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Thread: Anyone keep Chickens?

  1. #211
    Administrator and MVP Dec.2015 Second Hand Pat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    Cute Liz!! What we do for our critters
    Your discus are talking to you....are you listening

  2. #212
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    I just put in an order for new chicks. I'm trying a new hatchery this time. Last year I ordered from Murray McMurray and although all the chicks were healthy and vigorous and grew to be excellent layers. My problem was that they did not conform to the breed standard. My Light Brahmas were speckled all over with black feathers. I was poking around the web and came across another guy who had the same problem with his McMurray Light Brahmas.

    I'm going with Cackle hatchery this time around. The reviews are good. Buying a good Discus is easier than buying good chickens. With Discus you can ask for a pic of the exact fish you want. With day old chicks all you can do it hope for the best. I'll be keeping 3 of my McMurray hens. They will never win a beauty contest but they insist on laying their daily egg in the house. It boggles my mind that they never poop on the floor. They just come in, go to their individual secluded places, lay their egg and go back out through the pet door. I cant bring myself to part with them.
    Mama Bear

  3. #213
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    So my chicken journey continues.. Several months ago, just before covid I rehomed Elvis and his flock. I didnt have time to take care of them with the demand of caring for parents and I found Elvis a forever farm ... Elvis was getting a bit aggressive to Carrie and the kids and I was theonly one he really respected.

    I went a few weeks without hens and covid hit.We had no eggs and Being stuck home I found myself in survival mode. The veggie gardens I wasnt going to do this year went in again.. and I decided it would be good to get some hens. I had a heck of a time.. everyone had the same idea. FINALLY scored a group of 8 plain jane Rhode Island Reds due to start laying eggs . In short order eggs were here again and the Hens have done wonderfully.I started with Rhode Island Reds many many years ago.. tried many breeds and now have them again. Really great birds temperment wise and egg laying machines.. getting 7 eggs a day from 8 birds. WHY not 8 eggs?

    Well one is broody.. real broody.Not expected for their age but it happens.She hoards the eggs and wants to raise chicks real bad.

    So today I cleaned out coop 2 and moved her to it ..I found a back yard breeder selling fertilized eggs and picked up 17. The Roo is a Buff Orpington..the hens are white leghorns and golden laced Wyandotte. BROODY RI Hen is now sitting on 17 eggs in the maternity coop..

    2020-06-21 15.50.08.jpg

    hopefully in a few weeks we have some chicks and then she can.go back to egg laying. We had to do this before with Broody Hens...

    Post an update on a few weeks when chicks start hatching...I hope.

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  4. #214
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    I'm right there with you on the chicken thing, Al. I'm fussy about the breeds I choose so I usually buy day old chicks from a hatchery. This year I fell in love with opposite types of chickens. I have Bielefelders pullets which were bred to free range, and a single Lavender Orpington pullet which was one of the two successes if all the eggs I was incubating. Something wasn't right, but it was my first try at incubation. The other success was a Bielfelder cockerel. He was knocked from the limb of the tree he roosts in with all the pullets. He wasn't expecting to be accidentally knocked off and landed flat on his belly. He died from internal injuries 3 days later. So this year I am without a cock a doodle dooer. Roosters are free for giving away, but I'm not going to find another Bielefelder rooster.

    I always have predictors. Foxes and coyotes mostly. Since I let my chicken run free range some still get taken every year and I need to repopulate. I'll buy 2 roosters next year when I buy more day old chicks.
    Mama Bear

  5. #215
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    I keep but 1 chicken. My daughter Ellie Mae. Won't water ski, snow ski, skateboard, walk to school, nothing. The other day as she left the safety of her humble abode as she whisked away into the night I called out, "Have a good time, honey!" Is code for "where are you going and don't stay out too late." without seeming like a prying parent. "I'm going sky diving with a bunch of guys, Dad! I hope I see you soon." I hope that she was kidding with me.

  6. #216
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    You have a very high maintenance domestic chicken or a Bielefelder. Biefelders have a semi wild type temperament. They will do as their instinct commands. They are often the most creative, at least in my previous experience. I've found several people like her to have the kindest hearts. Good luck with her.
    Mama Bear

  7. #217
    Registered Member 14Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    I used to have two varieties of bantams......Golden Seabright and Black Breasted Old English Game. Loved having them, but got out of them in the 1990s. I did the showing thing and had several champions including one at the IL State Fair. I travelled to St. Louis to get my stock from the best breeder of these two.......a mighty sum I paid for 24 eggs of each. My best bird was a Golden Seabright that won five championships. A man offered me decent bucks for him after his fifth win, but I said’s time to let him finish off his years enjoying life. Mine were mostly kept indoors in an outbldg with cedar shaving pens. Because I showed them, they had to be in perfect show shape, clean, and used to people handling them. I do miss the am crowings and the chicks that resembled chipmunks in patterning and the little gold fuzzy ones.
    I had fun w them,but decided to spend the time w other things, mostly fish..

    Lastly, call me weird, but I hated the chopping off of heads to dispatch. I did it if I had to, but came up with a decent alternative. I’d spray some ether onto a paper towel, put it in a baggy, and then put the baggy w ether soaked paper towel over the head and clothes pin it around the neck while holding the bird. The bird simply went to sleep and never woke up. This seemed less violent and stressful to me and the bird. Putting down a tame animal (champion or not) has to be done humanely if one is to keep animals. For Discus, I use the clove oil method when that time comes. With dogs, it’s another story. I do use the Vet, but am with the dog in my arms While getting the two shots talking to him, petting him, and put my hand at his nose. In his last moments, he hears me, sees me, feels my petting, and....most importantly.....smells me as I’m told that’s the last sense to be active when life stops for a dog.

    Sorry to get sad/dispatch oriented here, but thought if there are others who dread the putting down of animals as I do, there are options.

  8. #218
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    If I ever get to the point where I have discus fry to deal with the culling of the fry will be the hard part for me. I am going to want to learn about clove oil.

  9. #219
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    Well time flies.. hatching day is here and my broody Hen is a mamma. Started with 17 eggs.. lost two.. ..out of 15 so far 3 chicks.The person I got them from collects 7 a day so technically More can hatch over the next 3 days..We will see but now that she has raised chicks she will soon be back to laying eggs.. which is good because it looks like I may have another broody hen.

    These are buff orpington male x golden laced Wyandotte.
    Barn yard straight run cross.

    2020-07-12 12.43.25.jpg

    2020-07-12 12.44.13.jpg

    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

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    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

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  10. #220
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    I have a broody Light Brahma right now. Unfortunately, my Bielefelder rooster and his Bielefelder were were too young to be fertile when she got that way so I will have no baby chicks. Since then, my cockerel fell from a tree (I saw it) got internal injuries and died 3 days later. The hen has been sitting on that nest for at least 6 weeks now. When she comes out to eat and drink she gets all her feathers all fluffy so she looks bigger than she really is. She clucks because she thinks that she has chicks following her. It's all somewhat sad.

    I want Bielefelders because they're good free range chickens, and every animal I raise are allowed free range. Since there's no way I can just run out and buy a Bielefelder rooster I'll have to wait until next when I buy either eggs or day old chicks before I get a rooster. I sure do miss the cock a doodle doo.
    Mama Bear

  11. #221
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?


    This near you?

    Says they have 2 males..

    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own.

    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images

  12. #222
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    It's close enough but I can't raise just one young baby chick unless my broody would take care of it. I'll call and talk to them tomorrow. You're great, Al. Thanks! I could pick up some great sea food while I'm there. There is nothing better than fresh fish from the gulf coast.
    Mama Bear

  13. #223
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    I just sent them an email. I hope they still have them.
    Mama Bear

  14. #224
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    Fingers crossed for you Liz!
    AquaticSuppliers.comFoods your Discus will Love!!!

    >>>>>Want a great forum? Participate in it and make one.. it doesnt happen on its own.

    Al Sabetta
    Simplydiscus LLC Owner

    I take Pics.. click here for my Flickr images

  15. #225
    Moderator Team LizStreithorst's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anyone keep Chickens?

    All sold. There's always next year.
    Mama Bear

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