View Full Version : Python Water changer and Cory Poop

11-29-2012, 05:00 PM
I mentioned before in another thread that I have a 100ft python hose that I hang out the window and drain my hose to water the grass or flowers(makes me feel less guilty when I'm changing 75% water daily) and my water bill is already high. I have a 75 gallon tank with then an inch of pool sand in it (its so thin that I have bare spots in the tank) I have 7 discus, 3 cory's and notice that my python will suck up the giant discus poop but sifts thru the cory poop.

I have tried using different siphons with a short tube and drain to a bucket to see if it made a difference but its as if the cory poop is to tiny and iit doesn't get picked up. I notice more and more black flecks in the pool sand which I'm assuming is poop???

The fish are all doing great but I wonder if anyone else has experience pool sand difficultywith cleaning? How often do you change your pool sand?

This is a display tank in my family room so I would prefer not to go BB

11-30-2012, 09:36 AM
I too drain out of my window, into a rain barrel for watering.
but I use a regular water hose (cut shorter), and a pvc pipe fitting that is the same diameter as the hose. it creates a LOT of suction, getting every single 'speck' in the tank. is your python suction 'head' larger than the tubing? that could decrease your suction......
only problem is, you might suck out your sand! LOL