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Thread: Show tank sprung a leak

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Default Show tank sprung a leak

    My 100 gallon show tank sprung a leak! Actually the glass cracked so it's not fixable. I had a spare 55 so I bought a new stand and used the old substrate, filter and plants. I hope all will be ok. There are 7 juvenile red turq (about 4 inches), 1 pair angels (that don't really spawn any more), 2 rosy barbs, 2 clown loaches (6 inch), 2 rubberlipped plecos(2 inch), boy that sounds more crowded than it looks. Oh I forgot 4 rummynosed tetras, several of those didn't make the transition (jumped the bucket and became tetra chips). The plants that didn't fit in the tank I put in with Gerald and Geraldine (green terrors) who may or may not turn them into salad, they are a little unpredictable. Hopefully they will be ok for a while since I can't but another tank right now, I started a reef tank and I have spent quite a bit on that. I also have 2 29 gallon tanks with 2 breeding pairs, one pair has fry but they will be movable in about 1 week. Maybe I will put some fish in with them.

  2. #2
    Registered Member
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    Aug 2002

    Default Re:Show tank sprung a leak

    What a disaster! If your fish are OK then you apparently caught it quickly, no flooding. That's the bright side (which you may not want to hear right now), I've heard stories of people coming home to a flooded house and dead fish.
    That doesn't seem like too many fish for a 55, at least until the discus get bigger.
    That is a huge amount of work though, changing over to another tank, especially when it's an unscheduled change like this.

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Show tank sprung a leak

    Yes, I came home from work after a not so great day and sat down to look at the fish. At first I couldn't quite understand what I was seeing, then it registered. There was a crack along the whole back of the tank and water was dripping out. Your right, at least the fish weren't on the floor, but at the time I wasn't thinking about the bright side of anything (I was a little cranky). So far there isn't any trauma. I may put the clown loaches in with Gerald and Geraldine (these are the first fish I ever named but they have such personality). I'll have to ask around about that though since the GTs are a bit tempermental.

  4. #4
    Registered Member
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    Sep 2002

    Default Re:Show tank sprung a leak

    Sorry to hear about your tank Debbie. While I was filling the new tank last night that thought crossed my mind. If that thing ever emptied I would be in big trouble. I'm glad that didnt happen to you. Good luck on your transition until you can get a new tank.

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