View Full Version : First Breeding Pair :)

11-08-2012, 11:11 PM
Its been a long time since an update, and its been seemingly forever since a GOOD update, but I've got my first breeding pair. They haven't laid eggs yet, but I've got a confirmed male, and 90% confirmed female (I think the environment is the preventing factor for her.) I've sexed them based on looking at the breeding tubes under their stomachs. I've got a ton of questions and I'll be doing a lot more reading into it but I wanted some opinions. So as of right now, there's 4 fish in a 55 gallon. The pair has taken over the left side of the tank and are obsessively cleaning the glass, doing breeding dances, and the male is rubbing his parts on the glass every few seconds while the pair is at their glass spot. The female is staying very close to the male and watching him attempt to fertilize the back of the stick-on thermometer but she isn't laying eggs for him. Its as if she doesn't know what to do. Is this possible? Any thoughts as to why she doesn't attempt to lay eggs? Thanks much