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Thread: Good Bye

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Aug 2002

    Default Good Bye

    I would like to thank the moderaters(especially Brewmaster) and all of the board for all of the good info I have obtained here. I will be walking away from the board and purchasing more discus in the furture. It was a great ride and good luck to everyone that is still persuing that perfect discus tank ! 8) :-\

    P.S. A special thanks goes to Al at Rocky Mountian and Cary at Great Lakes Discus for the many hours of advice and just the freindly chats. I will still be down to see you this summer Al and we will do the Shed Aquarium and a Chicago Steak. To sum it up when the hobby causes you pain it is time to walk away and let the dust and smoke clear !

    Signed disappointed and done Alexis x Discus Junky !

  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Morris, CT

    Default Re:Good Bye


    Sorry to hear you will be leaving us. Hopefully you will return one day! Discus and fishkeeping in general have that mystic hold on people.

    Good luck in all that you do and hope to see you again!


  3. #3
    Registered Member JeffreyRichard's Avatar
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    Smithfield, RI

    Default Re:Good Bye

    Sorry you're getting out of the hobby. I'm curious as to what the "pain" is regarding the hobby (or is it the boards?) that you refer to? Sometimes it takes a whole lot of tries to get something down ...

    I've been keeping fish for 30 years, and I didn't really do it right until two events ... I started breeding angelfish commercially (then discus) and I started keeping a reef tank. I then learned the importance of environment, how technology works, and what health is all about. Even so, I'm still learning and deal with aspects of failure constantly. My latest endevour is Bettas ... I've purchased over $500 worth of these critters in the past 15 months, and up until 2 month's ago, I couldn't keep them healthy (even though I can breed angels, discus, even growing up some beautiful Altums). Well, found out I had (or still have but managing better) a problem with Velvet ... was wiping out my beautiful imported bettas. Now that I know (I think ...) what the problem is, I've been able to keep my bettas healthy, and have two extreme large spawns of Black 1/2 Moon Bettas (big bucks on Aquabid ...) I'm growing out.

    I've only just become proficient at plants ... I've must have tried 6 times to creat a thriving planted tank. In my last attempt, I made some changes to the water chemistry and lighting, added (discovered by trial and error) some prolific plants, and now I have a thriving 55 gallon planted tank. Even so, I had a 3 month plague of algae that is finally getting under control.

    I guess I'm saying that there is a lot of trial and error, learning and experimenting, before you experience success. So hopefully if your frustrated, you'll give it another shot, an learn from your past as well as the experiences of others.

    Good luck

  4. #4
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    Default Re:Good Bye

    I'm sorry to see you go. I am new to this board but you are the only person here I have actually talked to. You called me long distance on your nickle to offer advice when I posted a question.

    Thanks a lot and I hope you enjoy your next obsession as much as I'm enjoying being obsessed with discus.

    Take care.


  5. #5
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:Good Bye

    Sorry to hear that Alexis.... On the bright side though... you'll be back. They always come back to discus!

    Good luck in what ever you do!

  6. #6

    Default Re:Good Bye

    why is Alexis leaving?

  7. #7

    Default Re:Good Bye

    Alexis, I will be giving you a call soon. Hope you change your mind!


  8. #8
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Good Bye

    Discus is in your blood body !!
    It is a desease which can not be fixed

    you can rest for a while but youŽŽll be back
    enjoy you little rest and see/hear you

  9. #9

    Default Re:Good Bye

    does anyone know why Alexis is leaving?

  10. #10

    Default Re:Good Bye

    Sorry to see you go. Hope you have the best of luck in whatever you decide to do.

    Take Care,

  11. #11
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Good Bye

    he'll be back. it is the curse!!
    it gets them all.. it never sleeps.. it takes short naps.

  12. #12

    Default Re:Good Bye

    You are right Cgrim10. I walked away many times due to different committments and piority change in life. Like a drug addict. I always walk back in when things settled. He'll be back. Good luck with your new endeavor. Alexis.


  13. #13
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Good Bye


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