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Thread: Are wild discus endangered?

  1. #76

    Default Re: Are wild discus endangered?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan S View Post

    If this person is so well thought of why dont you share why?

    That way we may stand a chance of understanding why someone is so adamantly attacking another individual?

    Dan it is simply this;
    I am not attacking Bleher because of who he "is" rather because of who he isn't!
    When you get to a level of knowledge in fish breeding and especially in the biz, you learn who is Koscher and who is not.
    It is very annoying to see someone like HB write excessive self-promotional nonsense and be applauded for it when he doesn't acknowledge or credit his sources or the giants whose shoulders he stands on.
    My main point about him is his constant misrepresentation of who he actually is and what he actually does, my second point is to the misinformation that he spreads as part of his hubris.
    Last edited by wildthing; 07-13-2009 at 08:21 PM.

  2. #77
    Registered Member keef's Avatar
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    Red face Re: Are wild discus endangered?

    LMAO Such eco-angst bs! Ok ok I get it, you don’t like Heiko - good for you. You’ve been around for ages & everyone knows you etc - good for you. You wrote a book – good for you. However a lot of us ‘newbies’ on here have learned a lot from Heiko’s work & postings. So unless you wanna turn SD back into an ‘old boys club’ it might be an idea to try to hold back (I know... it must be hard) from slagging helpful people off openly on the forum.

    I'm not knocking you mate. You obviously have a wealth of experience on Amazonian wetland ecology so if you’d like to start offering up some of this vast experience to help others here on SD (like Heiko does on a regular basis) then you will have many listeners, myself included. However, if you just wanna post here to ***** @ Heiko then please go do your hating elsewhere, cos it’s all getting a bit, well... (yawn).

    I for one hope Heiko continues to post on SD because this so called ‘bio pirate’s’ posts have helped me in my hobby a lot more than your negative rantings have.
    The two best times to fish are when its raining and when it's not.

  3. #78
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    Default Re: Are wild discus endangered?

    Quote Originally Posted by wildthing View Post
    Dan it is simply this;
    I am not attacking Bleher because of who he "is" rather because of who he isn't!
    When you get to a level of knowledge in fish breeding and especially in the biz, you learn who is Koscher and who is not.
    It is very annoying to see someone like HB write excessive self-promotional nonsense and be applauded for it when he doesn't acknowledge or credit his sources or the giants whose shoulders he stands on.
    My main point about him is his constant misrepresentation of who he actually is and what he actually does, my second point is to the misinformation that he spreads as part of his hubris.

    Wildthing, Im not interested whether you are attacking him for who he is or isnt, you are attacking him. Whether its justified or not I dont know but its the way you have gone about it, just like Strawberry Discus said its like an old boys club, I and many others havent been around since the beginning whenever that maybe so with out giving us facts its very difficult to take someone with your attitude seriously.
    Again, like Strawberry Discus said, Heiko has taught us newbies alot especially in his last book all about Wilds which is my personal interest and I will hope that Heiko continues to post. I also agree, that you probably have a lot of knowledge so why dont you share that with us so we can work out in our own minds as to who makes sense instead of suggesting that people "need to be slapped", thats why people who arent in the old boys club cant take you seriously.


    P.S. I apologise this is off thread and sorry for rising to the bait, I will stop now.

  4. #79
    Registered Member Elite Aquaria's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are wild discus endangered?

    Guys...this thread has gotten way off point...I am very disappointed that so many personal attacks have been made to take it to PM...This thread is closed.

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