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Thread: Would yah believe - and Thanks

  1. #1
    Registered Member
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    Default Would yah believe - and Thanks

    You know - you guys are a sneaky, tricky bunch of folks. If you've noticed, I've been pretty stubborn about my plans to raise Discus with Angels - even figured out a plan and committed to the added efforts to keep the Discus favorites happy and dominant.

    Then I keep reading, I keep looking at pictures, I keep looking at more pictures - only thing missing is sleeping <LOL> - and, in the end, I have been discouraged from my Angel high horse.

    So, I wanted to share the why, and how y'all beat down this proud curmudgeon <LOL>. It's amazingly simple really. I just kept reading. I wasn't reading about keeping Angels and Discus together when my epiphany struck as some of y'all might expect. I decided long ago (in my brief time haunting the Discus community) that that'd work out just fine.

    It was reading about all the proud, happy Discus keepers and their amazing fish. At this point, I'm viewing any Angels as fish that'd occupy space I could use for more Discus <smiles>.

    So, instead of 6 Discus/6 Angels as I've been barking about - it'll be at least 8 Juvenile Discus <smiles>. I suppose this is just part of your plans to take over my life <LOL>, but I'm lik'n it. It just took about 60 hours of reading y'alls experiences and sharing your joys/experiences with these fish. And, I'm still have plenty of reading material left <smiles>.

    So, kudos to this forum and it's participants. So far, you've done wonders to increase the happiness, and health of my soon to be discus. You've introduced me to the breeder I'm in discussions with - his selection is a done deal - just gotta figure out availability issues. Funny thing is I'd been looking at that breeder before I found the forum. I got to see lots of his fish here, and have heard nothing but good things about the ethics issues. I love the internet. And, I'm indebted to this community.

    So, THANKS folks. I'm about to start the T-30 day countdown <smiles>. For all the folks that have been worried about the poor Discus that I was gonna assault with Angels - no more worries <smile>. And, I have a digital cam too - I'm predicting you guys are eventually gonna get tired of looking at my babies <LOL>.

  2. #2
    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re:Would yah believe - and Thanks

    Milton, You're certainly going about it the right way. Nothing better than reading and being prepared.

    Good luck!

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Would yah believe - and Thanks

    I was pretty much like you. I wanted Discus and Angels. And I was determined I would not listen. Funny thing is after getting my 2 discus I no longer found the angels that appealing. I think it helped that the Altium angels I saw were sold. And I already had regrets about not listening to advice about getting Discus from a good breeder instead of a LFS. I am now awaiting quality discus which I should have in a week. I can not wait..


  4. #4
    Registered Member
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    Default Re:Would yah believe - and Thanks

    You certainly won't be disapointed with your decision. I'm sure we all look forward to seeing the pics of your new Discus after you get them settled in.

  5. #5
    Registered Member ReeferKimberly's Avatar
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    Default Re:Would yah believe - and Thanks

    with these tricksters, same thing happened to me!
    love it here,
    kim :-*

  6. #6
    Registered Member April's Avatar
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    Default Re:Would yah believe - and Thanks

    Dred. welcome to our wonderful world of discaholics. lol
    glad your getting a bunch of new babies from a great breeder. and we cant wait to hear all about it.
    we all love hearing success and new fish stories. makes it all worthwhile .

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