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Thread: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

  1. #16
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    Ps.. I have had a bad experience as well with red cedar.. used an.old stump and lost a bunch of discus years ago.
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

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  2. #17
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    I made a promise though! Not the best pics.

    Old discus paired with new discus. New one is mail... shot blanks. But old girl guarded and guarded and guarded for a week (even after all fungused over... I had to scrape them).






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  3. #18
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    Peewee wow there is a clock!! Wife must have snuck that in! Could have got one with a fish on it .
    Pastry if looking for lighting look into the vivagrow 24/7 lighting. Works well and they are cheap. Probably a little over $100 for 2 36” or 48”. Found on eBay. Nice looking setup. Also if looking for plants I usually cut twice a month and I could send you some. I have a giant hygro that gets bushy at the top and grows to the top of the tank. Westeria,anacharis hornwort and an interesting sword Vesuvius angustifolia.

  4. #19
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    Tom, THANKS!!!!! Might PM you to ask more about those lights.

    As for plants, they'll take back off. I had too many cocktails (surprise surprise) and waaaaay over thinned the java fern, swords, val, and lillies

    I have a hate-love relationship with val. Hets out of control in a heartbeat but also has been a common variable when multiple species are spawning (may be only coincidence, but has happened over multiple times where I've let val get out of control).

    Sorry to ALL for crappy pics last night. I'm going to use the real camera today and get better ones. Just have a hard time staying under 2MB. My wife's iPad takes GREAT pics and are under 2MB... but getting her off than damn thing at this point of the day... ain't happening

  5. #20
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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  6. #21
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    So the 1st & 8th pic are of the "Red Rose" from Mac's (what does it really look like though?... yeah, not even close)

    2, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 9 are the only current pair in the tank. Old one that survived my latest huge screw up is the Alenquer cross from Uncle Sam's when they were a sponsor. I SWEAR I thought it was a male (spawned before)... but nope! The young RC (who I loooove) from Kenny is infatuated with her. He just needs his testicles to stop shooting blanks.

    They're dancing & shimmying like crazy now. They'll spawn again soon.

    The two 3Rs from Kenny are BEAUTIFUL but one is very antisocial. Hangs in opposite corner from other 3 larger ones. I see many newbies get worried when that happens... DON'T worry (short answer). Social totem pole changes constantly. Leave it be! Is it pooping? Yep,... so it's fine. If not fine then let Darwin take his course (IMO).

    Still pissed at Mac's discus but I swear all 5 are growing faster than I've ever seen ANY TYPE of fish I've kept. And that's saying a lot since my WC routine is sub-par.

    Well the tank overall isn't sexy (to me) like I've loved in the past but that's why I liked doing a multi-year thread in the past... to see many different things evolve over time (plants, scape, discus, tankmates, etc.).

    I do hope in this one to show a successful spawn with fry making it to maturity in the tank without interference
    ... and I'll put money on it that it may begin to happen VERY soon after seeing certain traits of current pair...

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Iminit View Post
    Peewee wow there is a clock!! Wife must have snuck that in! Could have got one with a fish on it .
    Pastry if looking for lighting look into the vivagrow 24/7 lighting. Works well and they are cheap. Probably a little over $100 for 2 36” or 48”. Found on eBay. Nice looking setup. Also if looking for plants I usually cut twice a month and I could send you some. I have a giant hygro that gets bushy at the top and grows to the top of the tank. Westeria,anacharis hornwort and an interesting sword Vesuvius angustifolia.
    Hey, Baby Big Ben, what time is it?

  8. #23
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    E-man, the red one with the brown patch in the middle is a what? Red Alenquer?

  9. #24
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    Quote Originally Posted by peewee1 View Post
    E-man, the red one with the brown patch in the middle is a what? Red Alenquer?
    Yo PeeWee! It's actually a Red Cover male. Ton of red pigmentation for a male. Surprised me. Got it from Kenny's February shipment.

    Some of my all time favorites were his (Forrest's) RCs with blue halos back around 2012. Man thise were freak'n amazing to me. But these latest RCs seem much different. The former ones were like a velvety, rich, sunset red with just eye bar (I know... "WTH does velvety mean?"... just the only way I could describe it). But now they're getting more and more fire engine red that seamlessly go from body to fins. The blue halo ones back then didn't grow like other brown based reds (stayed smaller) and this one (although male... my old blue halos ended up being all female) is growing like a weed. I believe he was an "AB grade" as well... but damn, I'll take those AB grades any day.

  10. #25
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    What does AB mean? Are they more select that "select grade" With regard to the RC with blue halo it is possible that Forrest's pairs all died and as he continued with the generation inbreeding they lost the blue halo?

  11. #26
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    Lol lookin at 11:30 . I think AB is a lesser quality. Go figure!
    Elliot are you saying that just the female red covers are all red?

  12. #27
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    Yes, 11:30 is correct. I was testing because I do believe I can see your clock from my house and I am 2 time zones away!

  13. #28
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Iminit View Post
    Lol lookin at 11:30 . I think AB is a lesser quality. Go figure!
    Elliot are you saying that just the female red covers are all red?
    I took this from a 2018 Willie post. "Sellers will advertise "select grade" or "A grade" to signify that their discus is better than usual. If every discus they offer is "select" or "A grade", it would certainly suggest a lot of BS. Sometimes, you see offers where only a few discus strains are described as "select grade" or "A grade". The same strain may also be offered without the "select grade" designation or called out as "B grade". These will be priced lower. That makes sense to me. Of course, it's up to your eye to confirm whether or not the designation is deserved. Just saying it doesn't make it so."

    Now so as not to hijack this great and wonder thread I have not seen a discus so red and then have the brown patch center body and it has the black halo as well. I my mind, E, you have a rather unique RC. I looked at all of the February Kenny fish and did not notice that one. Good job!

  14. #29
    Registered Member pastry's Avatar
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    PeeWee, you didn't hijack! This type of stuff is fresh material brother. Funny thing is "Growing in Planted" is not fresh... but I liked the first time I did it because it was a fresh way to do a non-fresh, reoccurring topic we see folks start and disappear after a week (and yes, I'm drinking tonight... if anyone couldn't tell by "fresh", "non-fresh"...).

    Totally agree on "'s up to your eye...". My own opinion with Kenny/ Forrest is the don't seem to pound their chest on all they're discus being champions. The majority of the market who's at least aware of them tend to simply see their product as quality (meaning, healthy, beautiful hormone free, no beaks, etc.). My own interpretation is their own internal grading (e.g., "These RCs are a hell of a lot more red than this group of my RCs"). I could be wrong and not my place to say that's how they do it but just my guess after years of drooling like a hungry dog staring at a steak every time Kenny posts a new shipment.

    Yes! BUT, only as a rule of thumb for most brown based reds (not just RCs). One of my blue halo girls was more brown than red (often halos were more a trait of a female with many brown based reds on market). My current RC male through me off because I thought he'd be a female. RRs have been easier for me (with Kenny's and some others acclaimed RRs) regarding "Red & Hal = female... brown/ginger color & no halo = male". Again, only rule of thumb but it seems to be most reliable "tell" if you were putting money on it like roulette.

    My VR males in the past had black halos (and 2 eventually had halos turn blue... wierd... look at pics in old thread... cool seeing over time). Those VRs grew GREAT under my crappy WC regime. All 3 just shy of 7" in the end. Glad to see Kenny pushing VRs again!

  15. #30
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    Default Re: Growing out in planted tank... again :P

    with regard to the black halo reds. I found that to be true with the Red Alenquer. Advertised as "with halo" but I do have a male is ginger in color with no black halo. As you said with your RRs.

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