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Thread: ATM Colony for freshwater!

  1. #1
    Registered Member
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Default ATM Colony for freshwater!

    I am doing a fish less cycle and just to speed things up decided to get a nitrifying bacteria supplement. I have used the API one before. Guess what I found in Petco.... ATM Colony! The "Tanked" guys seem to have struck a deal with Petco to carry their products. They had a lot of bottles neatly stacked near tetra and API bottles. And very competitively priced too (a buck lesser than the API bacteria supplement). So I decided to get a bottle of ATM colony. The bottle says it has all natural, live nitrobacter and nitrosomonas in special freshwater preservative solution.
    I dumpled a 4oz (recommended for 25 gal) bottle in my 20 long after prime, added a couple of fish food flakes, put my two sponge filters in, the ceramic rings for canister, and the heater.... Now the wait begins. I will try to keep a tab on the water parameters and see how things go..... As i dumped the whole bottle in, I saw a lot of white sediment drop. Frankly, it looked like old fish food.... LOL... Probably to keep the bacteria alive.
    Does any one have experience with ATM products? I am a big fan of their show though!

  2. #2
    Registered Member BoiseDiscusGuy's Avatar
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    Boise, Idaho

    Default Re: ATM Colony for freshwater!

    I've never tried their products but watch the show and I've never once seen them use any of their own products in a tank they setup...Hmmm, wonder why??? Ya gotta love marketing...
    But seriously, do let us know your experience with it.

  3. #3
    Registered Member
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    May 2012

    Default Re: ATM Colony for freshwater!

    @Chris.... oh they use their colony everytime. Earlier they didnt show that they cycled the water and what not. so fish keeping communities started bad mouthing... thats when they started showing acclimation, bacteria, dechlorination... they do use ATM additives. they only have water additives under their ATM brand. they dont make sumps, filters etc...

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