View Full Version : Need input on tank weight in upstairs room...

11-04-2012, 12:21 PM
You guys are lifesavers in terms of info and planning.

I am thinking of adding a new 60 gallon corner glass aquarium in my dining room that is above my basement. I llive in a newer house that was built in 1990.

I currently have a 29 gallon glass aquarium in one corner and a 37 gallon glass aquarium in the other corner. If I set up this 60 gallon in the third corner in addition to my dining room table and hutch and oriental rug, do you think this might be too much weight in one room that has a basement underneath?

The cross members below it are Weyerhaeuser silent floor I beams and there is a steel support with wood ibeams between it and the floor running perpendicular near where the 60 gallon would be placed. From eyeballing it, the 60 would probably sit just in front of the steel beam.

Pictures attached.763857638676387

11-04-2012, 12:46 PM
In the corner and above that beam should be fine.Cant see from pics if joist are on the beam,but mine were just above the outside wall,so I tapped in a treated 2x4 so they were on the 2x4 which was on the concrete wall.It was also a 180,so again,you should be fine.

11-04-2012, 12:52 PM
I just went thru this in my apartment for a 150g tank. You should have no problem as long as you are perpendicular to the joists. Placing the aquarium near an exterior wall also helps. If you want to go much larger, 150-250g or even larger, check with the builders of your house. If they are not available you can have an architect evaluate the potential load bearing of your floor.

11-04-2012, 12:55 PM
Thanks - yes, there are Ibeam inserts that sit on top of the steel beam that are perpendicular to the longer I-beams. The 60 is near the exterior wall corner and would sit just in front of the steel beam from what I can tell of placement. Appreciate the reassurance. Don't want to do something stupid and have a real issue on my hands!

11-04-2012, 01:23 PM
Your fine

11-04-2012, 02:41 PM
Simply as Wj said... ur fine with that size. Any corner you put it in will have the support needed. Hell, any where up stairs will be fine with that size. That's what, round about 480 lbs plus probably a little more for anything you have supporting the tank? You're good to go... no worries!

11-04-2012, 03:20 PM
Your tank will weight about 500 llbs with water and decorations, your house is relatively modern construction 1990 your floor joist are engineered and sitting on a metal I beam should you are fine unless you have a grand piano and marble fire pace in the same room. Putting it in the corner or over the I Beam will also add to the strength. Did a little google search and most houses required floor strength of 40 psi for the main floor and 30 psi for the upper floors, this is different for each municipalities building codes. If you live in a colder climate than its more then likely higher do to snow loads. A simple call to your municipality office should confirm that if you are that worried.

Good luck. A living room with 3 corner tanks sounds great. If there right up against the outside walls make sure you have some good insulated walls if it gets cold during the winter.

11-04-2012, 03:34 PM
Since you have a basement, that seems to me to be the best place for your tanks. As long as there are not too many, humidity shouldn't be a problem.