View Full Version : Bullying

10-25-2012, 09:56 AM

I am just double checking there is not more I could be doing to handle the situation,

Right now I have a 90 Gallon tank with 2 x 4.5" Discus, 2 x 4.0" Discus, 2 x 3.5" Discus.

The larger two are showing dominance towards 1 of the 4.0" Discus.

Behavior example,

Started feeding and noticed 1 Discus @ 4" sitting behind wood and not joining the feeding. I coaxed the Discus with my hand, generally brings the Discus out, which worked but the largest of the Discus literally pushed the Discus into the corner. I continued feeding the others and than stopped and waited until the Discus stopped waiting at the surface for food.

Soon as the largest left the local area of the bullied Discus he literally shot to the surface in-which I attempted to feed but the second largest Discus responded in literally the same manner of pushing the Discus back into the bottom corner again.

I am getting food to the Discus but limited amounts, coloration is dropping I.e. is much darker in comparison to the others. Zero sign of injury or illness currently.

Anything I can do outside of letting this play out?

I just want to mention that the Discus have only been in the same tank together for 5 Days and aware this might be just Discus determining peeking order.

10-25-2012, 10:05 AM
Survival of the fittest! Its just natures normal pattern. If you remove the bully another will take its place! Natural order of the things.

10-25-2012, 10:18 AM
Survival of the fittest! Its just natures normal pattern. If you remove the bully another will take its place! Natural order of the things.


Is the bullied one new to the tank?

senior el roboto
10-25-2012, 12:10 PM
Survival of the fittest! Its just natures normal pattern. If you remove the bully another will take its place! Natural order of the things.

Going o go with pecking order on this one too

10-25-2012, 01:39 PM
This is my guess as well!

All of the Discus are new to the tank and new to each other - They have only been in the tank for around 5 days.

10-25-2012, 01:54 PM
Survival of the fittest! Its just natures normal pattern. If you remove the bully another will take its place! Natural order of the things.

+1 on Dave Z's comment.

What helps with the bullying is buying more discus...that works for me since the bully can spread its aggression. Since you have a 90 gallon, you can stock a few more in there without a problem. Assuming that you keep up with WCs, it will be ok.

just me 2 cents

10-25-2012, 02:29 PM
I've had groups where one of my worst bullies ended up being the worst bullied later on as some of them grew bigger than her. Totally agree on the nature answer, if you remove one then another will just step up... as well as if you remove the lowest on the totem pole then someone else will be the new "lowest". Kind of screwed no matter what you do (remove one or both bullies or remove the "bullied"... because another will just step up). laupao is right on. you have a little more space so... buy more!!!

damn, should that not be the cure for all problems? :)

10-30-2012, 11:04 AM
+1 on Dave Z's comment.

What helps with the bullying is buying more discus...that works for me since the bully can spread its aggression. Since you have a 90 gallon, you can stock a few more in there without a problem. Assuming that you keep up with WCs, it will be ok.

just me 2 cents

True! - I was adding plants and I was thinking of keeping the group at 6 but I might need to consider this.

10-30-2012, 11:07 AM
I've had groups where one of my worst bullies ended up being the worst bullied later on as some of them grew bigger than her. Totally agree on the nature answer, if you remove one then another will just step up... as well as if you remove the lowest on the totem pole then someone else will be the new "lowest". Kind of screwed no matter what you do (remove one or both bullies or remove the "bullied"... because another will just step up). laupao is right on. you have a little more space so... buy more!!!

damn, should that not be the cure for all problems? :)

This is exactly what is happening, the largest blue discus was picking on everyone, it is now the 3rd largest I see taking nips at the others. I have 1 discus that sits in the corner and a second which is fully actively but does not eat.

The oddity about the one that does not eat, the discus comes to the surface and acts excited for food! Comes to the surface and just watches the others eat, literally ignoring the food. Reminds me when I had African Cichlids and they where "holding" - get excited and join in with the surface activity but not actually eat anything.

10-30-2012, 11:56 AM
:bandana: Not to worry. It probably looks more violent than it really is. As to the eating, just keep feeding & he/she will come around. Hunger is often a good motivator. "T"

10-30-2012, 12:25 PM
It is actually fun to watch them, The large blue one settled into the sand - started to vibrate (stirring it up) and then fired across the tank. Was extremely interesting to watch considering generally they are graceful and slow moving.