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Thread: Fluval E300 Heaters????

  1. #16
    Registered Member
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    Default Re: Fluval E300 Heaters????

    I quit fussing with heaters when I went to Jagers 20 years ago. I quit keeping fish entirely in the interim, up until March of last year, when I came back to discus. I dug through some old boxes, dragged out some green Jagers, which still work perfectly. I like the new blue Jagers even better because of the tough extra thick glass and the really good cords.

    They were arguably the best back then, and I think they're even better today, so I just don't fight it- they're what I buy. Internet pricing and higher wages for me today make them even more attractive. $25 apiece seemed like a lot of money for a heater 20 years ago. They're still $25 from our sponsors who carry them, and I'm not prepared to scrimp on heaters, not when I can sit here at my desk, turn my head to view a couple thousand bucks worth of discus...

    I do plug them into finnex controllers- I'm kinda paranoid that way, having cooked a tank of young discus with a defective non-Jager heater years ago. That adds up to $50 / tank- so what? I paid more than that for each fish...

    Like most people, I do like a bargain, and sometimes paying a little bit more is the real bargain...

  2. #17
    Registered Member dean9922's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fluval E300 Heaters????

    Agreed Johhn...I'm not fooling around any more either...I have used Jager before (years ago) and never had a problem. I thought the fluval would be good for acting almost like a controller in the fact it monitors the temprature so closely....shutting off if the temp goes up to much etc......and to top it off, the fluval are more expensive....can almost buy 2 Jagers for the price they I guess it's a no-brainer....Jager all the way.....

  3. #18
    Registered Member seanyuki's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fluval E300 Heaters????

    The old version Jagers(green ones) far better the current ones.....the new ones far too long & waste of space using the Rena smart heaters

  4. #19
    Registered Member Discus master's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fluval E300 Heaters????

    Quote Originally Posted by dean9922 View Post
    Thanks David...I did take them back and bought Ehiem Jager....had these before, but I kind of liked the safety features of the Fluval....I even called them and they were absolutely no help.....told me to raise the temp in my room by4-6 degrees and see if that helps.....I don't think so.....I think if anyone does buy one of these don't expect the ones rated for 100 gallon tanks to work the way, I was trying to heat two 75 gallon tanks....I would think they would be awesome for 55 gallons or less......IMO!!!!
    Well everyone knows to get the temp in your tank up you increase the room temp not the heatr in the tank their more for decoration than fucnctinality, lol thats a funny repsonse

    I do find I have to turn them up a bit more in the summer because of running the air conditoner and in the winter with the heat I turn them down a bit

    I have an aquen rated for 200 watts and one rated for 150 watts in my 55 gallon so I should not have an issue

    I was just running wiht the one 200 watt worked ok but I had to have it turned up pretty far.

    Another thing I think helps is I keep a large air stone under my heaters which keep the water moving around the tank eliminating hot spots in the tank where it will be warmer at the heaters and cooler say in the corner if you keep good flow around the heater than you will have more even heat thru out.

    I tried an experment with no air just the heater when the light went off at 84 I fanned water over it within seconds it turned back on I tried this like ten times same result so I thought I will put a nice air stone under it keep the heater being fanned all the time then when it turn off the entire tank it at temp and not just one spot I even took random readings thru out the tank with and with out the air and it did fluctuate by a couple of degress when there was no air stone and no its steady every where in the tank so there you go pretty conclusive to me just thought I would share that.
    So Many Discus, Not Enough Tanks!

  5. #20
    Registered Member dean9922's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fluval E300 Heaters????

    Thanks Discus Master...I do have air stones set up like you described under my new Eheim Jager
    temp is now 84 degrees and stays rock solid at that temp....thanks for the input

  6. #21
    Registered Member nc0gnet0's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fluval E300 Heaters????

    You can pull the plastic adjustment knob of the fluval e series heaters to expose the adjustment potentiometer. Give this a slight adjustment up and you will get to your desired heat.

  7. #22
    Registered Member Discus master's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fluval E300 Heaters????

    I have a question I just had an Aqueon 200 watt heater I had in my 55 gallon go out on me friday I went and purchased a marine land or something like that with a plastic or something casing black, with the handle that has the LED's in it so you can see when it working or off has any one ever used these before? I like it so far, oh and it uses some kind of mesh heting element it says more eficienct than the glass rod types plus it will not shatter like the glass ones would if a fish slams into it plus if taken out of the watwr it will shut off on its own and then turn on by it self when it is submerged again, lots of feaures it seems pretty eficient thus far I have that 200 watt in there with a 150 Aquen glass rod I hd laying around for extra and as well as a an emergency back up when I can afford it I plan to buy another one of those I just got and put the aqueon away for emergencys, but I wanted to see what you all thought about these heaters first before I bought another one thanx for your input.

    Oh I also keep a 12 inch air stone under the heaters to keep water curculating to keep water temp more even through out tank keeps water from developing warm spots plus it helps to keep my discus away from the heaters a little bit some seem to like playing in the bubels, I thought it would deter them from going near the heaters but some actually like it. go figure.
    So Many Discus, Not Enough Tanks!

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