View Full Version : Anubias Trouble!

11-27-2012, 04:44 PM
Hello everyone!

I was wondering if anyone has experience with anubias diseases!

I just bought seven beautiful anubias plants three day's ago from a local plant enthusiast.

One of the plants I brought home had damage to a couple leaves, that worsened over time. I wasn't alarmed, thinking the plant was just getting acclimated. This morning the plants leaves were covered in white power and the rhizome was covered in white fluff...I took it out to clean and remove the dead leaves but the rhizome was spongy so I don't think it'll recover...

All the other anubias since this morning now have the white power on them...and will likely be moulded over in a few days...

Does anyone know what this is and how to save my other plants???

I bought seven anubias for the reason that the one I own already became my favourite plant. It has been growing a new leaf just about every week.
I have a bare bottom tank and the anubias are tied down to rocks. I haven't use fertilizer maybe I should now...The first symptom of this disease is white power on the leaves...

What are your thoughts =(


Beurre blanc
11-27-2012, 06:49 PM
Do the leaves look "ghostly" white so you can basically look thrue them, at least almost? I don't know anything about your tank size or amount of plants. But maybe it's a chance that when introducing 7 new anubias it will simply be too much when you don't use fertilizer. If i were you i'd look around for some floating fertilizer if it's a BB tank. At least to me the ferts seem to be the issue, plants can do fine for a while without ferts but sooner or later they will slowly die out since it's nothing to grow on. good luck

11-28-2012, 09:18 PM
Thanks Beurre, I went and bought some fertilizer today. I'll see how they'll do.

Like you said about fertilizers, although one plant showed obvious signs when I first brought it home, I think the disease has spread so rapidly because these plants may be used to a nutrient rich conditions. The roots a half centimeter from the rhizome are yellow/white, indicating that the roots were likely grown within a substrate (and the rhizome above the substrate). So, my tank having less nutrients than that environment may have made them more susceptible to the disease.

So hopefully the fertilizer will solve the problem...
