Golden State Discus

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Thread: Looking for help!!

  1. #16
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    Sound like you got an airborne virus. Your new Discus was contagious so it travel to another room. From the looks of the infected Discus it was not their first time just an relaps. You may want to air out the rooms, wipe the dead slime off the walls, clean out the filter media along with the salt and waterchanges.


  2. #17
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for help!!

    Thanks Cliff. Hoping it’s not. But does it matter? I’ve had all these discus since 2.5” none have been sick before. Will air out the room. Didn’t think to do that. I’m thinking it traveled on my hands. The new 2 are fine. Actually coloring up. How long does this last?

  3. #18
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Ok 6days in on the main tank and up to 5 tbs of salt. All but the 2 uncle sams discus hanging at the top. Most not eating but some are. US guys are dark but will swim the whole tank and are eating. Tank at 82. Should I add a bubbler for more air? Second tank the blue discus are showing it the worst. Today is day 4 with rid ich plus. Most will come out to eat but than go back to hiding. Temp s at 82. Both tanks getting 50% daily wc. Should I be doing anything else? Is it just waiting now to kill this stuff off? Thanks for any info. Yes the new guys are fine and eating like pigs

  4. #19
    Registered Member Shan_Evolved's Avatar
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    So good that they are eating! And If I were you Tom, I would add more air, never hurts. I don't know the exact affect of rid ich on water chemistry but some meds do deplete the oxygen from the water molecules.

    Hardest part of any of this is to give them time to heal and get better. Fingers crossed
    Amateur discuskeeper, Professional doofus

  5. #20
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    I was thinking a possible airborne pathogen as well. The only times I've seen someone write abut one, it's been absolutely devastating, but that doesn't mean a less dangerous one exists. Another option is the possibility that you somehow missed a thorough sterilization of tools or yourself when moving from tank to tank. It only takes one drop of contaminated water to pass this along.

    I don't have experience with Rid Ich so I'm not sure what to expect during treatment. I do know when using salt, complete results may take up to 14 days. I think it contains formalin so added air may be a good idea.

    Here's a reference thread from Danny awhile back so maybe you can visualize a timeline. Skip to page 3 for the issue that took hold.

  6. #21
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for help!!

    Thanks guys! Yes Shan I’m guessing it just time now. Very hard to watch.
    Brian no clue how it’s moved around. The new 2 are fine so since it’s not bothering them I’m guessing they brought it. They went right into qt and havnt moved since. My qt room has it own stuff so I don’t mix. But I’m guessing it was on my hands. Again no clue but am amazed at what’s happening! So the tank I’m using salt on all the discus are in a group at the top of the tank but the 2 US guys. They seem to be breathing normal. Lights are on blue mode. This tank is getting salt. Salt without iodine. What I’ve used for years. Should I be using something different? Aquarium salt. Or sea salt?09065353-6B31-4000-8BD8-6DDEF6AD679C.jpg71B3FBB5-DB78-468F-B888-53AF7916503B.jpg
    The other tank the blue fish are all show white patches. They are hiding till I go to feed. Than they come out. This tank is just getting the rid ich plus. Should I also add salt? 2227FFBD-F08A-44D3-B11A-9AE6133F21B2.jpg

  7. #22
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Salt is salt as long as there are no additives. This is what I use. $4.50 for 50lbs...

  8. #23
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    OMG, that’s devastating to see what had happened to your fish Tom.

    I’m not as experts as Brian or Cliff, so I can’t add more .. what I ready has been said there: even a drop of water might move bacteria ..or can be transferred be an air.

    The new 2 discus are from the same source as sick one? I remember you have mixed German and Asian in the tank ... are all sick?

  9. #24
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for help!!

    Thanks Brian!
    Pablos the 2 new ones came from the same place I got my first 6. The 2 are fine.
    Of the mixed groups it seems the 2 Asian I got from uncle sams are in the best shape and may be getting better. They’re eating. Some of the German Hans are eating but not much and the blues are so black I can’t tell them apart . In the other tank they’ve all got it with the blues from both Hans and Kenny both doing the worst. Just heart breaking!

  10. #25
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    All the domestics have horrible immune systems because they have been inbred for generation upon generation. Most domestics that are healthy can battle moves bacterial infections with a decent immune response. However, virus variety and the ability to kill the host, way outnumber (by magnitudes) all other pathogens.

    The best you can do is support them with temps in the mid to high 80's with clean and very well oxygenated water and hope the fish can mount a response before the virus kills it.

    Viruses need not be airborne as there are droplets all over the place, including nets, hands, clothing,etc.
    Finally, IMO it makes absolutely no sense to add salt. The discus homeostasis (kidney, gills and other organs) came from millions of years of evolution in soft water) and salt can only upset this homeostasis and cause more stress.

    Just because many with 1000s of posts recommend salt for discus disease does not make it right. Check a veterinary or ichthyology text an you will not find salt used very often, if at all.

  11. #26
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Then I guess because salt works 99% of the time in cases of cross contamination doesn't make it right either? No one said this is a virus, it's only speculation. If it is bacterial then the high temps will promote bacteria growth. After 20 years of discus keeping, and learning from the experts I know and trust, I've never lost a single discus to salt overload so I'll continue with my recommendations based upon what they have taught me...

  12. #27
    Registered Member seanyuki's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for help!!

    Dr. Ruth Francis Floyd spoke on disease management in the aquarium at the Minnesota Aquarium Society last week and using salt as a treatment.




  13. #28
    Registered Member Tkuilderd's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for help!!

    Quote Originally Posted by captainandy View Post
    All the domestics have horrible immune systems because they have been inbred for generation upon generation. Most domestics that are healthy can battle moves bacterial infections with a decent immune response. However, virus variety and the ability to kill the host, way outnumber (by magnitudes) all other pathogens.

    The best you can do is support them with temps in the mid to high 80's with clean and very well oxygenated water and hope the fish can mount a response before the virus kills it.

    Viruses need not be airborne as there are droplets all over the place, including nets, hands, clothing,etc.
    Finally, IMO it makes absolutely no sense to add salt. The discus homeostasis (kidney, gills and other organs) came from millions of years of evolution in soft water) and salt can only upset this homeostasis and cause more stress.

    Just because many with 1000s of posts recommend salt for discus disease does not make it right. Check a veterinary or ichthyology text an you will not find salt used very often, if at all.

    Well this is something, with 1 post you have insulted myself and the majority of the members on the forums. I find it hard to believe that someone who has been on the forums since 2004 would make such a move and completely prove themselves a completely unreliable source.of information in the process.

    From the many veterinarian handbooks i have read and from the lecture from Dr. Floyd that Francis mentioned i have learned that even discus can live permanently in some measure of salinity.

    I would be hard pressed to find any evidence that proves otherwise.

    Btw i would recommend not bad mouthing domestic discus, everything every breeder produces is domestic, even if the parents are wilds.

    Last edited by Tkuilderd; 04-06-2021 at 07:48 PM.

  14. #29
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    Tom - so sorry that this has happened - let me know if you need anything and I'd be happy to drop it off to you. I have an extra bottle of Rid-Ich if you run out and need more... I keep tons of stuff on hand in case of emergency.

  15. #30
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Looking for help!!

    Lots of info thanks! For those interested 380grams of salt is 3 cups. I’ve been adding 3 cups with every water change. Hope I not overdoing it. Salted tank the discus are all clustered in the top corner. 2 of gotten somewhat better. They are swimming to. The right.819B4470-D9E1-4F17-856C-8A3C0B243797.jpg put the light on but not bright. More do come out for food. This tank started first and is in day 7. The other tank once I turned the light on they came out. They look better but are 2 days behind the other tank.AFC9A03A-7273-4E0E-A0FA-5C15A1F6B25A.jpg this tank is just getting rid-ich plus. Both tanks are at 82 down from the norm of 86. Last the new guys are fine and eating everything that goes in.C2680E5B-8321-4CA4-97D9-43CBC806DDF8.jpg.

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