View Full Version : Considering discus, questions

11-17-2012, 01:55 AM
Ok so I've been going back and forth about getting discus right now and I'm trying to build confidence in myself and my ability to do it. I had given up the idea discus because in my first 55 gallon I was cycling, I already had gravel and decided to just go with a community tank and wait on the discus. Then my tank cracked and I knew I had to get a new one... While scooping my gravel out I realized I could go bare bottom and keep discus. The replacement tank I found on Craigslist didn't disclose that there were fish in the tank when I got there to pick it up. So I put the gravel back in and thought I could rehome the fish and start a 30g grow out tank for some discus. There is a local breeder so I don't have to worry about shipping. So, I've been reading for weeks and trying to decide if I should go for it or not. The questions I have are.

1. My 55 has 2 hobs, one I can adjust the flow on one I can't, with a pre filter sponge would both be ok with discus? If I got a smaller grow out tank I will get sponge filters and make sure everything is properly cycled.

2. My ph out of the tap is 8.8 ish, the darkest purple on the chart. After sitting for 24 hours with no aeration it's 8.0, I've read that 8. Can be fine as long as its stable. I know lots of people suggest not using chemicals to reduce ph and such but I'm curious if it would really be so bad if I tested to make sure I was matching the tank water specifically with the water I was adding. I have a small house and 2 kids, one is a toddler so a water storage container for aging would be a bit difficult.

3. Are the odds of killing discus fish after lots of research and doing everything as close to right as possible really any higher the the risk of any other fish? Fish get sick, things happen but assuming water changes are done regularly and properly, are the odds pretty good that they will live? I'm not to worried with show quality fish or anything(though I want to take care of them the best I can obviously) I just want healthy beautiful pets.

11-17-2012, 01:57 AM
I've read lots in the beginner forum and I'm familiar with lots of the basics, I really just am looking for opinions in my specific circumstances. Thanks :)

11-17-2012, 04:22 AM
The high ph is 8.0 or so Discus will be fine but acclimating is very careful because the ph is different between low and high.. It will kill discus cause of the PH shock.

You need a bucket and fill up water about an inch or two inches live with discus. Add 2 or 3 cups of your tank water into the bucket for 10 minutes. Again you add 2 or 3 cups of your tank water into your bucket for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure two more times for a total of four times. After 40 minutes, you must catch the fish by a net or your hands and release the fish into your tank. Don't forget to add air stone into a bucket.

Give them time adjust and they will accept your water. They will be fine.


Orange Crush
11-17-2012, 06:02 AM
My ph out of the tap is 8.8 ish, the darkest purple on the chart. After sitting for 24 hours with no aeration it's 8.0, I've read that 8. Can be fine as long as its stable. I know lots of people suggest not using chemicals to reduce ph and such but I'm curious if it would really be so bad if I tested to make sure I was matching the tank water specifically with the water I was adding. I have a small house and 2 kids, one is a toddler so a water storage container for aging would be a bit difficult.
What is the pH after 24 hours WITH airation?

You might need to age your water. It is the best way to insure water stability. Chemicals can be a lot of money with as much water changing that occurs with discus care and there are multiple factors that will determine if chemicals can even maintain a consistant pH (how often you do water changes, how hard your water is, etc.).
The pH change after 24 hours is from CO2 gassing off, aging will take care of that. There are many other benefits to aging water besides pH as well. For example, elimination of microbubbles. Emergency water backup. etc.

11-17-2012, 11:23 AM
I will aerate a bucket of water. And test my tank at the 24 hours.

11-17-2012, 02:12 PM
Will the to hob filters be ok should I decide to put discus straight in the 55? Also I have 4 cory cats and 8 lampeye tetras in the tank now, I got the lampeyes when I thought I would be going with angels but now I'm worried they won't be ok with discus... Any opinions,

11-17-2012, 04:59 PM
8.0 is just fine. Adding new discus to a tank that has/had fish in it is extremely risky. If you are new to keeping discus, you want the least amount of varibles working against your success. Part of that includes buying slightly larger fish that are more forgiving than very young fish. With larger fish, comes a slightly higher price. Getting a decent size group of say 4 inch fish, can be a bit of money. You'd hate to have a $2 tetra be the cause of killing them all.