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Thread: Flower Horn

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Flower Horn

    Hi, anyone have experience or information on flowerhhorns? I got one this weekend (the LFS took all my (8)discus in exchange for the Flowerhorn $480) the fish is amazing.


  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Feb 2004

    Default Re:Flower Horn

    Hey fatties,

    I don't know much about them except that some are really nice. I didn't know they were that expensive tho, but I would sure lvoe to have one. How big is yours? What colour? please post some pictures.


  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Flower Horn

    Hey Fattie,

    I know of someone who is big into Lou Hans, we just had a Honolulu Aquarium Society presentation about them. Very unique fish, I personally like the Lychee head type though, very cool looking and aggresive fish.

    Off the top of my head, please contact Dennis Tse @, he knows all about LouHan's and has made trips to Asia to select stock. I believe he said he's got about 80 tanks going with his partner at the moment.

    I believe his stock is from the same farm as the recent Aquarama grand champion. If the contact info above doesn't work, IM me and I can look it up for you. His LH's are not LFS quality, it sound like you paid a lot, hope you got a nice quality fish for the $$$.

    Tell him Mike K. who's into discus refered yah!


  4. #4
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Flower Horn

    hi guys, i use to have friends having flowehorns, but then, the trend in malaysia of rearing a flowerhorn just died. the price for fh just dipped from very expensive to as cheap as 6Ringgit malaysia a 3 incher.

    lots of people are throwing this fish in the river and spoiling the eco system because this fish is very aggresive and will kill all the other local fishes in the river.
    well im still educating some of not throwing the flowerhorns into the river,
    flower horns do breed easily, and the amount of fries, you'd be surprise.

    well flowerhorn is a hybrid of many american cichlids to have its colour, shape, attidude and its forehead.

  5. #5
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Flower Horn

    Used to own an 8 inch flower horn, sucker was mean as hell. Killed everything I threw into the tank...added a plecostomas that was nearing 2 feet in length and the lil' bastid flipped it over and ate it's stomach out!

    Definately a cool looking fish, but watch your fingers, they've got strong jaws and aren't afraid to nip at you. Feed it some good red enhancing foods to keep it's eyes looking nice...they're a pretty hardy cichlid. Other then that just be sure to keep the water conditions pristine and you shouldn't have any problems, I think they max out at around 12-13 inches...

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