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Thread: Super Grow Out Protien Gel/CH+Mix

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Super Grow Out Protien Gel/CH+Mix

    Hi all: Below is A Recipe For My High Protien Gel Mix:

    Here is the ingredients for the Protien Gel mix which I buy from, it comes in 1lb. plastic pouch in powder form, which I cut in half and make two mixes when needed! All below is added to half of this gel powder!

    1. One pound of coarse ground Calf Heart.
    2. Half pound ground uncooked Chicken Liver.
    3. Half lb. of ground Raw Shelled Shrimp.
    4. 1/4 pound of chopped Spinach, ground.
    5. 1/4 cup uncooked old fashioned oats.
    6. 1/2 ounce measured, not weight, ea.of following, Naturose, Spiralina Powder, Freeze Dried Copepods, GP Juvenile Fish Diet:
    The above four items from
    7. 1/4 cup Tetra Color Bits:
    8. 1/2 cup Egg Yolk Flake.

    Take all above and rough grind, then add the following vitamins!
    1. 1/2 ounce each of Kirkland Cod Liver, and Omega 3 Fish Oil.
    2. 20,000 mg of Kirland Vitamin C. Ground in Mortar & Pestle, or Powder if you can find it!
    3. 12 tablets of Nature Made Super B-Complex, ground in Mortar & Pestle.
    4. 4000 I. U. Nature made Vitamin E. Oil.
    5. 5000 mg Kirkland Calcium with Vitamin D. ground in Mortar & Pestle.

    Mix all well with Elec. Mixer, add boiled water (slightly cooled) to loosen slightly and blend! Make your Gel Protein as directed on package, then mix all together and Blend again to a consistency of cooked oatmeal,or slightly thinner if you prefer, put in ziplock baggies, freeze & finitio, voilla your finished! Start to feed your fry this mix chopped fine at one month, you will see amazing growth & color:

    This is how I get My Fry Bigger quicker when using this mix over any other mix I've used! Also this Gel Mix will not disolve, cloud or foul your tank, as your fry will devour this mix quite rapidly! Anything you do not understand with preparing this mix, contact me, or email me! Sincerely, Bill W. (DiscusDevil)
    Last edited by PARCS46; 03-03-2008 at 01:15 AM. Reason: Add item to same!

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