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Thread: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are sad?

  1. #1
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    Default Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are sad?

    Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are sad?

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Depending on your definition of "easy". They are if one does not mind changing the water several times per week and pays attention to their health and nutrition. You would also want to stock your aquarium with healthy fish at the beginning. You may well know that any fish that is active and visible in an aquarium is therapeutic in nature for anyone of any age. Tranquility is what aquarium fish are by nature.

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    Administrator jeep's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Discus aren't hard or easy. They have unique requirements that other aquarium fish may not have, as well as those that some people may not understand.

    Like my uncle said about growing up on the farm, it doesn't matter if you're sick, hung over or just in a bad mood, the cows still have to be milked, lol... Discus live in a closed environment and can't take care of themselves. Their requirements aren't up for negotiation...

  4. #4
    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Compared to most any other aquarium fish, discus require much, much more work. So they're not easy. But if it were easy, it wouldn't be much of a hobby...
    At my age, everything is irritating.

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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Quote Originally Posted by Willie View Post
    Compared to most any other aquarium fish, discus require much, much more work. So they're not easy. But if it were easy, it wouldn't be much of a hobby...
    I tell my son Little Ricky and daughter Ellie-Mae the same. Both are high achievers who will often tell me how hard it was to get into law school or how hard it is to get accepted in to any ranked college's PhD program. To which I say...if it were easy everyone would do it..they agree and then carry on with their individual frustrations. Somewhat with discus, Willie. Raising them can be challenging yet there are those that like the challenge of keeping discus. To those that pay attention to the details and enjoy the rewards discus are no harder to them to keep than other things in their lives...such as children for example.

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    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    I also try to explain this to everyone in my family. If something wasn't

    1. really messy,
    2. excruciatingly frustrating, and
    3. incredibly expensive,

    what's the point of doing it?
    At my age, everything is irritating.

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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Quote Originally Posted by Willie View Post
    I also try to explain this to everyone in my family. If something wasn't

    1. really messy,
    2. excruciatingly frustrating, and
    3. incredibly expensive,

    what's the point of doing it?
    I suspect this logic is necessary in order to keep your family from fleeing Minneapolis when the annual Minnesota winter sets in? Damn, lad, it is cold where you live.

  8. #8
    Registered Member Shan_Evolved's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Quote Originally Posted by peewee1 View Post
    I tell my son Little Ricky and daughter Ellie-Mae the same. Both are high achievers who will often tell me how hard it was to get into law school or how hard it is to get accepted in to any ranked college's PhD program. To which I say...if it were easy everyone would do it..they agree and then carry on with their individual frustrations. Somewhat with discus, Willie. Raising them can be challenging yet there are those that like the challenge of keeping discus. To those that pay attention to the details and enjoy the rewards discus are no harder to them to keep than other things in their lives...such as children for example.
    Well said! As a newcomer who always tackles challengers with appealing rewards, this is what got me into discus! And even though I hit hiccups along the way, the reward of overcoming situations that test patience is gratifying
    Amateur discuskeeper, Professional doofus

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    Silver Member Willie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Quote Originally Posted by peewee1 View Post
    I suspect this logic is necessary in order to keep your family from fleeing Minneapolis when the annual Minnesota winter sets in? Damn, lad, it is cold where you live.
    The winter is a trial here - unless you have a warm, humid fish room to spend your time. The upside is that at least once a year, EVERYTHING OUTSIDE DIES!

    At my age, everything is irritating.

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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Quote Originally Posted by Moreetta View Post
    Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are sad?
    They are, perhaps, the toughest of the freshwater fish to maintain. As a result they cause much anxiety and depression. But lots of joy too

  11. #11
    Registered Member 14Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    While I’ve done all kinds of fish, yes....discus are the most demanding....not hard. I now keep both koi and discus going. Each has its issues. Keeping discus is like maintaining a gorgeous lawn compared to an average lawn. Time spent will yield great results. The same holds for a cheap car vs a classic. To me, the dedication taken to keep three discus tanks is SO worth it to see such gorgeous, colorful, large, splendid creatures swimming in a world (aquarium) that I the hobbyist create and maintain. I love challenges bc many challenges have such great rewards. What often is a big challenge like starting up w discus becomes less and less a challenge as experience sets in. Lastly.....this depends on what your goals are, what you like to see in a tank, your available time, to a degree....$, and whether you read up on the topic. If my wife would let have more tanks, I would add some of gouramis, platies, and angels. She is ok though.......three tanks of discus and a basement pond of koi for the winter is good of all my other boat for fishing muskies, insect collecting trips, shooting, and even my tender care of my precious 1983 Datsun 280zx which driving it (5 speed manual) is a bucket list item from my teen years. So.....go for it, research them, and join the super cool world of maintaining the king of tropical’ll love it.

    Oops.....forgot to answer your question regarding helping w sadness. Nothing, I and I mean nothing is more relaxing than sitting in my fish room recliner watch them swim around. If I recline even a bit, I’m peacefully napping in no time.
    Last edited by 14Discus; 12-15-2020 at 06:38 PM.

  12. #12
    Silver Member Iminit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Once you’ve got it going they are easy to take care of but they are demanding! Very satisfying to just sit and watch.

    Bill I also have a car from 1983. I think we’d have a fun time driving together.EC1EA951-97CD-4245-8AF2-87FD56452D64.jpg. Picture would be great.

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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Now you started it, Tom. Had I known how to up load photos I would hack this thread and show you a few cars that are demanding for many reasons, such as what I see above.

  14. #14
    Registered Member 14Discus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Ok Tom.....yours is a lot more of a car, but here is a pic before a soon to be paint job coming up. They are a blast to drive. I recently reconditioned the rims which is after this pic. The driver’s side has some paint flaws I intend to fix. It is not a trailer queen car and will be driven in nice weather.......meaning no salt what so ever. Yours looks like a gem.
    Driving together sounds cool, although I’m in northern IL.

  15. #15
    Registered Member Shan_Evolved's Avatar
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    Default Re: Are discus fish easy to take care of? How did it help your anxiety when you are s

    Quote Originally Posted by captainandy View Post
    They are, perhaps, the toughest of the freshwater fish to maintain. As a result they cause much anxiety and depression. But lots of joy too
    Ain't that the truth lol
    Amateur discuskeeper, Professional doofus

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