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Thread: Is HITH contagious??????????

  1. #1
    Registered Member sophie68's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Unhappy Is HITH contagious??????????

    Hi all,
    I have just realized that I recently lost one of my discus to HITH. I believe I have another one (from the same dodgy breeder of course ) which is getting sick. I can see little white marks near his eyes, just like the one that died about 1 month ago. He's still eating, but gets dark and stays isolated. My water parameters are: temp: 86 F/ ph 7/ ammonia 0/ nitrites 0.10 ppm (working on getting them to 0!!!!!!)/ nitrates 10 ppm. I also tested my oxygen levels, they are fine.
    Not sure if HITH is contagious. I have been feeding very varied foods, adding garlic and vitamins. Any info would be very welcome!!!! Thanks!


  2. #2
    Registered Member pcsb23's Avatar
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    Devon, UK

    Default Re: Is HITH contagious??????????

    Basdically most if not all, discus have some form of flagellates in them. Normally they keep them under control but when stressed the flagellates become an issue. This si often a cause (or suspected cause) of HITH. Metro will treat it and help, but quality water and good food is the real key here. Can another fish catch flagellates?, probably I would think - particulary if it was stressed.

    Comfortably numb.

  3. #3
    Registered Member sophie68's Avatar
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    Mar 2007

    Default Re: Is HITH contagious??????????

    Hi Paul,
    Thanks for your reply. May I assume that the disease is somehow genetic or does it come down only to water quality/stress/nutrients? I read a whole book called Discus Health by this guy called Untergasser. He seems to say that if one adds some nutrients, the fish gets better. I have actually been adding minerals and calcium to my water since day 1, so I was hoping to escape that disease!!!!! Anyway, I have just quarantined my fish (he's one of the biggest one) and used metro. I also have metro bits, do you think I should feed him these? How long should I do the metro treatment for? 10 days daily is what I was told. What do you think?


  4. #4
    Registered Member pcsb23's Avatar
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    Devon, UK

    Default Re: Is HITH contagious??????????

    Hex is not genetic, but it is endemic. I have for a long believed that a lot of the HITHis down to deficiencies in diet, be it minerals or vitamins or whatever. A number of top breeders, particularly in Asia, have "cured" fish with improved diet and water quality. Environmental conditions have a direct influence on the well being of the fishy ime. With HITH sometimes meds are necessary, but also with good husbandry, diet and water quality, meds are not needed.

    Comfortably numb.

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