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Thread: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

  1. #16
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    From Al's discus talk on Youtube

  2. #17
    SimplyDiscus Sponsor and MVP Nov.2015 Disgirl's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    I was looking around online for discus keeping requirements to see if I could really keep them in high ph water, and found SD and joined right away, 2009.

    Delightful Designs Discus Cones by Barb -- Check out my Sponsor section --HERE--!

  3. #18
    Registered Member two utes's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    I did a google search on discus after i killed my first discus, and found this forum...i figured i did something wrong....I've learnt a whole lot since, and still learning
    We're here for a good time...not a long time

  4. #19
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    It's been so long ago that I don't remember for sure. It was 2001 when I joined under the name Liz_Streithorst (I think). It was before Google but I must have found it by a search engine of some kind.

    After a while I was big on Aquaboards a forum that is gone now, then I came back here. Eventually I was banned for a couple of months because I was too intolerant. After that I got DAAH back on it's feet. It was going good until the "boys club" took everything over. Then I went to a forum started by a bad man who pretended to be nice and then hurt people's feelings. After that I joined Mugwumpsfishworld where I'm still an active member.

    Finally, my yearning for Discus came overcame me and here I am back again where I belong.
    Mama Bear

  5. #20
    Registered Member Pices's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    I can’t imagine this forum without you Liz. I might not be here myself if not for your help in my learning curve.
    If the discus are happy, I’m happy

  6. #21
    Registered Member sanjay21's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    Google search on Sick Discus

  7. #22
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    I found this forum by watching The King Of DIY on youtube.

  8. #23
    Registered Member Jack L's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    i can't remember, i was looking for the old forum that I used 20 years ago... and found this.
    Jim Quarles was a notable figure on that old forum...

  9. #24
    Registered Member Tshethar's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    When I moved here and we bought our first house I wanted to get going with fish again after a two year absence, and I decided to go with Tanganyikan cichlids for the first time. Learned a lot at that time (2006 or 2007) on Cichlid Forum; there were definitely some knowledgeable and experienced folks who knew Africans over there, and by mostly lurking and asking a few questions I was able to come up with a good stocking plan and such for my tank, think about equipment, etc. Discovered then that researching and planning could be half the fun (sometimes more), and so when I decided to try discus a couple of years ago I wanted to do the same. I'm sure I went over there first, but as I remember I figured out that there wasn't a lot of regular traffic on discus there, and google must have quickly pointed me over here.

    At first I was a little disoriented and didn't know what to make of some of the threads from 2003 and such in the beginner's section, but by hanging around are reading the "new posts" and then searching on thread topics of interest, I started to realize that there was a lot going on that I could learn from.

  10. #25
    Homesteader Filip's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    Interesting thread Pat .
    I remember finding about SD forum 10 years ago, when I got my first discus. I Google a lot about my new fish and most of my google searches containing the word "discus "led to this forum .Needless to say that most of my searches back then were related to discus diseases and treatments and luckily they all lead me to this great place .

  11. #26
    Registered Member dagray's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    I was active on an Angelfish forum when I decided to add discus to my aquarium. I was referred here by some members there that were/are also members here. This was back in March 2013.

    I made my discus purchase off of Aquabid, and ended up with eight dime sized Discus that I put in breeder boxes inside my 75 gallon tank. I then would feed the little ones three to four times a day with live blackworm, crushed flake, and some frozen foods. When these discus were 1/2 dollar size I dumped them into the main tank from the breeder boxes as there were in the same water (literally).

    At that point they were big enough to compete with the angels for food.

    I ended up with four discus in the five to seven inch range including one breeding pair (wigglers on the cone). I ended up taking a pay cut to move to a job closer to home, and sold the discus.

    The tank stayed up and running with just a large Raphael Striped Catfish (about 12 inches long and three or so inches diameter), and breeding lemon drop bristlenose plecos.

    Just this last Saturday I rehomed the catfish, and added some dither fish and three blue rams. I am going with a South American tank (with the exception of one plant that is from Asia (Anubias).

    Eventually I will become a Homesteader again.
    God is the artist, he merely allows me to see and capture his work . coupon code: angelfish
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  12. #27
    Gold Member
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    I was on a "The Discus Web Forum" which was managed by a lady named Gloria Muir (she may have been a mod here early 2000's), she switched over to Simply and the other forum basically wilted away.
    I actually registered for SimplyDiscus back in 2007 but didn't get a new lot of discus until 10 years later!

  13. #28
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    I was on and asked about discus and someone pointed me this way.

  14. #29
    Gold Member FischAutoTechGarten's Avatar
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    I think I stumbled upon first (the old Jim Quarles/Chad Hughes Discus as a Hobby site). Someone there recommended SimplyDiscus. Folks really misbehaved on DAAH, but I found SimplyDiscus was so civil by comparison.
    Cuerpo en Green Valley, Arizona, USA y Corazón en Alamos, Sonora, Mexico

    learning never stops

  15. #30
    Silver Member
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    Default Re: How did you hear about SimplyDiscus!!

    Google search in search of buying discus. Google led me to Kenny on Simply discus.

    I ended up buying from the Discusguys, not that they're bad, but after doing a little more research, I regret not buying form Kenny.

    And finally became a member when my first batch got sick.

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