View Full Version : What would you do

11-03-2012, 01:25 PM
Ok so here is thew situation : I have a 55 gal tank with 5 5.5" tiger turquoise in it for about a month , 2 pair are formed and lay eggs on glass/ heater .

I have another 55 gal with 7 little discus that i am just about to sold to a friend today ( those fish were not very good quality from what you said and iam just happy to get rid of them )

So i will have an empty 55 gal , 18 rasboras are actually in the 55 gal with the little discus , i don't really know what to do with them , i have a 10 gal that i though i could put the rasboras in it with the sand and live plant of the 55 little discus tank , so i could have 2 55 bare bottom tank for my turq.

My plan for now are :

1- putting one of the 2 pair in the empty 55 and leave the 3 other in the actual 55 they are in ( 1 pair plus a single one )

2- leaving all 5 in the actual tank and just get new fish for the empty 55

3- put a pair in the empty 55 , leave the other pair in the actual 55 and sold the single turq and have 2 55gal with a pair alone in each .

suggestion ?!?


iam still not too used to discus so its a learning process, but slowly getting use to what to do to breed them could be fun , i don't plan to become a seller , just have fun and enjoy the fish

11-03-2012, 02:24 PM
One of the reason iam posting this is that since the 2 pair are formed the single fish get bullied a lot and stay in the top of the tank in a corner and look stressed .

11-03-2012, 03:06 PM
My .02. Unless you are 100% prepared to raise and growout the babies, don't even bother breeding. The fish will breed, they all do but it will take a lot of time/space/effort to properly growout the youngins. 2 ea 55 gallon tanks won't cut it, not even close.

11-03-2012, 04:02 PM
I agree with Eddie. Breeding and successfully raising young isnt as easy as it sounds...And also wanted to say, be very careful not to allow Discus to lay eggs on a heater. If it is hot, it can burn and scar the ovipositor which may cause a blockage and could ultimately lead to the fish's death. Its a good idea to position your heaters horizontally rather than vertically so its less inviting to deposit their eggs on. Just a thought...

11-03-2012, 04:56 PM
The heater is a fluval e serie so no burn with the cage , like i said i don't expect to get succes , just for fun ...

Ok forgot about the breeding thing , what would you do in my situation with this 5 fish and 2 55 gal .

11-03-2012, 04:58 PM
The heater is a fluval e serie so no burn with the cage , like i said i don't expect to get succes , just for fun ...

Ok forgot about the breeding thing , what would you do in my situation with this 5 fish and 2 55 gal .

Sounds to me like nothing. You have 5 tigers in a 55. Nothing wrong with having another empty 55. I have 4 of them laying around. LOL

11-03-2012, 05:05 PM
I would leave the 5 tigers and get 5 more fish for the other 55

11-03-2012, 05:06 PM
Yeah i know but i would like to keep the tank running .

I don't plan on getting new discus till summer because its getting cold here and i plan to buy here from the canada sponsor .

So i thought maybe putting a pair in it and just enjoy them , i suppose the alone one will be less bullied with only a pair insteid of 2 ?

11-03-2012, 05:12 PM
Yeah i know but i would like to keep the tank running .

I don't plan on getting new discus till summer because its getting cold here and i plan to buy here from the canada sponsor .

So i thought maybe putting a pair in it and just enjoy them , i suppose the alone one will be less bullied with only a pair insteid of 2 ?

Taking a pair out of the 5 and keeping 3 in the 55 would be the worst thing you could do. Again, moving the pair would be pointless if you don't intend on actually breeding and raising the babies.

11-03-2012, 05:45 PM
Keep in mind that we are not at the same level of fish keeping at all ,to me there is nothing wrong in having a pair in a 55 and just be too noob to have succes with the baby , if the fish will be happy i will be also .

by worst do you meen that the bullying would be worst on the single fish with a pair in less ?

11-03-2012, 05:59 PM
Keep in mind that we are not at the same level of fish keeping at all ,to me there is nothing wrong in having a pair in a 55 and just be too noob to have succes with the baby , if the fish will be happy i will be also .

by worst do you meen that the bullying would be worst on the single fish with a pair in less ?

You are reading the responses completely backwards. I said keeping 3 in a 55 is a bad choice. There is nothing wrong with keeping a pair in a 55. I said unless you plan on breeding, than it wouldn't make any sense.

11-03-2012, 06:05 PM
Alright since i have live plant in the other 55 i will just get random fish for the winter and keep the 5 in the other 55 .

edit : iam watching them right now and iam worried to be honest , i don't want to lose a 80$ fish , its complete chaos in there, one pair have the right half of the tank , the other pair the other half and the single is struggleling going back and forth , and breathing fast , if it stay like that for long i doubt its good for him .