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Thread: what does everyone use...

  1. #1

    Default what does everyone use... hatch brine shrimp?? describe your set-up, and a picture would be great also....

  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    Aloha David, a friend has given me a simple way to do it.
    1st. get a couple of cannining jars fill with water to an inch from top.
    2nd. get in my case some salt pellets from water softener salt bag about four will do. Add to water.
    3rd. add as much bs eggs as needed.
    4th. add aeration.
    In about 12 to 18 hrs you should have some bbs. The second jar is for second batch for next day. I always try to think ahead and this way you dont run out of bbs and you always have a fresh batch.

    I would post pics but have no digi cam. it is on my get it bad list. ;D

    I am sure there other ways but this is pretty easy for me.

    Aloha for now, Ike & Anne ;D

  3. #3

    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    HiYas David.....

    Try this link
    I think it can be very helpful to you There's a picture of my bbs hatchery in the first gallery 1st pic ;D I believe the shape of that vase really helps collecting them much easier



  4. #4
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    A simply way is to use a 2L soda bottle and cut the bottom off,punch three small holes 1 in. down from where you cut(now the top)equal dist.from each other(like a triangle) and use fishing line,Or coated wire, to make a hanger
    Now all you need is a airstone, make sure that it reaches the bottom,and a light,B.S. eggs,salt and water


  5. #5
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    i just use a small one litre container to hatch brine shrimps.

    i make a solution to sg of 1.022, 28 dergee celcius.
    a bit of light till the eggs hatch. they hatch in about 24 hours. i use the decapsulated eggs, so i dont have much difficulty seperating them. the amount i require, i feed to the fish and the ones which are left out are grown for 14 days before feeding. the discus just love the adult ones and the marine guys love the newly hatched brine shrimps.

    hope this helps.


  6. #6
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    managed to get a picture of my setup.
    i use the nokia 7650 to capture images. i hope the results come out good.

    the bigger container is the goldfish bowl (as we call it in india), which is used for raising BBS to adult size and the small container is a hatcher.

    hope you this helps.


  7. #7
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    Hi arpanlib.

    A nice compact setup you got there. What do you feed the BBS to raise them to grow larger during the 14 days you say you raise them to adulthood? Any hints on raising the BBS to be adults (like temp. etc.) whould me most helpful.


  8. #8

    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    I bought the San Fransisco Brand brine shrimpl hatchery kit, and i think it works pretty good. Just put a 2 liter bottle upside down and cut a whole through the top. The add what ever i need to hatch the brine. Since the tube connects to the bottom of the bottle, i just unhook the tubing from the airpump and let the brine go into a jar. Works great.


  9. #9
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    This is going to sound really lame.. LOL..

    I went digging through my kitchen and found a plastic Pokemon cup from McDonalds, my cousin left it here a few months ago. It is tall and slender and holds a little over 1 liter of water, which is all I needed.

    1 liter of water, 2 tablespoons of rock/ice cream salt, and 1 teaspoon of brine eggs (or less, if you only need a real small batch).

    I dump them all into the Pokemon cup, stick a rigid airline into it connected to a pump, and then let them bubble away for about 24 hours in my bedroom window (plenty enough light to make them hatch).

    Once they have hatched, I disconnect the air hose from the pump, and then use the rigid tubing as my siphon. I point an aquarium light at the bottom of the cup -- the eggshells float to the top, the brine gather at the bottom around the light. Then I just siphon them up with the rigid airline tubing into a brine net, rinse under tap water, and feed to the babies.


  10. #10

    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    arpanlib, we call that a goldfish bowl in canada,too

    is temperature important?? i noticed ryan said he puts it in his window...if i put mine in my window it'll probably get a little chilly...

    I don't really wanna buy a hatchery, because a) i''m cheap....and b) anything i've seen for sale is either really expensive, or even more lame the ryan's pokemon cup...(just kidding ryan, whatever does the job, eh?!)

    Dave_C has a really good plan for one that allows you to stagger the hatches all in one system, so you always have fresh brine shrimp, but i wanted to see what alot of other people are doing before i commit to building one...

  11. #11
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    hi daniel,
    i mentioned in my last post that i use the small container for hatching and the big for growing BBS into adult.

    the temp. in india at present is max. 28 degree celcius and min. 10 degree celcius.
    i donot take care of the temp. from my experience they do well in this temp and better in above temp.
    the things i keep in mind are :
    ph should always be 8
    that the makeup water be of the same ph.
    and the lesser the light through growing stage the better.

    i feed them the tetra invertimin for invertebrates. it has to be diluted(two drops in 5ml water) before putting it in the growing bowl. for the 1st week, i feed 2ml once a day and from the 2nd week, i feed them 5 ml a day (2.5 ml in the morning and 2.5ml in the evening)

    it took me nearly 1.5 years to learn them to grow to such a size(approx 1 cms). i tried many types of things, but this worked out best for me. cost effective and rewarding to me and the fish.

    hope this helps.


  12. #12
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    i forgot somethings.

    the sg i maintain is 1.022

    the temp. fluctuates and that doesnot make a much difference, but if it is lesser at your place, then you need to maitain min. 28 degree celcius for a faster growth. (results in summer are better than winters.)

    hope this helps.


  13. #13
    Administrator brewmaster15's Avatar
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    Heres my Shrimp hatchery.....

    I basically , drill a hole in the bottom of a coke bottle.Pass a rigid plastic air line tube in to the cap, and , leaving 1/2 inch sticking out of the bottom of the bottle. Drill one more hole as vent.
    I fill the bottle with salt water (sg 1.022), shrimp , and a pinch of baking soda from the cap. With my fingers over the 2 holes. . cap tightly and connect to an airpump. Seems like a lot of work but it allows me to use any empty tank as a water bath, and I heat the tank to about 82-85 F to speed up hatching.


  14. #14

    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    thanks for all the helpful info everyone....
    if i've got this right, the light is not necessary until harvest when you want the BBS to swim to the bottom(towards the light) away from the shells on top....

  15. #15
    Platinum Member Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re:what does everyone use...

    According to a couple websites I read, the light is needed to properly hatch the eggs. Here are a few quotes:
    In order for bbs eggs to hatch they require a certain amount of light. It is not known at which stage of hatching the light is necessary.
    Light - Illumination is necessary to trigger the hatching mechanism within the embryo within the first few hours of incubation. Maintaining a light source during the entire incubation period is recommended to obtain optimum hatch results and for temperature control.

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