View Full Version : Discus not eating and very dark

10-23-2012, 12:09 PM
A little over a month ago I got 5 discus from kenny. One of them still hardly eats anything always stays in the corner by himself and is always very dark. I never see any of the other discus picking on him or chasing him. I'm starting to get concerned. Even when I put Als FDBW in that tank he isn't interested. The rest of the fish are doing great and go crazy everytime I put food in the tank. I change about 65% of the water everyday using aged water and prime. Any sugestions.

10-23-2012, 01:08 PM
:bandana: You're gonna hate me for this but suggestions without info are somewhat pointless. Need a bit more info to attempt an educated guess. The more info the better.
1) What size tank, other inhabitants, decor etc?
2) Current water parameters, stable temp, how long?
3) What size/age are the fish presently?
4) What type of filtration set-up?
5) How often & what all types of food, enhancers, live etc?

10-23-2012, 02:21 PM
Contact Kenny!

10-24-2012, 12:47 AM
1) What size tank, other inhabitants, decor etc?
40 gallon breeder, 5 discus, bare bottom no decor

2) Current water parameters, stable temp, how long?
84deg, PH 7.4

3) What size/age are the fish presently?
Discus are 3-3.5" I bought them Sept 18th

4) What type of filtration set-up?
2 sponge filter rated for 40 gallons each

5) How often & what all types of food, enhancers, live etc?
4X day. variety of beef heart flake, seafood mix, blood worms and al's fdbw.

10-24-2012, 12:51 AM

10-24-2012, 12:54 AM
Contact Kenny!


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10-24-2012, 01:40 AM
What are your other water parameters?

10-24-2012, 11:14 AM
:bandana: Your OTHER parameters are of major importance but let's say all is well....
1) have you tried re-introducing them to the tank (shy one first)?
2) have you tried live black worms?
3) have you tried enhancers (garlic extract) on some of the flake or freeze dried?

10-24-2012, 11:56 AM
What are your other water parameters?

ammonia = .25
Nitrite = .25
Nitrate = 5
TDS 180ppm

I have some ammonia right out of the tap my Ammonia and Nitrite are always .25 I treat the water in a storage container with prime and a air stone and heater for 24 hours. I also add some extra prime to my tank right before adding the aged water.

10-24-2012, 11:59 AM
1) have you tried re-introducing them to the tank (shy one first)?

2) have you tried live black worms?

3) have you tried enhancers (garlic extract) on some of the flake or freeze dried?
I have garlic in my seafood mix

10-24-2012, 12:19 PM
:bandana: Do you re-test for -0- before adding to main? I get the problem w/ your source but -0- should be the reading for the water introduced to the tank. Not sure if the one fish is more sensitive or the others are more tolerant but any amount of ammonia / nitrite in the main tank will eventually cause u grief. "T"

10-24-2012, 01:34 PM
These situations are always tough. When the rest of the group is eating well it's hard to imagine anything is wrong with your water. Perhaps you stretched out your water changes a bit too long once and this one fish ended up becoming the most stressed by it. Sometimes I think it's that simple. All it takes is a decreased appetite to have problems. It's hard to turn them back onto eating, but it can be done with prestine warm, water and live foods.

10-24-2012, 10:51 PM
Out of my group i had one anging back doing the same and it was the nitrites causing the stress. Changed the water 95% and aged it and now all are happy swimming and eating!

10-25-2012, 02:29 PM
Not all of them will survive
That's normal
Just like babies.
Some eat a lot others don't
Some are very shy and some are very active.
Some got sick all the time and other rarely got sick
and so on.

I will try my best to save those fishes but after 2 months without progress, I will cull them

10-25-2012, 10:34 PM
Talked to Kenny and he suggested to treat the poor guy with metro at 92 deg. I will give this a try and hope for the best. Thanks everyone