember food each day results in urine and feces
    Im not illiterate...only my phone's auto correct is

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Vacation Question...

    Ok, thanks guys! I've heard others say about the same so that confirms it

  7. #7
    Registered Member Bizarro252's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vacation Question...

    Just wanted to add since I have some first hand experience now Follow the advice above, fast for 48 hours, perform at least 2 water changes during that fast, and no food while gone. I just got back from 5 days (so a total of 7 without food) on some 4" guys and they were all fine Left with ~3ppm Nitrates and came back to ~20ppm Nitrates in the tank (55gal, 6xDiscus).

    Only thing I noticed that I didnt see much mention of was how they ate when I got back, they were not ravenous like I thought they would be, they ate less than normal, but maybe their stomachs shrank a bit, I am sure they will be back to normal in a few days. All ate fine, just less, and all looked happy and healthy on return.

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