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Thread: What kind of lights are you using?

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default What kind of lights are you using?

    Just wondering what everyine is using out there in planted tank land?

    I've been reading some alternatives to flourescent and wondering if people would post their experiences with;

    1. MH
    2. High and/or low pressure Sodium bulbs
    3. VHO
    4. Compact Flourescent.



  2. #2
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    Hi sean, I have a 150 gal tank and use flourecent lights, I've found all other to be more expensive and also burn hot, try to use a couple of strips instead of just one, this also depends on the dept of your tanks, mine happens to be quite deep so I'm using 3 different intensity lamps. I have several palnts and they all seems to be doing very well. Hope this helps.


  3. #3

    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    One each 120, I use 2-250W MH and CO2. Yes, they make the room warm - so I turn on the ceiling fan. On the next 120, I'm doing 2-175s with Co2. On the 36 corner, I have 4x15W Flourescents that I have had for more than 3 years and no CO2. On my 20 holding tank, 2x15W and Co2.

  4. #4

    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    I have a 4x96 watt compact flourescent setup from I have really been pleased with the CF lights, they are nice and bright and seem to grow plants well.

    Don ;D

  5. #5

    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    Don_Lee, put a tank size with your specs. It may be more helpful to Sean. (400W on a 55 gallon is completely different from 400 W on a 120)

  6. #6
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    Thanks everyone, I've been reading a little bit and like what the high pressure sodium lights can do. They seem relatively inexpensive and was wondering what others thought.

    I've seen and the product seems like a good one as well. I'm glad to hear that people are having good experiences with something other that standard flourescent lights.

  7. #7

    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    LOL, it is a 180 gallon tank. Sorry I forgot that.......


  8. #8
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    I had 4 of those flouro bulbs that go in regular light sockets in a DIY hood. Then this slimy algee started to take over. unplugged 2 of them to see what would happen. Long story short - the light from these blubs is just what the algee needed - thats what I get for being cheap. Off to AHS.

  9. #9
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    the light from these blubs is just what the algee needed
    What does algae need? Any kind of light, does not matter if it is fluorescent, halogen, HPS, etc! Algae is a plant when it really comes down to it. I find it hard to believe that just because of the lights, you are getting algae growth and therefore have to get different lights. I have found that at different lighting levels, different stains of algae grow. For example, the common brown algae usually grows in low light, add more lighting and it goes away but then green algae grows. Therefore, no matter what lighting you have, you will get algae. The trick is balancing the plant requirements to out compete the algae. Not an easy thing to do however fertilization, the right amount of light and the right kind of plants are the basic's in competing with algae.

    I use diy fluorescent lighting with cool white tubes. I overdrive my fluorescents getting 2-2.5x the normal output. Everything works great and grows like mad.

  10. #10
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    how do you up the output of a light? Change the ballast? Fill us in...

    I agree with you about the lighting requirements of algae - those lights just promoted the slimey type that covered everything - different lights, no more algae of that type.

  11. #11
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    hey Ronrca,

    you can send some of your new growth my way. Mine aren't doing too well even with two 40W bulbs and terralit nutrients.

    The swords seem to be dying, I think it caught some disease or something. Oh well, guess I might be joining the "Lightside" pretty soon...dare I say no gravel and no plants? Oh mine.

    I'll stick around the "Darkside" a tad longer to see how things turn out, hopefully the plants will do well since I do like a tank with plants.



  12. #12
    Registered Member ronrca's Avatar
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    LOL Chi!

    How big is your tank Chi? PM me your specs!

    About the overdriving fluorescents, are you quite handy and comfortable (ie. knowledgable) with electricity? I thought Id ask before explaining.

  13. #13
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    I'm fine with the electric stuff. Let's hear it.

  14. #14
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    I'll take some pics tonight if I can ever get the shutter speed to work correctly.

    So from my above comment, you can safely assume I'm not technical and really really do not wish to play around with that stuffs. My two 40W fluroscent will do ;D If I can't get the plants to live, I'll settle for live healthy Discus ;D ;D

    Thanx anyhow Ronrca ;D

    Although on the bright side, my crypts seem to be doing well, they r hard to kill. I just love those plants and will stock my tank with them once my other plants die out ;D



  15. #15
    Registered Member RandalB's Avatar
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    Default Re:What kind of lights are you using?

    I absolutely agree with ronrca about the overdriving. I love it. It has given me great results in a tank that I could'nt use any other light in. (35 Hexagon has room for 1x15 watt flourescent bulb fixture. It won't even fit the 2x13 watt PC kit from AH supply)I rebuilt it, squeezed in another 15 watt, used a 4x48" tube ballast for 2 tubes and Now I can grow all the nice high light plants I want (Thing's brighter than a 55 watt PC by my light meter) Total Project cost: $27.00 including bulbs.

    I started out with a brown and green algae problem but the algae went alway with high planting density and DIY Co2 injection.

    Great Suggestion Ronrca


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