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Thread: Tell us about yourselves....Please

  1. #1366
    Registered Member Mshane95's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tell us about yourselves....Please

    Thank you so much for the help!

  2. #1367
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    Cool Overworked nurse with a relaxation tank

    I had freshwater tanks on and off all my life. I am a military brat, prior AF, and married to the AF forever it seems. I'm old as dirt and proud to be a nursing home RN. Haven't had a tank for 15 years, but my spouse saw me mooning over one and felt a tank would be a good distraction from work stress. So I got, set up, cycled a 29g. Then he gifted me a 120g, and said to go for it. I am now addicted to discus. I drag in after work, put my feet up, and admire the big tank taking up a wall in my living room.
    So the tank has been up and running 8 months now. It has been quite a learning experience. I install my new RO/DI tomorrow. I have several grand into this tank. And unfortunately I believed It wasn't until I became suspicious and googled a name + discus that I realized how misled I had been. I now have fish that are NOT what I ordered, and some stunted fish. I have also gotten some stunners.
    At any rate I have 9 discus, some Cory's and Otto's, and some schooling tetra. Planted tank but I uninstalled my CO2 set up 3 months in.


  3. #1368
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tell us about yourselves....Please

    Welcome! The discus I see look great! Congrats! are not known to please.
    Keep the plants easy co2 isn’t needed.

  4. #1369
    Registered Member FishAssAssin's Avatar
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    Hi . Water is a Symbol of Faith, Salvation and Provision. It is Essential to our Physical Living as Jesus is Essential to our Spiritual Living. Pure Clean Fresh Water 💦 is a gift from Above. I for one, am very grateful. It keeps our Fishies 😃.happy. I’ve never had Discus before now and for me that was a good choice. Because I have learned and grown as a “fish keeper” thanks in part to this site and this community. 1 tank 6 discus in a community setup. I followed most of the rules, some I bent and others I flat out broke, but hey... that’s just me. I do hope I can change my name in the future though😂. Time will tell.

  5. #1370
    Registered Member FishAssAssin's Avatar
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  6. #1371
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    Default Re: Tell us about yourselves....Please

    Hi All

    I'm Paul and found this site while researching my Discus set up - new ro Discus bt 20 + years with tropicals so hopefully some of that may transfer!!

    Live up in the Highlands of Scotland - fish seem to be few and far between around here unless there are other members in the vicinity lurking on this site????

    Anyway, glad to meet you all and hoping to use as much advice as I can get from all of you


  7. #1372
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tell us about yourselves....Please

    There is certainly a lot to learn but some really basic things will come up as you start reading some of the articles here. The discus for beginners is the ultimate place to start as you start to think about your options- tank size, number of fish, filtration and so on.
    This video Al did years ago is a classic. So enjoy what you can find here. The forum is full of the greatest people with a huge passion for these beautiful fish.
    Ask questions as they come up I’m sure you’ll find some good answers.

    Welcome again- here’s the video link if you haven’t stumbled on it already.
    Oh and I recommend once you get going to document your tanks progress in the journal section. I always wished I had with my first group. I got smarter with my new ones although I haven’t updated in awhile. It’s fun go back and refer to the early days.!
    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields

  8. #1373
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    Default Re: Tell us about yourselves....Please

    Appreciate the welcome, thank you Jenene!

    I'll post my build with photos on the appropriate thread

  9. #1374
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Default Re: Tell us about yourselves....Please

    Quote Originally Posted by orchid66 View Post
    Appreciate the welcome, thank you Jenene!

    I'll post my build with photos on the appropriate thread
    Very welcome!
    It’s fun watching new start ups. It’s like watching someone else opening a gift- living the excitement vicariously. It’s contagious. There’s nothing like setting up a new tank, the anticipation of cycling it and better yet releasing your first group into the tank. Sometimes it can be a bit anticlimactic for the first week or so as they huddle in the back and slowly adjust but once they get used to you and your routine they settle in and literally show their true colors. Then you’ll find yourself walking by the tank and ten minutes later you are still there... entranced. Welcome to our world. It’s extremely unique from keeping any other fish. I have a reef tank too but I’m thinking of downsizing it. Once discus are in your blood they tend to stay there. I’m convinced we must have some kind of genetic marker.

    Looking forward to watching you and the other new tanks popping up. I’ll keep an eye on all the progress. Each one is really quite unique. 🐠

  10. #1375
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    Hello, My name is Jason, I'm 39 years old, and live in New Jersey (Blegh). I have been keeping fish since I was a child when my father taught me to take care of his Jack Dempsey while he was deployed in the Navy. Back then it was an under-gravel filter system and was pretty easy. Over the past few years I have been investing my time into learning how to keep planted tanks and using cannister filters, along with the science behind water parameters and mixing fertilizers. I feel like I've been successful with that avenue and want to move on to something else. Which brings me here. I've always wanted to keep Discus and understand they're a sensitive fish that requires TLC. What's better than finding a group of obsessed Discus owners? I think I'm in the right place, and I'm glad to be here!

  11. #1376
    Registered Member Jenene's Avatar
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    Hello Jason and welcome!

    Yes you’ve found us. We are obsessed and passionate about these beautiful fish.
    I also learned the aquarium hobby from my father who raised angels.

    Understanding water parameters is a huge leg up here. You’ll hear often than we don’t keep fish, we keep water.
    Most of us made many mistakes and we’ve learned from them but there is always more to learn.

    As a newbie I spent hours a day reading articles and posts here. You can learn so much and avoid many of our mistakes that pad these pages.

    Any idea what size tank you’ll start with? Any particular variety that catches your eye? I always enjoy watching people planning, setting up and getting their first group. There’s nothing like it.

    Good luck, have fun and ask lots of questions if you can’t find the answers in existing posts. You’ll learn to weed out what you can’t use and employ what will work for you. There are so many people here with years...decades of experience. I tell people Simply Discus is like a family. You have the central core that live here daily and the extended family that pops in when they are in the neighborhood. Five years in now I enjoy stopping in to see who is home and what they are up to.

    Welcome and just so you know the obsession thing is catching and permanent. My kids bought me a discus Christmas ornament this year. When people who know you begin to go to extremes hunting down things like that- it’s too late, you’ve got it bad.
    "You can't trust water: Even a straight stick turns crooked in it." -W.C.Fields

  12. #1377
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Welcome Jason. Lots to learn lots to read and see here. Ask lots of questions. Your keeping fish and plants already so discus should be doable. It’s all about water . Start easy than decide where you want to go with your tanks. What are your ideas?

  13. #1378
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    Thanks! I have a 60 gallon tall I plan to use. I have a modified FX4 and plan on getting some sponge filters as well. I’m currently working on fabricating an easier way to do water changes as I’m seeing Discus require 3 times the amount as a planted tank. As far as ideas go, I’m planning on tiling the bottom, adding a few potted plants, and some large driftwood.

  14. #1379
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Sounds like a good start. That fx6 will be plenty for a 60g. Where will you be getting your discus?

  15. #1380
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    It’s actually an FX4. I modified it to fit more media and added 3 stage foam filtration instead of the 1 that comes with it. I haven’t got that far, yet, as to where to get my fish. I’m still working out getting my tanks ready. I will need to get a bigger QT tank as the one I have now is just a 10 gallon. I also need to clean out the 60 and re-cycle it.

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