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Thread: Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans

  1. #1
    Registered Member mmorris's Avatar
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    Default Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans

    I recently purchased nine of Hans’s Alenquer discus and three of Mike Beals’s Brilliant Turks from Central Ohio Discus. I asked specifically for high-grade, breeding quality discus. I received photos beforehand that clearly showed only three of the Alenquers. I was a bit concerned about the quality of the fish in the photos but I thought that because both Hans and Mike are sponsors here, they must be reliable and so I shouldn’t worry. The Brilliants looked like they had amber eyes in their photos and so I told Mike I only wanted them if the eyes were red. He assured me they were. I then received nine very poor quality Alenquers and three Brilliants with amber eyes! The Alenquers showed evidence of stunting, beaks, pointy faces, some pitting, one with dull eyes, broken stripes, etc. I protested, and Hans offered to replace all twelve, promising to pick them out himself. I told him I was willing to accept substitutes for the BTs. I finally received the new set of fish and discovered to my horror that all twelve were, again, poor quality! Most had beaks, broken stripes, oval bodies, etc. Hans refused to do anything further. It appears to me that Hans was unable to provide me with high-quality discus because he had none.

  2. #2
    Registered Member mmorris's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback

    I'm happy to.
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  3. #3
    Registered Member mmorris's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback

    Some of both. I know the last one, at least, is the second batch.

  4. #4
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback

    I've attached pics of the original shipment that Martha agreed to purchase before they were sent. As you can see the pictures are in sequential order unlike the Pics posted by Martha that are over the range of 450 pictures. Why take sooo many pictures? Did it take that many shots in order to get the ones posted here?Obviously, if you take enough pictures you will get some bad ones. This was a special order for 9 Alenquers + some Red Turks that I had. If anyone is interested I would be happy to forward the original email.

    Martha said there wasn't a good one in the batch. Hans agreed to replace all of the fish free of charge and she claimed the second shipment was bad as well. She then demanded that I give her a full refund without her return of the fish. I refused her request and she responded by filing a law suit. Instead of letting my credit take a hit, I refunded the money and hope that she is enjoying my fish.

    Sellers beware.

    Rick, I told Martha the exact same thing about the eye color. They are the same fish that you picked up. Attached are the pictures of the parents and the actual fish that she received.
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  5. #5
    Registered Member mmorris's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback

    [QUOTE=CODISCUS;426943] I refused her request and she responded by filing a law suit. Instead of letting my credit take a hit, I refunded the money and hope that she is enjoying my fish.

    Sellers beware.


    FYI - I took all of the fish to the LFS. Please note that the only way your credit `could take a hit' is if you lost the case and still refused to pay. You seem to think I would win.

  6. #6
    Registered Member Discus-Hans's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans


    I don't even wast my time on replying, some people you Simply (lol) can't make happy, I tried.

    The first batch I explained to her, the second one I picked out, pictures were taken 25 minutes after the Discus arived (second batch)

    No idea what picture is what in total 24 Discus are shipped to Martha.
    We asked her to ship the Discus back what didn't happen, she got her money back. Same day (probaly) she has her money in, it's here on the forum.

    I had 18 Alenquers of 3" 9 of that batch are shipped to Martha (second batch, replacement), the other 9 brothers and sister are here in a tank together with some Marlboro's. I got new Alenquers in 3" in and the 9 are the "chosen" ones. They stay in my Marlboro tank to be sure nobody will catch those for shipping out, I'm going to grow those just for my own fun. Hope just like Martha to get one or 2 nice breeding pairs out of those 9.


    PS. dang now I spend more time as I wanted again on this subject, costed me all ready to much time when it was on BIDKA.
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    All advice I give, is because I've good results with it, you're free to copy it. It's not a rule, it's just my way. Ohhhh and don't take me serious, I'm most of the time kidding

  7. #7
    Registered Member mmorris's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans

    Quote Originally Posted by Discus-Hans View Post

    The first batch I explained to her, the second one I picked out, pictures were taken 25 minutes after the Discus arived (second batch)

    We asked her to ship the Discus back what didn't happen, she got her money back. Same day (probaly) she has her money in, it's here on the forum.

    I had 18 Alenquers of 3" 9 of that batch are shipped to Martha (second batch, replacement), the other 9 brothers and sister are here in a tank together with some Marlboro's. I got new Alenquers in 3" in and the 9 are the "chosen" ones. They stay in my Marlboro tank to be sure nobody will catch those for shipping out, I'm going to grow those just for my own fun. Hope just like Martha to get one or 2 nice breeding pairs out of those 9.

    I asked for excellent, breeding quality discus and I paid Mike $390 because he assured he could get them for me. Neither you nor Mike have argued that that is what they, indeed, are. I explained after I received the first batch of discus why it was unreasonable to expect me to ship them back, at my expense, at my risk when I have almost no experience doing so. I do not have access to oxygen. Noone should be expected to return fish when those fish turn out not to be the ones that were requested. You and Mike accepted this argument the first time. It should not have been an expectation the second time. I had no intention of posting if you or Mike had been willing to do the right thing. It took a summons to appear in court, he paid when it arrived, and I posted when the money was returned to me. You betcha! You did me no favors, Hans, and I was left to question whether a hobby that cost me so much pain was the right hobby for me. Martha

  8. #8
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans

    Those that are not directly involved in this transaction need to stop adding fuel to the fire. There is no sense in some of the posts even being in this thread. If it continues, I will start deleting unnecessary comments. Please leave this up to people with first-hand experience.

    Hans, the thread was moved here because Mike continued to delete it from his sponsor board and I thought it best to have the thread in one location. If Martha wants to repost it in your section and you are okay with leaving it there, she may do that. However, Mike felt the need to remove them from his board and so her posts were put here to keep them from being removed.


  9. #9
    Registered Member Discus-Hans's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans

    I won't remove it, so you can put it back in my sponsor forum were it was posted in the first place.

    And I won't Moderate any posts in this, people can post in it what they want, LET IT ALL OUT LET YOURSELF GO and feel free to add to it.

    People LOVE this look at the hits, this is what a forum needs, some action

    So Ryan you can put it back were it was posted original and next time you remove or delete anything in my part of the forum, send me a PM or I'm sure you've my phone number to ask,

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    All advice I give, is because I've good results with it, you're free to copy it. It's not a rule, it's just my way. Ohhhh and don't take me serious, I'm most of the time kidding

  10. #10
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans


    Let's get something straight. As an administrator, I can manage threads any way that I see fit. You have a Sponsor section here and you are given the ability to manage it as a courtesy, but it is not a right. If I feel that something needs to be moved, edited, or deleted, I still retain the right to do that as an administrator of this forum.

    The post in question is staying here. If Martha wants to post a duplicate copy in your Sponsor section, she may.

    Let it also be known that every section of this forum, and I do mean every section, is moderated based on the rules that have been put in place here. They are rules that everyone has agreed to and they can be accessed from the main page of this site in case anyone needs a refresher course. You may welcome people to come into your forum and post as they wish, but if they break the rules I will still intervene and edit as necessary.

    There are other forums that allow mud slinging and everyone knows that this isn't one of them. Why it continues to be brought up years later is beyond me. If you want an exciting, drama-filled thread with finger pointing and name-calling, go to one of the forums that allows it. It will not happen here.


  11. #11
    Registered Member Discus-Hans's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan Smith View Post

    Let's get something straight. As an administrator, I can manage threads any way that I see fit. You have a Sponsor section here and you are given the ability to manage it as a courtesy, but it is not a right. If I feel that something needs to be moved, edited, or deleted, I still retain the right to do that as an administrator of this forum.

    The post in question is staying here. If Martha wants to post a duplicate copy in your Sponsor section, she may.

    Let it also be known that every section of this forum, and I do mean every section, is moderated based on the rules that have been put in place here. They are rules that everyone has agreed to and they can be accessed from the main page of this site in case anyone needs a refresher course. You may welcome people to come into your forum and post as they wish, but if they break the rules I will still intervene and edit as necessary.

    There are other forums that allow mud slinging and everyone knows that this isn't one of them. Why it continues to be brought up years later is beyond me. If you want an exciting, drama-filled thread with finger pointing and name-calling, go to one of the forums that allows it. It will not happen here.

    Okay Ryan,

    that is than something I miss understood, sorry for that.

    I've changed the Discus World.
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    All advice I give, is because I've good results with it, you're free to copy it. It's not a rule, it's just my way. Ohhhh and don't take me serious, I'm most of the time kidding

  12. #12
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re: Negative Feedback for Central Ohio Discus (CODISCUS) & Discus Hans

    Gee looks like I missed all the fun. First let me say this was probably the biggest BS Thread I have seen in while. Why these things have to get so crazy is beyound me.

    1) I've removed all comments not directly related to The Issue between Martha, Mike, and Hans. Comments from members without a direct relationship here were removed and to be Honest... most of you know better, but just enjoy the excitement or had personal agendas.

    2) Martha had every right to post her experiences in Mikes and Hans Sponsor sections. As Moderators of those sections they too had every right to remove those comments, although doing so does not add to anyones credibility... Its best to just deal with the BS and move on. Because we trust sponsors to want both good and bad feedback in their sections. show that not only can do great work but when they do screw up they can fix the issue... we allow sponsors to moderate their sponsor board.

    3) We created this review forum partly as a control for cases when things did not get hashed out in the sponsor section...Its a section where a member can share their experiences...positive or negative.. and the sellers can as well.

    4) Martha had the right as does every member here to leave negative feedback for the sellers she has dealt with, and as with every feedback system out there...the sellers also have that right.. This becomes a hard record and is there for all the board to see when they are considering buying from a seller. I encourage everyone to use the system for their good and bad experiences.

    5) I will be making a post elsewhere on sponsorships in detail but I want to make something clear here... Most forums out there take anyone that wants to advertise.. We try to screen sellers...Its not perfect but unless I have first hand experience with a seller I go the extra step of getting references... and when a seller shows that they are not good sellers we remove them....thats been done before, and will be again. I make that decision based on the public record...based on I-trader, based on negative feedback.... A track record of issues will cause the sponsor to be removed.

    However....A transaction between a seller and Buyer is just that... Its a transaction between a buyer and seller. This forum tries to give you a good pool of resources to buy from... it does not give you a guarantee.

    6) This Bs thread started months ago on another forum. I will not allow cross forum debates here.... keep what is here..on simply... keep what is on another forum on that forum... Take this as a warning I am getting very tired of seeing references to events on other forums posted here. I respect other forums right to their privacy.

    7) My personal opinion... This could have been handled better by all parties.. even the best sellers make mistakes, these should be dealt with ASAP and tactfully... and sometimes personalities make this easier or harder. I find this whole fiasco very frustrating.

    8) Aside from this forum discussion and what ever else is going on elsewhere..some things were done right here, IMO

    Feedback was left
    Replacement fish were sent
    The Buyer and seller debate was handled between them and as needed thru a court of law.
    Money was returned.

    Whats sad is that this all happened in the first place...It should not have.

    I am leaving this locked. If Mike, Hans, or Martha have anything relevent to their transactions... I will allow them to other comments from the peanut Gallery will be allowed as per the rules governing this board.

    thank you
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